Weight is a Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey...When to Weigh Self?

Is there a best time of day? After any particular activity? With clothes, or without? I'm aiming for weekly weigh-ins, because if I did it every day, I'd drive myself nuts with the day-to-day fluctuations.

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  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Morning time, naked, after your morning poop.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Morning time, naked, after your morning poop.

    Yup...This. :)
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    Morning time, naked, after your morning poop.

    ...thanks for the image? :embarassed:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    And don't weigh every day if it drives you crazy. Try once a week, or even less often.
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    And don't weigh every day if it drives you crazy. Try once a week, or even less often.

    Yep; that's why I'm aiming for weekly. I still want to monitor trends, and once a week feels like a good length of time to do so.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    Morning time, naked, after your morning poop.

    Yup...This. :)
    ditto....and if you're at a weight that is .1 or .0, i try to poop some more lol
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    Morning time, naked, after your morning poop.

    yep. :)

    I personally do weigh daily, because I like to see how my food and water intake from the previous day (and my cycle) effect my weight. :) But I only log a weight (up or down) once I've seen it for at least 2 days in a row. :)
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    I personally weigh in every morning. I feel it helps me monitor where I am.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Morning time, naked, after your morning poop.

    This, and do it everyday. Then use a service like trendweight.com to smooth out the fluctuations and see the general trend. I see where you are going with weekly weigh-ins, but think about it for a second. You could trend down over six days, and then be 4 pounds up on the day you weigh. But you didn't see that downward trend - just the upward blip. Could be gone tomorrow, but again, you won't know because you have a whole week until you next weigh.

    Precisely this just happened to me this morning, by the way. Downward trend all week, then this morning a four pound jump. Not sweating it, because I can see the trend, and I know tomorrow or the next day I'll be down again.

  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I have no idea what that title said, but do those work in wwf?
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    I personally weigh in every morning. I feel it helps me monitor where I am.

    Hey, by your ticker, you've obviously been quite successful, so whatever works for you :)

    Personally, I want to see the big picture...the body's day-to-day weight within a pound or two is so finicky and based on so many variables, that with my personalitly, I'd go all-out neurotic on the topic.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I do mine Thursday or Friday mornings first thing after pooping, naked. Later in the week usually ensures that all my hard work throughout the week has paid off, before a Friday night or Weekend mis-step therefore no unsightly water retention from salt etc. Naked.... cuz clothes weigh you down, and after poop.... cuz you know. I've done the before and after poop weight, and there's like a 3-4 oz difference, which is a difference nonetheless on a digital scale.
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    Morning time, naked, after your morning poop.

    This, and do it everyday. Then use a service like trendweight.com to smooth out the fluctuations and see the general trend. I see where you are going with weekly weigh-ins, but think about it for a second. You could trend down over six days, and then be 4 pounds up on the day you weigh. But you didn't see that downward trend - just the upward blip. Could be gone tomorrow, but again, you won't know because you have a whole week until you next weigh.

    Precisely this just happened to me this morning, by the way. Downward trend all week, then this morning a four pound jump. Not sweating it, because I can see the trend, and I know tomorrow or the next day I'll be down again.


    Interesting perspective! I'll give it some thought.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    You profile pic is the T.A.R.D.I.S. and your ticker pic is Sherlock... I think I love you.

    Otherwise, as long as it's consistent, it doesn't really matter. I only do my official weigh-ins at the doctor's office, so that's like every couple months and I can hardly get naked...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    No, there isn't. There isn't really a best anything in regards to losing weight, being healthy, etc.

    If you understand what the number on the scale represents, and you aren't emotionally tied to it, then feel free to weight yourself as often as you'd like whenever you'd like. If you don't understand the number, or are tied to it emotionally, then at most weigh yourself 1x week. Ideally the same day, same time every week to be as consistent as possible.
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    I do mine Thursday or Friday mornings first thing after pooping, naked. Later in the week usually ensures that all my hard work throughout the week has paid off, before a Friday night or Weekend mis-step therefore no unsightly water retention from salt etc. Naked.... cuz clothes weigh you down, and after poop.... cuz you know. I've done the before and after poop weight, and there's like a 3-4 oz difference, which is a difference nonetheless on a digital scale.

    I like the later in the week idea. I've been doing Mondays...and this past weekend my sister had a big party. Not encouraging results!
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    You profile pic is the T.A.R.D.I.S. and your ticker pic is Sherlock... I think I love you.

    Otherwise, as long as it's consistent, it doesn't really matter. I only do my official weigh-ins at the doctor's office, so that's like every couple months and I can hardly get naked...

    Aw! :heart: It's always good to see another Who and Sherlock fan on here!

    The doctor's office is probably more accurate, but I'd like to do it a little more often than that, especially since I'm such a newbie. I want to make sure I'm on the right track.
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    I have no idea what that title said, but do those work in wwf?

    Wrestling? Wildlife?

    Anyway, it's a reference to my favorite Doctor Who episode!
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    My scale is all Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey as well, but I concur that trending is the way to go for me. I weigh every morning, naked, after my morning "ablutions" and the FitBit Aria scale automatically sends the stats to my FitBit profile so I can watch the trend from there.... I fluctuate +/- 2 pounds over each week, but I've been basically holding steady at my maintenance weight since June.
  • MaryLouRoyal
    MaryLouRoyal Posts: 51 Member
    My scale is all Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey as well, but I concur that trending is the way to go for me. I weigh every morning, naked, after my morning "ablutions" and the FitBit Aria scale automatically sends the stats to my FitBit profile so I can watch the trend from there.... I fluctuate +/- 2 pounds over each week, but I've been basically holding steady at my maintenance weight since June.

    Neat! But I'm a bit pressed for cash and would like to avoid buying any extra gadgets.