Chocolate anyone???

Jsnbabb1 Posts: 146 Member
I Looooove chocolate!!!
Does anybody have any good ideas on some healthier ways to eat some sweet snacks (like chocolate) ...rather than a hearshys chocolate bar at the checkout???
thanks a bunch


  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Ghiradellis, 60 % Cocoa Semi Sweet Chocolate Pieces......low in calories and great friend to your, mm......Its at your local grocery in the black bag..........
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    100 calorie packs of chocolate cookies... skinny cow ice creams are good too ;-)
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    perfect time for sugar free hot cocoa, only 25 cal. and i get in my choc fix with my protein shzerake after a workout. it helps repair your muscles. slimfast bars are great also. you can replace your meal with that and a glass of milk. i like choc brownie. and i get the apex brownies at the gym expensive but worth it as they have a ton of protein and if you nuke it for about 15 seconds witha glass of milk it is agreat treat and i dont feel like i am cheating with a snickers or whatever. weight watchers has great choc stuff in the freezer area but i have to be careful because i always over eat the ice cream sandwiches or choc bars.
  • Jsnbabb1
    Jsnbabb1 Posts: 146 Member
    I appreciate it...i love to snack on things like brownies and stuff but once i start with a brownie i feel as if ive already cheated and then just blow it for the rest of the day. Especially sence im dishing out yummy snacks all day with my kids :wink:
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I cannot imagine my future without chocolate, BUT neither can I imagine my life eating chocolate in moderation.....bit of a dilemma. I don't really do moderation well, hence being here, I think it is my Life's work to learn it, I am trying..... I find myself very trying!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    if you cant handle having it in the house, it is better to go to the store, restaurant or wherever once in a while as a treat. i have played around and discovered as long as i dont bake it, i am usually fine. and the treats i give my kids are things i dont want to eat like skittles. if they ask for a donut or something i tell them only one because they know i cant have it at home or they are all gone!i couldnt imagine never eating another reeses or snickers, so just plan your day around it, and let yourself enjoy the life out of it. sit down and eat it slowly and love it!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    if you cant handle having it in the house, it is better to go to the store, restaurant or wherever once in a while as a treat. i have played around and discovered as long as i dont bake it, i am usually fine. and the treats i give my kids are things i dont want to eat like skittles. if they ask for a donut or something i tell them only one because they know i cant have it at home or they are all gone!i couldnt imagine never eating another reeses or snickers, so just plan your day around it, and let yourself enjoy the life out of it. sit down and eat it slowly and love it!
  • BK120
    BK120 Posts: 107
    I appreciate it...i love to snack on things like brownies and stuff but once i start with a brownie i feel as if ive already cheated and then just blow it for the rest of the day. Especially sence im dishing out yummy snacks all day with my kids :wink:

    Instead of dishing out yummy snacks out to your kids - try healthier snacks.

    One think you can try is mix one small can of pumpkin with chocolate cake mix. You will need to add a little water to make it more cake like and bake. The pumpkin is used in place of eggs and oil. My daughter likes them better than brownies.
  • lizk17
    lizk17 Posts: 10 Member
    I love the Jello Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Pudding or
    the Fiber 1 oatmeal and chocolate bars for a treat.
  • sandytracy
    From what my diabetes classes taught me.. I can eat anything I want, as long as I look at what the carbs are (and for losing weight, what the fats are) and balance that with what it is I am eating.. If I'm going to eat something that is going to put me over what I should eat, It darned well better be worth it.. so no cheapo candy bar in the checkout.. let's go with truffles or yummy chocolates from the fancy chocolate store..

    And then remember to do all things in Moderation.. So instead of scarfing down an entire gianormous candy bar, maybe buy the bite size candies and eat one at a time.. very slowly over a couple of days. Instead of the large piece of cake, take a sliver..

    I've decided I am not sacrificing flavor for calories.. I'd rather eat something that tastes marvelous.. and just eat Less Of It..

    And.. just so you know.. Dove makes a marvelous sugar-free chocolate candy. I can't tell the difference when I go with the dark chocolate (and I love dark chocolate anyway).
  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    chocolate vitamuffin tops!! so delicious! .. they make vitabrownies too.. i havent actually seen the brownies at the store, but i know you can order them online.
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 444 Member
    chocolate vitamuffin tops!! so delicious! .. they make vitabrownies too.. i havent actually seen the brownies at the store, but i know you can order them online.

    I must agree I love chocolate vitamuffin tops. Sometimes I make a death by chocolate like dessert by using a chocolate pudding cup mixed in with pieces of the viatmuffin and some non-fat cool whip. very satisfying and low in calories
  • forgiven4life
    chocolate vitamuffin tops!! so delicious! .. they make vitabrownies too.. i havent actually seen the brownies at the store, but i know you can order them online.

    Another vote for these!! Love them. Come in some great chocolate flavors.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I buy truffles; Girardelhi has good ones you can usually find at grocery stores, or Lindt. Then I put them in the freezer so I can't just pop them into my mouth, I have to take small little bites. And the higher quality and darker the chocolate, the more satisfying it is (at least for me).