Does MFP work as well as Weight Watchers?



    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    MFP helps you decide how much you want to lose each week and gives you your calories accordingly based on your weight, height and activity.

    Nothing is off limits and the more you exercise the more calories it gives you - I don't always eat these extra calories back but it has taught me to be responsible for what I eat. If I want chocolate I have it and don't feel guilty at all!

    MFP is FREE, has lots of lovely people to give you advice, encouragement and who with their support help keep you on track.

    Watching my calories and walking an average of 12 mile a week I have been losing steadily since May. I'm in no rush and don't have to pay anyone to weigh me each week.

    Try MFP for a month and if you don't like it then join WW.

    I don't consider this a DIET (nasty word) - I see this as a healthier change in food and exercise for the rest of my life.

    Think that is the big difference, people go to WW get to their target and then start getting bad habits back and put some of the weight back on. You see people on the success stories on MFP that have maintained their weight once reaching target because they stick to the healthier plan that has worked for their individual needs.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do x
  • andreabrabham
    andreabrabham Posts: 116 Member
    I like weight watchers a little better because points seem easier to keep up with. I also like how it doesnt go by your calories but your macros. Im not good at counting how many carbs and protein and fat. I like to just calculate the points and go from there. Plus I like how most fruits and veggies are 0 points instead of eating a huge bag of veggies and it says 250cals. 0 just sounds better to me. I like both MFP and Weight Watchers though. I love my friends on here but im more comfortable with points. WW does help lose weight and keep it off if the person continues to eat smaller servings as they were when they were on WW. Not all people gain once they get off. But if money becomes an issue I would recommend getting a WW calculator and just track it on here. Ive done that. Plus for phones there are many apps that can help you track your points as well. But none are as good as the WW app IMHO. Good luck.

    Also, Im on weight watchers so if you need a buddy, Im here for ya.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I think it doesn't matter which method you use. It's all about you being committed to yourself and your health. The method itself is not what works or doesn't work, it's YOU and how you apply the method that makes a difference.

    It's an individual thing, too. I prefer MFP because of the wide variety of people and various techniques used. The Groups here are the best thing about MFP, in my opinion.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I'm going to give MY honest opinion.

    MFP works
    WW doesn't

    Really you can lose weight with any program, it's up to you.

    I tried WW several times. I've always done well for a few months, then the raging hunger and obsession with food (from finding best chemical combinations for no points to get food in my body) has got the best of me and I eat a little here, a little there and that's the end. You can't survive on sugar free jello powder mixed in fat free cool whip as a dessert for the long term, where's the joy in that?

    MFP is what you make of it. If you try to eat 1200 you may burn out after a few months. I tried 1200 for a week and did some research and learned that I could eat 1600 calories a day and lose 2 pounds a week!

    We are all made different and our bodies work different. Weight loss is not one size fits all. By spending some time on the forums and reading up, I was able to see what worked for others and make my own plan and have smashing success. My before and during photos are in my profile. My before was taken May 3 2013. I still have a long way to go to reach my goals, but I'm fueling my body so I'll have the energy to get there.
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    Im thinking about joining soon and id love some opinions. Thanks!

    Really though, when it comes down to it OP, what works for YOU and YOU alone is going to come down to your own personal opinion. The only way you are going to determine if WW or MFP is better for you is if you actually go out and try WW for a while, give it a good shot and see how it works.
  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    I started on ww and switch to mfp to monitor not just calories but fat and carbs. I feel that ww is not worth the expense or the inconvenience of the meetings and not real fond of all their products that they sell at the meetings never been real keen on processed food. do like their scales measuring cups and cook books.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Both teach you to count. Both establish a deficit.

    I've seen far more people do WW, lose weight, quit, eat regular food again, gain wait... go back to WW.

    While on MFP, I see people fitting real food into their daily lives without the need for meetings, continue to lose, and manage it.

    WW, in my opinion, sets you up for failure. Why not just use this?


    I've known many people do weight watchers, but never anyone who has successfully kept it off, myself included. I'm eating waaaay more on MFP than I ever did on WW.

    I also didn't like the sad faces and the "you'll do better at your next weigh in" if my weight happened to fluctuate up one week. Weight fluctuates, no matter how "good" you eat.
  • GinJon
    GinJon Posts: 448 Member
    MFP is working better for me. :bigsmile:
  • benotnobodi
    benotnobodi Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, guys! Thanks so much. I can already see the community here is amazing! Im sold!!! Thanks again. :)
  • imzadi481
    imzadi481 Posts: 86 Member
    I've done WW. It worked well for me, but I didn't keept at it afterwards so I put the weight back on. MFP works well for me, but if I don't keep at it after, I'll put on the weight again. As you can see, it's "6 of one, half a dozen of the other". If you are commited to keeping it up, either one will be fine.

    Thing is, WW is quite expensive; MFP is free. I'd pick free any day :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've done WW. It worked well for me, but I didn't keept at it afterwards so I put the weight back on. MFP works well for me, but if I don't keep at it after, I'll put on the weight again. As you can see, it's "6 of one, half a dozen of the other". If you are commited to keeping it up, either one will be fine.

    Thing is, WW is quite expensive; MFP is free. I'd pick free any day :)
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    it depends on how motivated you are. MFP is self-motivated (except for your community support). there's no one there making you come weekly to weigh in and hold you accountable. if you need more structure and guidance in your diet, i would suggest weight watchers.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    IMO weight watchers is similar to calorie counting, but without the Math. Both work on calorie deficit. I prefer MFP as there are no gimmicks, no points, no free food, just good old fashioned calories in vs calories out.


    I have done WW Twice, and was never able to maintain any loss....well, I did, but for not as long. I gave up due to being too lazy to figure out points. With MFP, it is what it is....AND free!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Ive also done Weight Watchers a couple of times. Lost weight put it back on.
    MFP and calorie counting is better for me, and cheaper too!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    IMO weight watchers is similar to calorie counting, but without the Math. Both work on calorie deficit. I prefer MFP as there are no gimmicks, no points, no free food, just good old fashioned calories in vs calories out.


    I have done WW Twice, and was never able to maintain any loss....well, I did, but for not as long. I gave up due to being too lazy to figure out points. With MFP, it is what it is....AND free!
    I maintained my WW loss for two years. I only put weight back on because of birth control.

    So there, you all "know" ONE person who was sucessful on the program.
  • cindyanne29
    cindyanne29 Posts: 17 Member
    MFP and WW didn't really work well for me except for one difference: the weekly weight-ins at WW are very motivating for me. Something about them writing the -1 on my card for the week I was sooo happy!
    I did the old version of WW and it worked well.
    This new version (points plus) I don't like: most all fruits and veg are free, and eating your exercise points, and the free extra points for the week = too much loosey-goosey. I liked the old version where I had 22 points each day and that's it. no free (which for me meant cheating like eating 3 bananas a day ....)
    So I'm going back to MFP for awhile.
  • danprin1
    danprin1 Posts: 17 Member
    I have found I like my fitness pal more than WW... 1st off, WW is about 44$ for monthly pass which includes online and meetings. I find the meetings helpful but, their food database is awful!! I have been using this site for a week and am having less stress than with WW site... I am canceling my membership when this month runs out. Also one of the things I like from WW is the free fruits and veggies. Both sites are good to lose weight, but Mfp is free, so I think it's the winner personally
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    I have done both and have had better success with MFP - and its free! Maybe it was the program.......maybe it was my mind set. WW also has "free" fruits and veggies.....I am sure I went over my calorie count with the "free" foods. MFP has taught me a bit of a difference as in EVERYTHING counts and is working for me. Just my two cents. :smile:
  • I have had alot of success with WW. My friends also considered it to be accountability for them when they had to weigh in weekly. I think it just depends on how well you can manage without a face to face interaction for motivation.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Plus I like how most fruits and veggies are 0 points instead of eating a huge bag of veggies and it says 250cals. 0 just sounds better to me.

    That should be the answer to why MFP is far better than WW. Right there, in two sentences.