Frozen Foods

I keep hearing that frozen veggies are ok to eat, but frozen, precooked meats and meals are bad because they are considered 'processed foods.'

So if I made a whole diet out of nothing but Lean Cuisines or Smart Ones, I'm still not eating right?

And frozen chicken breats are very convenient to break out for dinner... any suggestions on brands to use?

I HATE COOKING! :( I need some actual brand names of easy things to microwave so I can look for them at the store.


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    "eating right" can mean different things to different people.

    The problem with prepared frozen meals is that they are usually very high in sodium. This may or may not be of concern to you. The same may be true of frozen vegetables, so if sodium is a conern you need to read the ingredients to be sure what you are eating.

    You can microwave just about any frozen vegetables. I don't eat many frozen meals so I don't have any brands to offer, but I would suggest reading the labels (nutrient list and ingredients) to look for things that match your goals.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    All frozen veggies are not equal. Check the ingredients ! :):)

    If the ingredients are simply veggies (even with a pinch of salt) I won't consider them 'processed'. They are no different then if you picked fresh veggies & froze them yourself. Still high in nutrients.

    Now, if they're frozen veggies with cream sauce, garlic sauce, cheese, sweet and sour sauce, etc... well, that's a whole different thing.

    On a daily basis, my go-to are frozen broccoli, string beans, or cauliflower. Or fresh spinach or kale.
    A quick microwave heating with a bit of Mrs. Dash (no salt) , a squeeze of lemon, or if I have a couple of minutes.... saute with fresh garlic and olive oil. A light shake of parmesan cheese is always a treat !
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Frozen foods - some taste good, some dont - the worst thing is you might get bored. Some of them are way too high in sodium and will be bad for retaining water and making your weight loss appear to be slower.

    Some really dont give you that good of value for the money - would be better for you making a one pot meal and freezing for 3 meals - like you can make a salmon you get at the fish section of the store, put in a baking dish, put frozen spinach over it, lemon juice, spices like oregano, put in the oven, and voila, one pot cooking delicious for cheaper and tastier than a frozen entre. i mean thats just one example.

    frozen entrees dont give you much meat and the sauce kinda sucks. so just make your own and freeze em in baggies.. then microwave them!

    i do like frozen veg because i too get lazy to cook, so veg would rot, so i like frozen veg coz i can take them out as i wish. they are healthy and i dont get hung up on "fresh from the garden' as a must. i mean you can make really great stew or chilli or soup out of it and again, last 3 days.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Interesting article on frozen vs. fresh vegetables

    And take note of the last sentence....
    "steam or microwave rather than boil your produce to minimize the loss of water-soluble vitamins." ie vitamin B & vitamin C.

    Per the following link:
    "In some cases, frozen vegetables may be more nutritious than fresh ones that have been shipped over long distances. The latter is typically picked before ripening, which means that no matter how good the vegetables look, they're likely to short-change you nutritionally."

    This is the very reason I do not buy fresh veggies that are out of season, and/or shipped from Chili/south of the equator !!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I have frozen meals for emergencies. Some days I have <2 hours to get home, work out, prep and eat dinner, shower and get to bed. If I'm pushing it on those days, I'll grab a frozen meal. I always have frozen veges too, they're super quick to prepare and it atm cheaper than buying them fresh.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I hate to cook too!! Many will disagree, and they have valid points, but I take frozen dinners to work all the time. I work 12 hour shifts and eat them for lunch and dinner. I do the smart ones and lean cuisines mostly.
  • GBRhusker
    GBRhusker Posts: 32 Member
    Really enjoyed reading the responses. So many of us have the same questions. I prefer fresh stuff and I don't mind cooking, especially as I'm making progress with my shape and my weight, BUT: my wife also prefers quicker easier versions of healthy food alternatives, and she is making great progress, too. She has standardized on Heathy Choice Steamables dinners. She really enjoys them and apparently, they suit her appetite for taste as well as bulk. Her screen name is QuiltAddict, give her a nudge and I'm sure she would be able to lend some great advice.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    I hate to cook too!! Many will disagree, and they have valid points, but I take frozen dinners to work all the time. I work 12 hour shifts and eat them for lunch and dinner. I do the smart ones and lean cuisines mostly.

    When I do do a frozen dinner, I like to supplement it with some plain frozen veggies and add some garlic powder, or simply add the plain veggies to the Lean cusine or smart ones.

    I like to eat lots and lots of veggies... (and not keen on the frozen dinners sauces~ taste processed and too salty for me).
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I do "Healthy Choice Gourmet Steamers" .. you can cook them in the microwave. I find that they are pretty yummy .. and very convenient. They are not that high in sodium from what I can see.

    I usually have one for lunch and one for supper. They are like around 300 calories.

    But I think that they may have a slightly different name in the US.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I keep hearing that frozen veggies are ok to eat, but frozen, precooked meats and meals are bad because they are considered 'processed foods.'

    So if I made a whole diet out of nothing but Lean Cuisines or Smart Ones, I'm still not eating right?

    And frozen chicken breats are very convenient to break out for dinner... any suggestions on brands to use?

    I HATE COOKING! :( I need some actual brand names of easy things to microwave so I can look for them at the store.

    Frozen meat is fine, frozen precooked lean cuisines are fine. They have a standard to keep to, and a calorie count.

    You can tell if meat is processed because it's in some kind of patty. and it will be mixed in with pigs noses and cows lips. It is not good quality.

    But frozen raw chicken breasts - fine. I buy them. They make my life easier.

    Beef tends to come fresh - but i freeze it when i get it home.

    Use your common sense on what you see in the frozen foods section of the supermarket. Look on the back and read the calorie counts. Read the ingredients lists. All the information you need to make a decision will be on the bag or box. :)
  • AprilP24
    AprilP24 Posts: 18 Member
    I need a personal chef. :(
    I become completely stupid when I read these things. All of your comments are appreciated. I'll keep on with the frozen veggies.... but I'm seeing that I am going to have to do some cooking eventually. *sigh*
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I need a personal chef. :(
    I become completely stupid when I read these things. All of your comments are appreciated. I'll keep on with the frozen veggies.... but I'm seeing that I am going to have to do some cooking eventually. *sigh*

    Where was your mother when you were growing up?

    If you don't learn how to cook you are not in control of either your life or your weight. Somebody else is and they are calling the shots on the quality and constituent ingredients of what you are eating.

    Everyone has to learn how to feed themselves, and if we become mothers, our children, as well. You may as well bite the bullet and start now. :D
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I do frozen meat and veg all the time. Real life savers, especially veg, because otherwise I'd be eating the same things over and over. With frozen, I can get much more variety without having to worry if things go bad! I save the fresh for salad items and most fruits. As for meat, you can do a few things like: You can find a local farm to buy chicken, beef and pork. You'll get sticker shock until you work the numbers and realize it may be pricey up front, but over the long haul, much cheaper and better quality! They will package, mark, and freeze it for you. You can buy pre-packaged at the store. However, they tend to add salt water to the meat so if that is an issue, pass on by. OR, you can do what we do... we buy in bulk at Costco. You can either buy it pre-packaged or you can buy a 'family pack' and freeze them separately. Costco and other big stores (even Wal-mart) have family packs and some pre-packaged. Packing them yourself usually saves not only on salt, but on cost. And it's pretty much across the board no matter what meat you get. And there is no special process. Just label a ziploc baggie of some sort, drop in chicken, squeeze out air and snap closed. :) Or, re-usable containers.

    As for veg, I just get whatever is on sale usually. Our Kroger has the $1 sale a few times a year and I stock up on things like broccoli, cauli, etc. Just plain frozen veg. Maybe with salt but most are just frozen veg. You can even get chopped onions and peppers, peas, corn, etc. And it makes making a meal easy because it's already ready to go. I wouldn't waste money on certain things frozen like potatoes, though. Just not worth it. Or carrots really.

    As for easy meals, sounds like you need to either get a beginners cook book, find a local community center that does cooking, or even look into crock pot meals. is a great recipe site! Or find a friend or neighbor who likes to cook and ask for some more tips.

    When it comes to frozen meals, I eat them whenever I need to eat, don't want to do fast food or cook a 'meal' for one. Usually when the hubby is working. LOL I don't really care what brand. I figure it's like any other food and just go on with it.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    So what do your husband and toddler eat if you don't cook? You need to take the bull by the horns, learn some basic recipes, and start feeding your family properly. Microwaving is not cooking.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I keep hearing that frozen veggies are ok to eat, but frozen, precooked meats and meals are bad because they are considered 'processed foods.'

    So if I made a whole diet out of nothing but Lean Cuisines or Smart Ones, I'm still not eating right?

    And frozen chicken breats are very convenient to break out for dinner... any suggestions on brands to use?

    I HATE COOKING! :( I need some actual brand names of easy things to microwave so I can look for them at the store.

    LOOK, TRUTH...There is NO getting around doing certain things IF you are talking about eating Nutritionally. Basically frozen fruit and veggies are "dipped" in hot water for a very short time (basically raw) and the ONLY other thing added to some is salt. So when in a rush, go frozen instead of canned. The "meals" ARE BAD and Totally Processed, if you read the labels you will see. The order I use is: FRESH Fruit and Veggies; (2) Frozen Fruit and Veggies; (3) ORGANIC Canned fruit, veggies or beans. I do not eat meat, dairy, I won't comment.

    BTW, if you microwave food it is like eating Nothing. Microwaves DENATURE food, it kills ALL Nutrients. So if you are going to try and eat healthily, you Totally Defeat the purpose when you stick food in a microwave even for 10 seconds.If I take the time to: Select My food, PAY money for good quality food, Wash My food, Prepare My food (slice/dice/season...) then why in the world would I KILL it by putting it in a microwave.
  • ElsaVonMarmalade
    ElsaVonMarmalade Posts: 154 Member
    BTW, if you microwave food it is like eating Nothing. Microwaves DENATURE food, it kills ALL Nutrients. So if you are going to try and eat healthily, you Totally Defeat the purpose when you stick food in a microwave even for 10 seconds.If I take the time to: Select My food, PAY money for good quality food, Wash My food, Prepare My food (slice/dice/season...) then why in the world would I KILL it by putting it in a microwave.

    This is completely untrue. Try science.
  • AprilP24
    AprilP24 Posts: 18 Member
    LOL! Jeeze... man people can be harsh on the Internet. I never said I didn't KNOW how to cook... I have a mother, however, she didn't show me anything in the kitchen! SORRY!
    I work until 5, fight traffic for an hour to pick up my daughter, fight traffic another 45 min to get home, by then we are talking almost 7pm.... I'm friggin exhausted! This isn't 1952 where the wife stays home and preps the house and dinner all day. AND I'm supposed to get a workout in??? Impossible if I want to spend more than just car-ride-time with my daughter before she goes to bed... so forget the gym.
    No kidding, microwaving is not cooking! WOW, didn't know that one! (If you can't tell, that was sarcasm)
    OBVIOUSLY cooking happens because like some of you said, we need the nutrition... I'm not a heathen mother who MICROWAVES a bunch of literal CRAP for her child every day...
    What do we eat? In my earlier posts I admitted to eating fast food, we eat out at restaurants, we eat LEFTOVERS WHEN WE DO COOK.... I know how to cook and so does my husband.... the whole purpose of this post was to get ideas for those days we are too exhausted to get all gourmet after work... I read someone else's post about frozen chicken- already cooked- and so I posted this one wanting EDUCATED INFORMATION ABOUT FROZEN FOODS.... NOT PEOPLE QUESTIONING MY MOTHER'S OR MY OWN MATERNAL AFFAIRS...
    Some of your answers were very helpful.... encouraging... inspirational... supportive.... some people are WAAAAAYYY too dramatic and need to chill out on what they type. This is for support... not bashing.... I did learn some things from this post... learned some good tricks from supportive people... but I also learned to not post anything in the community topics because there are some jack *kitten* who are full of their own opinions out there, and I choose NICE PEOPLE to be motivated by... not people who are just going to say what ever without a supportive filter. I guess that's what you get from the general public..

  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    Get a crock pot, it will change your life.
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    Sorry about all the negative nancys!

    I'm a college student so quick frozen food is a life saver. I like lean cuisine raviolis - I can't cook pasta in my dorm and the pasta portions in my dining hall are 2-3 cups. So when I want a pasta fix, or I am short on time, they are a treat. They are pretty salty but I just make sure I drink a lot of water.

    When I actually have a job and a kitchen and cookware, I will take fresh cooking over anything. But sometimes we just don't have the time/resources - and frozen meals are great then.
  • AprilP24
    AprilP24 Posts: 18 Member
    See! Valid and kind words of wisdom..... thank you!