Please, critique my plan:)

Hi everyone!
This is my first time posting, so sorry if I'm doing it wrong:P
My fitness goals are to loose a little bit of weight (10-15 pounds) and tone up! and I hate my legs..
I'm 22 5'7" and weigh 145lbs

Basic day of eating
(Diet is mostly Paleo, but I love cheese too much to give it up)
2 cups coffee (almond milk and stevia)
2 eggs, 1 slice bacon, 1.5 cups broccoli (or veggie I have, but mostly broc)
All scrambled up in 1 pan with 1 slice Muenster cheese melted on top

2 cups mixed veggies or salad, whatever I have
Some kind of meat e.g. burger patty (no bun) or chicken breast

Pistachios are my favorite, a handful with shells on
Or if I’m being bad a PB&J :)

Chicken mixed veggie stir fry
1 cup chicken breast
2 cups veggies
All fried up with olive oil and balsamic vinegar
And of course lots of water all day

My exercise plan
Sunday (kind of rest day) go for a hike or walk
Monday Run
Tuesday 30 min on elliptical & BWC
Wednesday Run
Thursday 30 Spin & BWC
Friday Run
Saturday 30 Cardio & BWC

Saturday, I get to choose what I do for cardio like elliptical or spinning OR if the weather is nice swimming or anything as long as it gets my heartbeat up and I do it for 30 min

BWC is “Body weight circuit” and it looks like this
20 squats
10 push ups
20 lunges
20 sit ups
20 resistance band rows
30 second plank
30 jumping jacks
Repeat 3 times

My running plan looks like this
Sunday Monday Wednesday Friday
Week 1 1.5 mi 1.5 mi 1.5 mi
Week 2 1.75 mi 1.5 mi 1.75 mi
Week 3 2 mi 1.5 mi 2 mi
Week 4 2.25 mi 1.5 mi 2.25 mi
Week 5 2.5 mi 2 mi 2.5 mi
Week 6 2.75 mi 2 mi 2.75 mi
Week 7 3 mi 2 mi 3 mi
Week 8 3 mi 2 mi Find a 5k!!

So, please give me your thoughts:)
Should I do cardio longer? More strength? anything helps and greatly appreciated!
Thanks alot!


  • LJSmith1989
    Until you squat under the bar I won't like your training plan!

    I have no idea by the way but interested in others input.
  • Ariel909
    You mean with weight? Ya.. the "gym" in my apartment complex is lacking in that department..
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    That looks like the Nerd Fitness BWC.
    Its a good place to start but you need add more resistance training since itll reshape your body better
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    That sounds very healthy and a very clear, detailed plan. You certainly are committing to put the effort in.

    I have a slight concern that you might get burnt out on such a rigid routine, and I hope you perhaps consider just a little more dietary breadth. Is good for you.

    But most importantly - how many calories are you consuming each day, and how much are you burning? From the sounds of your activity level, you might have substantially too large a deficit on that diet.
  • Ariel909
    Yup, it basically is but I added sit ups I think.. and resistance training?
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I just want to know why you think a PB&J is bad....
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Doesn't seem sustainable in the long run. Why not just eat at a deficit?
  • _Z3sty_
    _Z3sty_ Posts: 120
    Personally I think you are overdoing it especially with that amount of cardio.

    #1 - Eat your favorite food and try to meet your macros targets as close as possible with emphasis on protein and fat
    #2 - If you can join a gym and do a routine like All Pro's or Starting Strength ( has all the info you need)
    #3 - Enjoy the lifestyle and keep it simple
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I just want to know why you think a PB&J is bad....

    for paleo, it is.
  • Ariel909
    Hmm.. calories, no idea:/ but that's not what I eat every day just usually pretty similar. Mostly meat and veggies with a little fat. And what do you mean by rigid? Because it's the same thing all the time? How would you change it?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    First and foremost... How many calories is that? Seems low to me, but I often don't estimate well.

    Second, that's a ton of exercise. Based on your goals, I would suggest cutting that back a bit and on BWC days, do ONLY the BWC.

    Third, speaking of the BWC... I don't know you, but for most people that's not really resistance training. 20 BW squats? Jumping jacks? I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not really strength training, which is what your program is missing. At the very least buy some bands or weights to add some meaningful resistance.

    Last - that's exceptionally detailed, which can be great for some, but deadly for others. Make sure you are flexible enough with things to allow life to happen. Your long term success will thank you for it. Give some real though to the long term sustainability rather than a short term/narrow-minded focus on results.
  • LJSmith1989
    You mean with weight? Ya.. the "gym" in my apartment complex is lacking in that department..

    Body weight training then, you need more resistence/strength training
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Honestly, the exercise plan sounds boring and does not include any kind of progressive resistance training, which should be the focus of your plan. All that running sounds like unnecessary torture.

    Your food sounds.... OK, I guess, for a day. That'll get real boring real fast. Focus on calories, protein, and fat. And be sure you eat enough.
  • Ariel909
    Less cardio, check:) and it sounds like I need to invest in some weights. Thanks everyone!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hmm.. calories, no idea:/ but that's not what I eat every day just usually pretty similar. Mostly meat and veggies with a little fat. And what do you mean by rigid? Because it's the same thing all the time? How would you change it?

    Fat isnt the enemy at all. Put more fat and variety in your diet.
    Im the same height and weight as you and it doesnt seem like a lot food to keep you going.

    Youre doing a lot of cardio.
    If possible, get a gym membership and start lifting with dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells and plates.
    Doing squats, lunges, deadlifts, and more will help you learn to love you legs. And no you wont get bulky.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Less cardio, check:) and it sounds like I need to invest in some weights. Thanks everyone!

    Can't hurt, but might not be necessary, especially in the short term.

    Rather than doing regular bodyweight squats, do single leg squats.
    Find something heavy (a cinderblock, a tire, a child, whatever) and pick it up. Then put it down. Repeat.
    Do push-ups.
    Do pull-ups.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I use my 7lb cat as a kettlebell to warm up and then use my 10lbs cat for circuit least I use them on days I can't get to the gym and hug my favorite bar =)
  • darharmar
    darharmar Posts: 28 Member
    more strength training needed most definitely. I'd look into trying for at home things you can do with no weights or with dumbells. No crazy equipment, and NO COST. They are NOT for selling you crap you don't need and it's been VERY helpful to keep me motivated. Since I started I thought my legs were fine, and now they're so strong it's crazy. You will love and hate the freeze and squeeze lower body work out which is awesome for the legs. I've changed from running 3 days a week and videos to 100% fitnessblender, and do it 5 days a week. Love my results and my body is so much stronger. plus I actually enjoy exercise...what?!!