When do I stop?

I've lost about 62lbs. I'm 5'8" and my weight varies between 158 and 162. I've had so many ppl tell me not to lose any more, but I would like to see between 150 and 155! 149 would be amazing, but i dont want to get carried away. I know I'm not bigger at this point, but i think another 10 lbs would put the icing on the cake! My boyfriend says i'm borderline too skinny! lol i dont know what ppl see, because when i look in the mirror i see my gut that is accenutated(sp) by extra skin! I fear i've become a little extreme and have had bulemic thoughts! It's scary, but i know they thoughts are wrong so i dont follow through! HELP!?!?


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Maybe you should take a break and maintain for a while. Get your head back in order (not thinking about bulimia as an option), and then take another look at what you want to accomplish with your body.
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    Throw out the scale. Weight is just a number. Lift heavy, it will help tighten.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    They're jelly.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    My experience is people have a difficult time adjusting to large amounts of weight loss of people. When I started out and lost 20 pounds (starting at 255) leaving me still well into the obese range, people started to say I had lost too much. If your still in a healthy range and losing with a moderate deficit nothing is wrong with getting to the goal that is healthy. I would suggest that you focus less on weight and more on body recomposition eating at your maintenance calories or a tiny bit below (no more than 100-150 calories) and start doing some sort of strength training if you are not already. A good bodyweight program would be sufficient. I would suggest You Are your Own Gym by Mark Lauren.
  • sarfran27
    Throw out the scale. Weight is just a number. Lift heavy, it will help tighten.

    This ^^
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Maybe you should take a break and maintain for a while. Get your head back in order (not thinking about bulimia as an option), and then take another look at what you want to accomplish with your body.

    you have done a GREAT job so far, first of all!

    I agree with the above poster who suggests maintaining for a while. Perhaps focus on fitness for a while, and as another above poster suggested, lift heavy.

    If you ultimately still want to lose more, that's up to you. The people telling you that you're too skinny are probably just not used to the thinner you.

    If the thoughts of bulimia persist, consider speaking to a counselor. EDs are nothing to mess around with
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    People will constantly tell you that you have lost too much weight or are too skinny or you're wasting away, (I love that one). Don't listen to them. Be where you are comfortable. That being said we all want to lose 10 more vanity pounds. Take a break from this, and re-evaluate in a month. Still eat healthy and exercise, but don't actively try to lose. We can become obsessed, not a good thing. Best of luck! Congrats on your progress.
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    Going from my own experiences I lost a lot of weight when I was younger and had the same thoughts as yourself. Everyone around me was telling me I shouldn't lose anymore weight and I was too thin. I thought they were all wrong, but looking back I now know they were all right. I'm not saying it's the same for you, but I couldn't maintain that weight as it was too low for me and now I'm trying again the right way and I know what weight I can maintain.
    As jwdieter said maybe take a break from it all, or try maintaining and see how you feel.
  • JustDrea113
    JustDrea113 Posts: 15 Member
    the only skin that is super loose is my belly. my arms and legs are perfect. Not trying to be prideful, but i feel confident in that! I will have to check out "You Are Your Own Gym" and see what that's about. I agree about the scale...it's so hard though! And as far as maintanence calories i feel like it will make me gain weight! I consume 1600-2000 calories a day before my work outs! Dont get me wrong, some days i allow more but then i feel awful!
  • JustDrea113
    JustDrea113 Posts: 15 Member
    this website needs a like button!
  • Jill_with_a_G
    Jill_with_a_G Posts: 58 Member
    Your stats are my stats. I lost 40 pounds in 2000 and heard the same things. I got down to 145 bounced back up to 149 and maintained there for quite a while. I heard Oh, you lost so much weight! You are too skinny! You should stop!...blah blah blah....

    I gained some weight over the years (about 15 pounds) and have decided to lose it again. I'm currently at 156 with a goal of 150. Now the comments are, you look great, what's your goal? From the same ones that thought I was too skinny last time. I agree that people just haven't adjusted to the "new you". Do some lifting to tone everything. Find what your comfort weight is. If you metabolism has kicked in, it will take you to the weight where it wants to be. I get a little light headed if I go below 149 and that's a size 8 for me so I'm happy! Do what is right for you :) Good job so far.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    IF you're in a healthy Body Fat % range...

    IF you're NET calories are at a reasonable healthy deficit of your properly calculated TDEE...

    IF you're eating a reasonably healthy and balanced diet...

    IF you're getting all the vitamins, minerals, etc, that your body needs...

    If you're getting good exercise...


    IF you are honestly, objectively, and accurately judging all of these things, then ignore the people who say you are too thin or should stop... because IF you really have all these things nailed down then they just do not know what they are talking about, unless they are a doctor, nutritionist, dietician, etc, and then you should question their judgement and seek a second opinion.