Looking for support!

Hi everybody,

I am new to MFP. I need to lose 100 pounds and I am looking for some friends for support. It's going to be a long journey!


  • Hi. I need support too. I'm not too new but I don't use this tool as much as I should. I'm gonna track my carb and sugar intake for awhile to see if the Belly Fat Cure is gonna work for me. Ever heard of it?
  • Yurizzle
    Yurizzle Posts: 6 Member
    i'm here to cheer you on :) feel free to add me :)
  • narwhalpr
    narwhalpr Posts: 65 Member
    Hi cagrin2001! No, I have never heard of the Belly Fat Cure. However, I am trying to control my carb intake starting today. So I am hoping to see some results. I have been working out for a week now, and I have lost around 2 pounds, but I feel stuck and I think it's because I have been eating a lot of carbs. *Crossing fingers*