New baby + ready to be back at it again!

I had my son about a month ago..My 5TH BABY! He was 9lbs 1oz... and i was/am huge! I've lost about 25-30 lbs since giving birth- but that always happens with me. Now I am just stuck where I am at. I am looking to lose about 60lbs. I can't believe i seriously just typed 4lbs. I WISH. Anyway I am just going to try to eat healthy with mild exercise these last 2 weeks until I reach my 6 weeks postpartum. Then I will be on something fierce! Add me! Inspire me! :)


  • brandillyn
    brandillyn Posts: 105 Member
    YAY! I'm not alone! I just had my first kid in August, he was almost 7 pounds<3, and I have been given the green light to work out/diet just this week, I still have 20 pounds to lose before I get down to my pre pregnancy weight but I want to lose so much more then that.

    I've been on here for a long time but all my other friends deleted me due to inactivity while I was pregnant. ): I'm looking for more now.

    Add me for support!
  • MK608
    MK608 Posts: 47 Member
    Just sent a friend request! I had a 10.1 lb little girl last March... I totally get it! I lost an initial 30 lbs really quick but totally stalled after that. I'm just finally getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight but still have another 15 to lose to be back at my "happy weight". Let's do this!
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member

    Congrats on your new addition.

    A little about me;

    I just joined MFP about a week ago.

    I had my 3rd baby 5 months ago. He was born 6 weeks early @5lbs, and come home from the NICU just a months back.
    Now that I'm in somewhat of a routine with the new addition, I'm finding a little bit of time here and there to take care of myself (eating right, getting to the gym a few times a week and working with a dietician.
    I'm not tall ( 5'1) and have about 40lbs to lose.

    Please feel free to add me!! We can inspire each other!! :happy:
  • theindl
    theindl Posts: 5 Member
    Hello....My 1st daughter is almost 11 months now and although I gained 50+ pounds with the pregnancy and have lost most of it, I am still struggling to lose the last ten pounds to prepregnancy weight PLUS the 20 I think I was overweight when I got pregnant. I gained a ton of size in my thighs, butt and tummy, where I didn't really see it before. I have been working with a nutritionist and a personal trainer, with not much luck. I've been stalled since February at the SAME weight. I struggle to keep going without seeing any results while dealing with accepting the way I look now. Most days are worse than the rest and not a second goes by that I am not thinking about how unhappy and unacceptable I now look. It's tough!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Hi and welcome! I stopped using MFP while I was doing the blood type diet before going for IVF. Then I had my son almost 11 months ago (he is a Halloween baby). Lost 35 pounds right away but then started medication to increase milk supply and put 20 back on. I need to lose at least another 35-45 pounds.

    Good luck with your journey! There are some great ideas here for exercise routines that are short when you get the go ahead to start working out. :-)
  • my kids aren't babies any more, but I am still struggling to loose the baby weight. I am 4 feet 7 inches tall, and have tried everything. I have 60 lbs to loose before I am close to my pre-pregnancy weight. I gained 80 lbs with my daughter and another 20 with my son. Would love to have some dedicated daily MFP users to help support eachother! Feel free to add me.
  • Hey! I had my 4th baby 4 months ago. Although I'm not trying to lose baby weight I still have a bit to go to my goal and love having other mommy friends. So anyone is welcome to add me! :)
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    Hey there!! I had my 7lb 1 oz 2nd baby girl last april. Started my journey to lose 60lbs Nov 25,2012!! Added ya ;)
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    Hi there! I'm so excited to find ladies in similar situations as me!!!

    I had my 2nd daughter 4 weeks ago, I gained 45lbs during pregnancy and have lost 18 of that so far (14 the first 2 weeks and 2lbs/week after that).

    It took me over a year to get serious about losing the baby weight with #1, but once I did it that last 30lbs came off quickly and easily thanks to MFP!

    I would love to have friends for support since my old ones deleted me for being gone for so long!

    Last week I have started doing 30 min yoga 5 times/week and 20 minute brisk walks 5 times/week. My 6 week appointment is Oct 14th and once i'm cleared I will begin Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and jogging, these are what really helped me drop the weight last time! Also I am a vegan and use a lot of my own recipes so my food diary may look strange to some.

    Good luck to all you ladies and feel free to add me!