Does anyone know?

A lot of you have been on the Boards for awhile. Does anyone know all the countries that MFP goes to? When was it started -- year? Does anyone know how many members worldwide use MFP? I have told so many people about this wonderful site and I just want to give good information when I tell people to check it out! :smooched:


  • boniekatie
    Sorry I just enjoy using it, i've never done research on it. Sometimes there are postings from officials of the company, you might ask one of them.
  • MissKaylaDawn
    I did some research for you :) Be mindful this article was written in April of 2010 so the amount of users has fluctuated!


    SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE), a leading social network with more than one million users interested in diet and fitness, has made a mobile version of its popular online calorie counter available as a free download in Android Market™. MyFitnessPal’s Android Calorie Counter follows the successful MyFitnessPal iPhone app, which saw more than one million downloads and remains in the top five Health & Fitness apps since its launch in December 2009.

    .One of the fastest growing diet and fitness sites on the web, boasts a community of more than 1,000,000 members who use the free service daily to track both diet and exercise. MyFitnessPal’s searchable food database contains nutritional information for more than 476,000 food items, both homemade and store-bought. The MyFitnessPal exercise database calculates how many calories are burned based on the user’s weight, the duration of exercise and the type of exercise - ranging from house cleaning to a game of squash to playing Wii Tennis. For the few items that aren’t already available, members can also add personal foods and exercises to both databases at any time.

    “Studies have shown that the more consistently a person tracks calories, the more likely they are to lose weight - so we make it as easy as possible to count calories,” said Mike Lee, co-founder of MyFitnessPal. “We’ve also found that members who use both our website and our mobile apps together lose 250% more weight on average than members who use just the web alone – that’s more than double the weight loss! So we’re really excited to bring MyFitnessPal to Android as well.”

    Every member of MyFitnessPal establishes a personalized diet profile based on individual weight loss goals. The myriad calculators on MyFitnessPal allow users to track their progress throughout the day, and easily see how many calories have been used - and how many are still available - for the remainder of the day.

    Kelly Kocalis, a MyFitnessPal member since March, has already lost 38 pounds. “I love that has added an Android app,” she said. “The ability to search for nutrition information and update my foods on the run has saved me from making unwise food choices, and it has saved me time. Previously I had to write down what I'd eaten during the day and then enter it on my computer at night. It is a priceless upgrade!"

    The Android app allows members full access to their account, including the entire food and exercise database, where they can log information and keep notes in their diet diary. All changes made on the phone will be synchronized with the website and vice versa whenever an Internet connection is available.

    “MyFitnessPal members are achieving amazing results,” said personal trainer Tonya L. Davis-Miller, who recommends the service to her clients to help track what they eat. “The combination of the tracker tools and the community are what makes this so successful. Support and motivation from other like-minded people is key. I will continue to recommend MyFitnessPal to any client, family member or friend who needs help sticking to a diet and fitness plan.”

    About MyFitnessPal

    Founded in 2005 by brothers Michael and Albert Lee, San Francisco-based MyFitnessPal is a leading health and fitness community with easy-to-use tools for tracking nutritional intake and exercise levels. With more than 1 Million active users, MyFitnessPal members can access their full account, including the food and exercise databases, from any Android device, iPhone, iPod Touch or through the website at The MyFitnessPal community actively uses social media channels to maintain a steady stream of motivation, communication and support. MyFitnessPal currently has more than 16,000 Facebook Fans and more than 1,700 followers on Twitter.

    Hope this helps :) Let me know if you need me to find anymore :) I'm good at research :P

  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Kayla, thanks so much! This is wonderful information and I am certain many others on these boards appreciate knowing more about our great community!

    Over 1 million members.... that's amazing. I like to tell people a little about the site when I refer them. Some of the others do so much advertising, but I tell everyone MFP is the BEST.

    You are the Best too, Kayla. Thanks again!
  • MissKaylaDawn
    Eh, it's what I do :) I love to learn things so it's easy :P. I'm just very glad that I could help :)
  • Danielle_NOWStheTIME
    thanks for all the knowledge! I to tell everyone about this site...I can't believe how easy it is to lose weight One week in and I hooked ...LOVE my Fitness Pal!!!
  • sgssmile
    :blushing: Thanks for the research, it was interesting and I too have told everyone I know about it and how much i love it
  • MissKaylaDawn
    You're all welcome. It wasn't a problem at all. I like researching things :)