Weight Watchers or Atkins?

Anyone try both diets? Which worked fastest? Is either one easier to stick with? I realize both are lifestyle changes that you pretty much have to stick with to keep the weight off, so I'm looking to learn one or the other (will not be going to meetings or anything of that sort) and stick to it. I'm wanting to lose between 10 and 15 pounds in 10 weeks. Is this reasonable/achievable?


  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Anyone try both diets? Which worked fastest? Is either one easier to stick with? I realize both are lifestyle changes that you pretty much have to stick with to keep the weight off, so I'm looking to learn one or the other (will not be going to meetings or anything of that sort) and stick to it. I'm wanting to lose between 10 and 15 pounds in 10 weeks. Is this reasonable/achievable?

    A.) your goal is totally achievable, if you exercise as well as watch what you eat.

    B.) Team Beachbody Club is cheaper and you get the same things (if not more) then WW. Especially if you are not going to meetings.

    Just my 2 cents....
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Atkins is more of a quick fix, I would say weight watchers would be a better option of the two.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I have not tried Atkins, but have tried South Beach, similar. I have done WW and have found more success with WW. WW is annoying at the begining but will help you realize what' good food vs. bad food. It also helps you understand the concept of portion control. I think there new plan is much better becuase now they incorporate protein which is a lot better because now points are less if the protien is high in a certain food/meal. Plus with Atkins, I haven't met one person who has been able to stick with these sorts of diets. WW is long term, so much better success. Good luck to you. I bet you'll reach your goal with in 2 months if not less doing WW.
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    Faster is not always better. Atkins is an awful thing to do to your body. If you're completely lost and feel you need the support, do Weight Watchers.
  • Gennawest
    Gennawest Posts: 171
    depending upon your starting weight, you can lose that much weight in 10 weeks no prob without any of those meal plans. with working out, tracking your food- you are well on your way. that way you can save some money and buy some new clothes when the others don't fit :-}
  • WashingtonGrown
    WW isn't a diet really, it's no different than this site, except you replace calories with Points. It's not a fast diet it's a life style change. However, I did lost 12 lbs in 2 months on WW, I followed the plan and exercised. My over all goal is 20lbs total I am down to my last 8.

    I will be frank though, this site blows WW out of the water, so I suggest you just use this.
  • hapemopirate
    hapemopirate Posts: 68 Member
    I'm SO anti-Atkins. I'm a nurse, and I've seen many patients come through with kidney problems from assaulting their bodies with mass amounts of protein constantly. In fact, my sister an parents did about 3 months of Adkins a while back. They all three lost weight -- fast. They were loving it until my sister woke up in the middle of the night in pain. We took her to the ER, thinking she might have appendicitis or kidney stones. Turns out, her kidneys were basically screaming at her! Once she got rid of the Atkins diet, her pain went away. When I was in high school, I did WW and lost about 75 lbs. I didn't go to meetings, either. My dad paid for my online membership. I LOVED it. It really taught me balance. I'm considering it again. Good luck! I know you can do it!!!
  • hacheybaby
    im currently on weight watchers, only been there 2 weeks now, but tbh im only going because i got 12 weeks free from my doctor, it is expensive other wise i love there food thou. i think this site alone helps me with my weight . you get to write all your details of what you have eaten and it calculates it all for you.

    you only really need to do is keep tracking ur food in the diary and stick to the limit this site has set you and do the recommended exercise set or do more to push urself firstly. you can easily do 15lb in ten weeks ive lost 15 in six weeks and thats just using this site alone.

    plus this site is free!! :)
  • Mytwogirls
    Mytwogirls Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm going to do a semi WW. I'm not going to join but I'm going to track everything here and start doing at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. I'm thinking of trying the P90X but my sister in law says it's more for avid exercisers than for someone who's just starting out. I'm sure I can do whatever I can each day and build myself up to being able to do the full DVD.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm going to do a semi WW. I'm not going to join but I'm going to track everything here and start doing at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. I'm thinking of trying the P90X but my sister in law says it's more for avid exercisers than for someone who's just starting out. I'm sure I can do whatever I can each day and build myself up to being able to do the full DVD.

    I agree with your sister in law. P90X is not for the novice. I would say start out with something like Slim in 6 specially if your goal is to lose weight. The workouts are quick and it's total body.

    I'm in my 10th week of doing P90X.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member


    Why would you pay for WW when MFP is free? Atkins is bad, mmkay?
  • Weight watchers i hear is awesome so going to do it when i get my next check. For anither thing you can do p90x i am prior military and got injured in basic after 4 kids im no spring chicken and i can do it you are correct do what you can to start and keep building you dont have to push youself to the extream dont do plyometrics off the bat instead do cardio x then when you feel youve concord cardio x then do plyo.
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    MFP- save your money and go out and buy a fitbit flex. It will only cost $60 and they walking is free. A no brainer to me. Just put your shoes on and start walking. The combination of the two is the best program I have ever used.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    MFP- save your money and go out and buy a fitbit flex. It will only cost $60 and they walking is free. A no brainer to me. Just put your shoes on and start walking. The combination of the two is the best program I have ever used.

    Just maintain a deficit and do some walking?

    Surely it can't be that simple.

    Works for me too. ;)

    No point in restricting carbs unless you have a good diagnosed medical reason to, just eat what you like and is sustainable for you.
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    If you are only comparing the two, I would have to say that WW is a long term "fix". Adkins will help you lose lots of weight quickly but as soon as you eat "normal" foods, then you will gain it all back just as quickly. WW helps teach you which foods are the best to eat while still giving you some wiggle room on eating unhealthy snacks. However, I would say you could just track your calorie intake here on myfitnesspal and log your exercise. You will get the same benefit without having to spend any money or go to any meetings.
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    I've done the old WW and was pretty successful with it (lost about 50-60lbs and quit when I got stuck on a plateau for a month or so). I tried the new WW and did not have any success with it. I've never done Atkins.

    I would stick to MFP and invest in a Fitbit, and save the rest of the money you'd be spending on WW for a new wardrobe when you lose all the weight. MFP has a great set up but their numbers can be off as I found out mine were. I was stalled for a couple of months, gaining and losing the same few kgs. But since I got a fitbit, the losses are continuous and no longer random. I know if I stick to the numbers Fitbit gives me, I will lose according to the deficit I am on. I've had it for about a month and love it.

    ETA....the reason I liked WW is because I could eat anything I wanted as long as it it fit my points. MFP is the same way, except it isn't based on some magical number they give me and it is free. Atkins is too restrictive and I know I could never stick to something like that.
  • StephanitaNelson
    As a nurse who has worked in endocrinology and diabetic clinics, Atkins all the way. WW is garbage by allowing trigger foods and high carbs which play havoc on one's insulin levels (the fat storage hormone). If you want gold stars and applause for losing half a pound, go with WW. If you want a natural approach to eating and numerous health benefits: Atkins.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    WW tracks points so its similar to MFP. I wouldn't pay for it unless you need that support.

    I've lost great following Atkins/low carb ish (I've always eaten almonds/nuts and some berries or a banana). It works for me, I have more energy, pretty simple if you are good avoiding particular foods. It's harder the first few days, once you get in the routine it's easier. If you try it for a week or two and find it too difficult or too tempting to eat sweets or cereal or bread, it probably isn't the right lifestyle for you. Atkins won't work if you eat high fat beef and cheese but then polish off two bowls of cereal or eat a king size Snickers. Now you are high carb, high fat, and high protein which means high calories.
    Edited to add: just like low calorie diets, if you do a low carb diet and eat just like you were before you'll gain the weight back. You can eventually eat "normal" foods on Atkins...just like low calorie if you're at your goal weight and you eat maintenance calories...you won't gain the weight back. Both are lifestyles that require a change in eating habits. In order to not gain the weight back, you can't go back to eating like you were before losing weight.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Uh, how 'bout neither? Why not try eating at a reasonable calorie deficit, and get in a little exercise a few times a week? That's what's sustainable, and guess what else?

    It's free.