Feet falling asleep while working out?



  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    I've been having sever pain in my calves when I work out and my feet are numb. It started with my left leg/foot only but the past couple of weeks, it's been both. I have put sports insoles in my sneakers which helped a bit. I have an appointment with a specialist tomorrow afternoon so I'll let you know what he tells me.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    that is amusing.

    LOL! I thought it was funny too because of the title of the thread, I never expected it to be about feet falling asleep :laugh:
    All I kept thinking was, it's like sex, if you're falling asleep, you're doing it wrong :blushing:
    Don't judge me.

  • flyingmouse29
    flyingmouse29 Posts: 3 Member
    This happens to me too - even when I am out running. It happened when I was running a 10k and I just pushed through it even though I was afraid I was going to trip over my own feet. Eventually the feeling went away. I have tried different shoes, tying them looser...nothing seems to help.
  • firestorm233
    Yes, Yes, Yes, I get that all the time and it's annoying. I push through it and do the 20-30 minutes, but it's not always easy. I can tell you though that it lessened when I started wearing much lighter weight socks and also when I loosened my shoes where I tie them. I loosened them the entire way down the foot the same way that I would've tightened them.

    I think that being over weight that just happens to be one of the issues that I have to contend with until I get some pounds off of me. I've had a physical and blood test done and everything is good, so I think it's just more of a circulation problem and that once we start to loose it should lessen.

  • adiggs2777
    adiggs2777 Posts: 111 Member
    Do you have wide feet? My feet used to do this and I went to the foot doctor to try and find out why. Turned out that my shoes were too narrow even though I got the wide. I ended up having to switch from the NB to Asics which had a wider toe box. I also went up a half size to accommodate swelling. So far so good!

    I do have a wide, flat foot. But I also am currently wearing a wide width NB shoe. They worked fine when I had personal training, but the movements she had me doing were entirely different. I will also try lacing them less tightly, then investigate other kicks if that doesn't help

    Someone mentioned going back to the treadmill. I can't! Its so boring it makes me want to cry! LOL! I'm not going to give up on it because its so much more enjoyable than walking on the treadmill (and as a fat girl, I can go significantly faster than my walking speed which makes me happy.. its the little things) I will incorporate all of these suggestions everyone has mentioned.
  • adiggs2777
    adiggs2777 Posts: 111 Member
    that is amusing.

    LOL! I thought it was funny too because of the title of the thread, I never expected it to be about feet falling asleep :laugh:
    All I kept thinking was, it's like sex, if you're falling asleep, you're doing it wrong :blushing:
    Don't judge me.


    Okay fine. I won't judge you.. this time! :laugh:
  • TabithaMichelle85
    Thank you for this thread... I was starting to think something was wrong with me... Has anyone had problems with their fingers going numb at times too? :-/ Maybe I just have really poor circulation. I feel much better reading this though :-)
  • adiggs2777
    adiggs2777 Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you for this thread... I was starting to think something was wrong with me... Has anyone had problems with their fingers going numb at times too? :-/ Maybe I just have really poor circulation. I feel much better reading this though :-)

    I personally don't have any issues with my hands during workouts, but then again while I am on the machines my hands are tinkering with my phone to change songs and adjust difficulty on the machine (or when on the treadmill change the television station), whereas my feet are literally glued to the elliptical. Funny because I know I have cold fingers a lot of the time,so the circulation isn't the best in them!

    ETA: I go to the gym today, I'll report back if the suggestions helped any!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member

    I talked to my doctor and it can be a number of things from the way you stand on the machine to your shoes being too tight. I relaced my shoes it made a difference, and if I use the elliptical I find if I wiggle my toes in my shoe its not so bad.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I don't get this on the treadmill, but on the elliptical. I try moving my feet around but its awkward and doesn't work. So..I pretty much only do elliptical for 10 minutes at most. I mostly jog or dance at home :)

    I don't have any advice, really. But, you're not alone on this.

    edit: On a somewhat related topic..sometimes while I am standing and doing my makeup, I will have a numb sensation on my right thigh. It freaks me out :(
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    This happens to me on the elliptical after about 15 minutes. I only use it for that long. :happy:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have always had this so I asked my doctor about it. She said it was common and that there is nerve in the bottom on your foot that causes it when systematic repeated pressure is placed on it. If this is the cause it should go away once you stop the exercise. She said it's not dangerous.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Do yoga to help boost circulation <3
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    This is my issue, too. I have very high arches/instep area, and my regular shoes were way too narrow. I'm saving up for a pair of wacky vibram toe shoes instead.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Do you have wide feet? My feet used to do this and I went to the foot doctor to try and find out why. Turned out that my shoes were too narrow even though I got the wide. I ended up having to switch from the NB to Asics which had a wider toe box. I also went up a half size to accommodate swelling. So far so good!

    Think this may be my problem. I got it even when running and changed my shoes to fancy running ones and it was actually worse but I have wide feet and they are flat too, so maybe that's what is causing it for me :smile:
  • redmapleleaf
    redmapleleaf Posts: 56 Member
    Shoes are tied too tightly. Untie them before you get on the elliptical.
  • adiggs2777
    adiggs2777 Posts: 111 Member
    So I came back to report that I did significantly loosen my laces. It felt kinda odd, I guess because I like to make sure my shoes are on but it did help quite a bit. Usually by the 15 minute mark I am in so much numb agony, but yesterday it did not start to bother me until around the 20 minute mark. I will take the five extra minutes :) I might still try to invest in a different sneaker that is wider when I come into some more money. Also, I was able to consistently go at a 10 minute mile pace as opposed to the 11 minute mile pace. Yay!
  • healthy4five
    healthy4five Posts: 11 Member
  • SpookyElectric
    SpookyElectric Posts: 56 Member
    Yep! It happens to me too! I naturally have reaaaalllllyy slooooow circulation. My heart pumps in it's own sweet time and it's common for my extremities to get numb. I don't find changing shoes or socks makes any difference - but the wiggling and flexing does. I can now do 40 minutes on the elliptical before it gets too much! Stick in and dig deep!
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    Something else to try.
    Move your feet forward on the foot rests enough so that your toes are slightly elevated against the front of the foot rest. This should stop them from being flush against the foot rest constantly and hopefully keep the blood flowing better. I also do this every so often and it does seem to work.