what bc pill have you NOT gained weight on ?



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Has she tried other methods of getting her acne cleared up? It could be a food sensitivity that is causing the flare ups. My stepson had terrible acne that didn't respond to medication. We cut back on the HFCS (and sugar in general) and his skin cleared up noticeably. Obviously, he wasn't going to be put on hormonal birth control, but I had my doubts about the effects of antibiotics on the long term control of acne.

    Definitely talk with her doctor about other options. Obviously, if she is trying to prevent pregnancy, birth control is going to be necessary. But if this isn't a concern for her, maybe a more natural solution may be available.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    When I first started the pill I went low-hormone (Tri-Cyclen Lo) for this very reason, however I put on 10-15lbs in that time. I'm not 100% blaming the pill for this as I was basically finishing puberty when I started and also started working and eating a bit poorly. Some say that the pill does cause cravings though, like a milder version of pregnancy cravings since your body is tricked into thinking it's pregnant, but I'm not calling that a fact.
    When my TCL started making me spot like mad after 2 years (I guess your body just decides one day what it doesn't want), I switched to Yasmin (NOT Yaz, which I've heard nothing good about) which I've loved and hasn't inhibit my ability to lose weight too much (like TCL seemed to; I swear I was dieting for 10 women).

    TLDR; Yasmin did not make me gain weight.

    ETA: On an unrelated note, I'd avoid Alesse. I know she's not using it for BC specifically but I've known several women to get pregnant on Alesse so if she continues to use it for years to come (like I ended up) then this is something I'm gonna call, uh, important.

    See, I was on Yaz for years and loved it, until it got too expensive. No cramps, easy periods, minimal mood swings (I have PMDD so the mood swings were not from the pill). Just goes to show everyone is different.

    And as far as Alesse, unless there is actual evidence showing it is less effective, I wouldn't put too much stock in anecdotal evidence of "I know people who have gotten pregnant on it". The pill isn't 100% effective even when used correctly, and most women don't use it correctly (myself often included).

    Yep...even Depo Provera (shots) are not 100% when used correctly.
  • shelbelw
    shelbelw Posts: 48 Member
    I am on Seasonique to help control peri-menopausal symptoms. As a woman in my mid-40s, it would really suck to put on weight because of that. I have been overweight for the last 15 years, but none of it was due to the bc. Good luck!
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I have been on many pills, but none of them really made me gain weight (they do give me more cravings, I have noticed they go down when I take the week off). I have had a LOT of side effects other than that though, from yeast infections to insane emotions to non stop bleeding, all of which I would place as worse than gaining 15lbs. Maybe it's because I have been on other medications that did a whole lot more than BC to make me ravenous.
  • shelbelw
    shelbelw Posts: 48 Member
    I have a friend though who is basically psychotic on BC. She's *****y, moody, gains weight, I want to punch her.

    And I am psychotic without it! :)
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    Google for low estrogen pills such as Loestrin. Then bring the list to a health professional and go over, to determine if any of these are good fit in combination with acne problems. This would be my suggestion
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Necon ..ive lost weight since on it..I don't think the pill has any impact on my weight it may increase appetite but I just have to fight it..
  • amiclvrt
    It's not a bc pill, but my daughter (junior in college) and I have had great success with Mirena. It's very, very low hormones and lasts for 5 years. In the past, I had always gained with bc pills.
  • alicecorsiatto
    alicecorsiatto Posts: 35 Member
    I've never gained weight from the pill either and I will add that I'm currently taking Seasonale and it's fabulous.
    Four periods a year, a dream come true.
