
What kind is the healthiest? What should i not get? What's the best way to cook them. I like baked potatoes with some shredded cheese and sour cream..(theres onion chived i like..its a weak point) What should i do?


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Idk a lot about potatoes or the healthiness of them, buuuut I made some french fries the other night that were really good:

    1 potato (of choice)
    1 tsp EVOO
    Jerk Seasoning

    Cut up potato as thin as you can (or want)- I aim for about 1/4 in- 1/2 in strips. Drizzle EVOO, Sprinkle Jerk Seasoning. Bake 1/2 hr at about 375-400 depending on how well done you like them, turning once. It's about 150 or so calories for one medium sized potato worth (110 for the potato, 40 for the EVOO)

    I had them with a veggie burger and salad- about 550 -600 for the meal.

    This recipe was originally for sweet potatoes, which I hear tell are supposed to be on the healthier side of potatoes but im not a big SPF fan- I like my sweet potatoes sweet. So I just used regualr idaho potato
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    sweet potato/yam.. I like to cut them up and bake them as fries. Then add a little salt/pepper ect.. Also a good recipe I use :

    Sweet potato cakes
    4 oz. baked sweet potato
    1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice, or to taste
    2 tsp. ground flax seed
    1 egg white
    1/2 tsp baking powder (optional)
    sweetener of choice

    Mash all ingredients together to form a thick paste.
    Form the mixture into patties however thick you like.
    Place the patties onto the surface of a preheated hot skillet lined with non-stick spray.
    Cook on Med-high heat until golden brown, then flip to cook the other side and continue cooking to golden brown.
  • ekoepke413
    I am not a fan of sweet potatoes even though they are better for you. I bake a small to medium sized potato and put salsa over it (whatever kind you like- I prefer a spicy salsa)- It is so good, filling and a healthier option. Good luck!
  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    I buy red potatoes. They're yummy! Only 110 calories for a medium red potato. I like to cube them up and bake them with olive oil and garlic! YUMMY!
  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    Roast them in salsa and a spray of EVOO. Awesome! :tongue:
  • precioustypeoflove
    precioustypeoflove Posts: 197 Member
    sweet potatoes are the best but im not a big fan if its not in the form of a pie !! :love: so i just dont eat any kind !!:sad:
  • Jennifer1982
    Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
    I love potatoes too much to cut them out of my diet! The other day I looked up the health benefits of potatoes and found a lot of good info in this website:

    The potato is not the enemy! It's the things we put on them. ;-)
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I love potatoes! Scotch-Irish tradition, right? And even though I won't allow sour cream in my fridge at the moment, as soon as I reach my goal weight it and the cheese are both coming back into my life.

    Anyway, I found it's easier for me to eat potatoes right when I weigh them on my food scale. A bag of potatoes will give a certain serving size in grams, but testing it out, I found the average size of a potato in the bag is nothing like the serving size! And the MFP "generic" entries are totally different from what I find printed on a particular bag.

    Are you a skin-eater? They say that's where all the vitamins and fiber are. I like skin myself--especially baked when it's all crackly and woodsy-tasting. Mmm. But a lot of people hate it.

    Fried in olive oil, baked whole, boiled with salt, sauteed with onions and garlic, smothered with sauteed mushrooms or steak juice (my fav) are all pretty healthy. Just can't have'm twice-baked with all that cheesy-bacon or mashed with all that cream and butter.