Disappointed !! I m surely doing something wrong....

Hey All,

I began my weight loss journey on 28th July 2010. I managed to lose around 10 kgs till 4th Oct 2010... but my weight loss rate has dropped significantly since past 2 weeks. In order to figure out whats working and whats not....I started to weigh myself every morning to track the progress and analyse what makes me gain weight and what leads to weight loss. I just trying to understand whats best for my body and figure out what works the best for me.....

Unfortunately, I am not losing any weight these days.. I have been working out almost every day this week.... and following diet under my calorie goal in MFP....

29 Sept 2010 - 106.1 kg
4th Oct 2010 - 105.2 kg
5th Oct 2010 - 104.8 kg
6th Oct 2010 - 104.8 kg
7th Oct 2010 - 104.7 kg
8th Oct 2010 - 105.0 (Increaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed) :(:(

The only change I noticed is PROTEIN SHAKES ...I have started taking maxitone sculptress protein shakes from 27th Sept 2010 to meet my protein requirements...And if I go by dates, my weight loss has taken a dip since end of Sept. Is it just a coincidence ? Please see the notes section on my diary for the meal timings....

Difficult to believe... Is it protein shakes ???? Should I blame the protein shakes ?????? Any clues whats wrong ?????



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If you weigh yourself daily, you should be prepared to see ups and downs. Just water can do that. More sodium one day than another, drank more water one day than another. Haven't gone to the bathroom as much one day....etc.
    Once a week is plenty if you are going to panic every time you see a slight rise.
    I weigh every day but I don't care if it jumps 2 pounds in one day. I just drink extra water that day to flush out excess sodium.

    It could also be bloating if you are getting close to that TOM. I am usually up 3-4 pounds one week of every month!
  • rach40
    rach40 Posts: 4
    hi, i also take whey protein shakes, i have one for breakfast and if im on a gym day i have one after my training session, if its non gym day i have it as my mid afternnon meal, i try and have 5 high protein meals a day... if anything my weight loss has increased since taking the protein, hope this helps :).... also, i dont take any notice of calories either, most high protein foods are very low in cals and carbs..and have all the right fats, i also take flax seed oil and vits!!. i go to the gym 4 times a week and do an hours cardio before weights. and i never weigh myself more than once a week... drink lots and lots of water... it makes ur body work much more efficiently.... ice cold water burns even more cals just to drink it!!! my diet mainly consists of salmon, chicken, turkey, sweet potatoes , rice and lean beef, 5 small meals a day is way better than 3 big ones or grazing all day, which is what i used to do...hope this helps
  • epoman
    epoman Posts: 4 Member
    You could be eating too little forcing your body to go into starvation mode - I have a similar problem and this is what I think is happening to me as well. I think the answer is to eat your whole allowance every day, strange as that may sound.
  • brockly25
    brockly25 Posts: 150
    i have two thoughs on this ...

    are you eating all your calories? i lost 15 lbs this frist week and the 2nd week 2lbs and then the 3 week 9lbs... why

    the 2nd week i though less food more workout more lbs lost... its not like that at all ... i had to read and search on the net to see
    WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!!!!.... when i was not giveing my body calories it said ooo im not useing any of the fat for your needs i not geting what i need and went on shut down mode on burning calories.. yeah i was a but shakey and hungry.... but what i found out is you need to feed your body to make it run the way it need to ... so i eat little but a lot of times ... each time my body was telling me HEY YOUR HUNGRY!!! i ate a apple .... a bannana... some grapes.... something to make my body happy ... and i work out like crazy ... the next week 9 lbs... :)

    the 2nd though .... you want to lose so little weight the last little big is going to be the longest... just have to injoy what your doing and have fun at it ... your body hold water for diffrent reason ... to cold or hot out side ... you feel sick you feel sad ... it dose diffrent things so you could lose one lbs one day but the water was pick up from water gain...

    and a shot in the dark ... if you work out alot and hard your body is gaining muscles and your gain mass ... thats not a bad tihng your look better and your legs feel out and your have that tummy you wanted ... you migh not see it yet but other do... :)
    you look great and you feel better threw the day :) if you need a friend ... i am here :) just add me and i will try to help you out :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Building off what brockly25 wrote, I have one question for you to consider: Have you adjusted your goals with MFP based on your CURRENT weight? I know MFP is suppsed to automatically adjust for every 10 lbs lost but I found that it did NOT do that for me so I had to do it manually. The reason I bring this up is this: if you're eating the same amount of calories that you did when you were 10 kgs heavier, then your calorie deficit has shrunk. If you refresh your goals with your current weight, you will see that MFP gives you less calories per day than before to maintain that 1-2 lb/week goal you want. Something to check into at least. Otherwise, could be water retention because of (1) not drinking enough water, (2) eating food with too much sodium, (3) bloating from TOM, or (4) not eating enough of your exercise calories.

    Hope this all helps!
  • granmalaura
    granmalaura Posts: 20 Member
    on 29th September you were 106.1 kg. on October 8th you were 105 kg. so in 9 days you lost 1.1 kg. Thats approximately 2.5 lbs. If I lost 2.5 lbs. in 9 days I would be happy. Please don't change what you are doing, it is obviously working. If you weigh on a daily basis your weight will fluctuate, this is the way the body works, overall you are losing weight and sometimes if the weight is not coming off, the inches are. Best wishes.