THE Cheapest meal ideas

hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
OK embarrassing but true... I'm totally broke. Not just 'a little bit short of cash' but bones of my *kitten* kind of broke - i.e. I have 80p in the world and no overdraft.

I need to find a way to eat for the next few weeks and I just have no clue how to do it! I was wondering if anyone had been in the same position before, and if so what they managed to live on. I'm not saying I've been rich in the past but I've always been in a position to be able to eat well, if not extravagantly so (which to be honest doesn't bother me at all).

I'm hoping to hear back from a job I was interviewed for yesterday and have another interview today - but still there would be a gap before I earn any kind of money. I've tried cutting down to eating once per day, but then I just end up hungry and miserable! Also not being able to eat gluten makes matters a bit harder, as the pasta which is gluten free is about 4 times more expensive than the home brand regular stuff!

Thanks - a miserable me :(


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Embarrassingly, I have no idea how much 80p is.

    I've been dead broke before too and I usually wound up eating a lot of things like rice, beans, eggs, and just putting in veggies, cheese and/or meat very very sparingly to flavor the staples. Spices help too.

    I know you may not have a ton of stuff in the house but I kind of view that as a challenge, personally. When I have just a smattering of random food items I'll occasionally try to see how long I can make it without buying groceries and just being creative with whatever odd stuff I have. Fortunately my fiance is cool with this too, and we wind up discovering weird new things like savory oatmeal with green onions and Sriracha.

    Also breakfast can be quite cheap to cook for any time of day. I know gluten is an issue for you so this won't really apply but I've made a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread last for quite awhile in various arrangements...egg and toast, French toast, egg salad sandwich...

    Do tortilla chips have gluten? I'm clueless....sorry. Tortilla chips aren't healthy, I know, but I like to make nachos in the oven with just a little bit of whatever I've got around...onions, small amount of cheese, tomatoes or salsa...when they're broiled with a bit of melty cheese on them, chips somehow seem a lot more filling and more of a meal. It also takes fewer to satisfy me than if I were just dipping them in salsa right out of the bag. Say, 10 chips versus 15 or more.

    Honestly being single and/or on a strict budget, my biggest saving grace in the past (and even now) has been the fact that I do not mind eating the same meals over and over for several days in a row. It can be a lot cheaper to do that than to have something different every day. I'm also more likely to buy something a tiny bit expensive (feta cheese, butternut squash, etc) if I know it's going into 3-4 meals and not just used for one dish.

    Good luck to you. I know it sucks being "poor" but you'll move past it I am sure.
  • fairie_marie
    Hi there! Eggs are a poor mans friend :) they are cheap and great protien. ALso try lentel soup.. Just put in lentals, veggie or beef broth and what ever veggies ( maybe a bag of frozen mixed veggies?) and let it cook for a few hours in the crock pot or on low on the stove. If it is just you, then this could stretch for a few days. and maybe be under $5 for the whole pot.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Batches of chilli/bolognaise
    Frozen veg
    A whole chicken can be cooked and used a few times.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    Income wise: I would be taking any type of job that you could part time to supplement your income. I would also see if you could qualify for temporary assistance from the gov't for food stamp like programs.

    Food wise: Do you have any stores like Aldi's or Save a Lot? Aldi's is really cheap and has their own "Fit & Active" brand. Save a Lot is also really cheap. Eggs for breakfast. Soups are really cheap to make per serving and can last several meals. I would also check out local churches for food pantries.
  • iamthecatsass
    ARe vegetables cheap where you are?
    If so use them to fill up.
    dried beans and lentils are cheap. Just soak the beans over night.
    I have been in dire poverty so I know how it feels.
    A can of stewing tomatoes with some veg and beans or lentil is nice over rice, add curry.
    Tofu even.
    I stay away from meats when low on cash.
    Frozen veg is often cheaper than fresh, here at least and better quality than imported fresh stuff.
  • dlw1464
    dlw1464 Posts: 10 Member
    I feel your pain.......
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Income wise: I would be taking any type of job that you could part time to supplement your income. I would also see if you could qualify for temporary assistance from the gov't for food stamp like programs.

    Food wise: Do you have any stores like Aldi's or Save a Lot? Aldi's is really cheap and has their own "Fit & Active" brand. Save a Lot is also really cheap. Eggs for breakfast. Soups are really cheap to make per serving and can last several meals. I would also check out local churches for food pantries.

    This post annoys me because A) Aldi, not "Aldi's" (petty I know) and B) I think the OP is in the UK, but in the USA you basically can't get food stamps as a single person. I tried once, many years ago when I lost my job due to the store I worked in closing down. I was basically laughed at. The rule then was something like as a single person you could not have earned over $400 in the last 12 weeks. Of course I had! According to my friend who works in the social assistance field things have not changed for singletons whatsoever...

    Edited to add: Ok, so that was kind of snotty. Sorry. And yes ALDI is awesome. They do have it in the UK (not sure about the OP's region). I shop there for about 80% of my groceries and they're cheap and fantastic!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Instant noodles + Tuna
  • Breaking_Flab
    Breaking_Flab Posts: 14 Member

    I have been where you are!

    I would buy some "value" products as they are much cheaper, and get creative! I know value meat and eggs aren't ethically brilliant- so if this offends your beliefs then stick to the grains/pulses etc...

    Buy some value garlic powder, chilli flakes, curry powder, stock cubes- these are your friend for making food tastier on a budget!

    Here's a few tasty but cheap meal ideas:

    Biriyani- Rice+curry powder+ garlic+ chillis. add whatever veggies you like or can afford but I like spinach & aubergine. If you can add chicken or fish too- bonus!

    Risotto- make using value rice, value stock, garlic, value cream cheese and whatever you like- I reccomend roasted butternut squash (In season!) or mushrooms.

    Chickpea & Veggie curry

    Lentil Daal/Dahl- google it, very cheap & easy and you can blend up leftovers to make lentil soup.

    Eggs- scrambled eggs on toast, veggie frittatas, spanish omlette.

    Tortilla wraps- can use to make tortilla pizzas, wraps, tortilla bake (using the tortillas in place of pasta). I make a nice enchiladas using broccoli mashed into low fat cream cheese, garlic, roasted green chillis, a little stock and stuffed, rolled and topped with low fat sour cream and a little grated cheddar.
  • latenitelucy
    latenitelucy Posts: 1,314 Member

    She is awesome
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member

    Whatever u got throw in crockpot with some spices. I usually do chicken or beef rice or potatoes some veggies. Sometimes canned tomatoes beans whatever. U can freeze leftovers eat it all week. My family if 5 would have leftovers for a few days. Experiment.
  • Jacob_Whittle
    Hot pot ...budget style

    slice + boil a kg of potatoes with a stock cube
    add some carrots/onions whatever else you have
    add a tin of corned beef

    simmer untill your too hungry to wait anymore

    eat with crusts of bread

    costs about £2 for around 8 portions of 200cals (not inc. the bread)
  • Jacob_Whittle
    also im assuming your in uk

  • knarr88
    knarr88 Posts: 19 Member
    I assume as you have 80p you are in England! Own brand baked beans like basics or tesco value, own brand noodles, tinned veg. Go for own brand food! My onion yesterday cost 11p and a carrot is about the same!
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    Peanut butter sandwiches. Cheap & filling
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    Maybe you could work a few hours cleaning house, yard, windows, babysit, shop for someone who is home-bound (get creative)...for a few pennies to get you through or maybe only a meal (you could even cook it) I have shopped day-old breads, mark down veggies/fruits (a bit more work to prep - but allows for some variety), dented cans (safe as long as they are not bulging and eaten tons of legumes. Been there more than once...good luck in getting the job!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Definitely worth looking for Food banks in your area if you need emergency assistance in the short term - often, but not always, associated with churches. Other than that, I'd echo what others have said - basics/value-range starches, cheese, dairy etc, tinned pulses, frozen or tinned veg if cheaper than fresh, eggs, and get to know when your local supermarket puts out its' 'reduced to sell' products, usually at the end of the day. And, as the poster above me said, are there any cash-in-hand jobs you could do nearby as a short-term 'fix' for your cashflow?
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    Potatoes, rice. When I was broke I ate a LOT of spaghetti. A box of noodles and can of sauce can go a long way for one person.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    80 pounds right? For the Americans, that's about $128.00.

    I would suggest

    Beans (dry, not canned....make your own)
    Canned/frozen veggies (whatever's on sale)
    Instant noodles - Ramen
    Oatmeal (add some cinnamon and brown sugar)
  • Breaking_Flab
    Breaking_Flab Posts: 14 Member
    80 pounds right? For the Americans, that's about $128.00.

    I would suggest

    Beans (dry, not canned....make your own)
    Canned/frozen veggies (whatever's on sale)
    Instant noodles - Ramen
    Oatmeal (add some cinnamon and brown sugar)

    I think she means 80 pence, which is about $1.28