Ladies around 5'5-5'7 - at what weight do you have abs?



  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I'm 5'5 and I have what I think is the beginning of abs, but I have not lost any weight by the scale that is. So I will have to say my current weight 198
  • How do you guys get down so low in weight??? I am 5'7" and can't get down lower than 150. Already as it is I am between sizes 4 and 6, and I went to the doctor have no fat under my abdomen (had testing done for something else). I would love to get down to 135 but for whatever reason my body won't allow it.

    I have a clean diet, I am vegetarian and don't eat processed foods nor processed carbs. Help?
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    delgadodelgad- if you are in a healthy weight range, with a healthy diet, wearing small sizes why do you feel the need to drop weight? It seems to me that you are at a perfect place for you, and it's not like we walk around with our weights tattooed on our foreheads.
  • grentea
    grentea Posts: 96 Member
    In my case it's genetics. I'm 5'4 and 138 lbs. My abs are visible at this weight and so are my ribs! I carry all of my weight in my lower body. I don't do any ab work and I'm kinda afraid of what my abs would look like if I did! I would probably have a six pack, which is totally not what I'm going for.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I'm at 1.65 m / 5'5" and 54 kg / 118 pounds and only have some of my obliques showing. The rest is still hidden under what must be my biggest store of remaining bodyfat. If only some of that fat went into my boobs instead....

    ETA; I have been at 48 kg / 106 pounds during an unfortunate episode about 11 years ago but can't remember having showing abs even at that weight.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    Agree with everyone who says weight has nothing to do with it. I currently am 5’7’’,148 lbs, and 20% body fat (via bodpod test). My four upper abs show, my lower two do not. I need to be around 18% for them to show. For reference I weighed 127 lbs in college running marathons and none of my abs showed because of what I ate and the lack of strength training.

    The best thing I have done to help my abs become more defined in focus on strength training and crossfit. Deadlifts, squats, clean and jerks, and snatches have done more for my abs and core then all the crunches/sit ups I have done in my life.
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2, 5'4 if I stand reaaaaaaaaaaaallly tall, so this is -kinda- close. Anyway, I don't really exercise but my avatar is my stomach now at 105-108 pounds (my fluctuations). I'm showing some definition despite doing nothing, but I do eat a veeeeery low fat diet, so that might also be a contributor. Good luck! :-)

    Edit: Oh! In the morning you'd swear that I do 100 sit ups a day! :P This picture was taken in the early evening after having I guess I show all of the time. Lucky genetics!
  • its not a weight for me, but body fat percentage. Like, they clearly popped at 15% and are visible at 20ish%.
  • kprep
    kprep Posts: 11
    I'm 5'8, 9% body fat, about 95 lbs, work out all the time, and don't have abs. It's completely genetics :)
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    YES *fist in the air*

    When I hit my goal height I'll have abs

    Day. Is. Made
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    hi! i'm 5'7" and have never had visible abs. :( *sniff sniff*

  • laratonacoco
    laratonacoco Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'8 and weigh 138 but I'm trying to focus on getting a small waist. I'm at 27" right now and I want to get atleast 24". Any tips?
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Your weight will have nothing to do with your abs displaying. You can be underweight, but still carrying a layer of body fat over your stomach region which means your abs wont show. Abs are made in the kitchen! Make sure you are eating a clean diet and doing adequate cardio to eliminate stubborn belly fat, and then with some ab strength training your abs will pop through in no time :)

    For example, I'm 5'6 and weigh 48kg (I'm currently trying to gain) but my abs arent showing through because i still have some stomach fat to shed.

    Lol ignore this silly post.
  • I'm 5'8, 9% body fat, about 95 lbs, work out all the time, and don't have abs. It's completely genetics :)

    I'm sorry, 95 pounds at 5'8"?!? I don't mean to be rude, but uh, you don't have enough meat to have visible abs. EAT!!!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    How do you guys get down so low in weight???

    I've just always been on the lighter side. Maybe it's my bone structure or something...
  • kprep
    kprep Posts: 11
    I eat 4000kcal a day lol. I work with a dietitian, but people on this website tend to completely ignore the importance of genetics in everything. Just as some people are naturally tall while some are short, and some have blonde hair while others have dark hair, some people are fat and some people are thin. It's really not a negative thing, you just have to accept your natural body type.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    5'5", 121.8 lbs this a.m. very low bf. you can see everything.

    i've never done ab exercizes in my life. i just longboard all the time and run and do yoga. i have nice lumps under my lumps.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Weight is not bodyfat. They become visible at a specific bodyfat, not a specific weight. You're asking the wrong question by making weight a factor.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I've never seen my abs :D always been too fat D:< lol. some day :)
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    Obviously you have them all the time, but at what weight are they visible for you? I'm 5'6, & they weren't visible at my lowest weight of 106. Is this my genetic fate, or do I just not have enough muscle for it to show?
    Same here, I'm 5'7.5" and at my lowest weight of 108 I looked sickly thin and I still didn't have visible abs, unless you count the faint line down the middle. I'm just not a muscular person. My abs are flat and very strong, though. I think you need actual bulk on your ab muscles in order for them to pop out, and I have never been interested in bulking my abs.

    ETA: and it wasn't because I had a fat layer over my abs either. I had basically NO body fat anywhere and especially not on my midsection. You couldn't pinch a quarter-inch.