Fitness gadget...fitbit, jawbone up, fit bug...ect.

Does anyone have some good advice as to which fitness gadget to buy? Do you own a fitness device that you love or hate? What do you like/dislike or recommend about your device? I'm in the market for some type of HRM/Pedometer and there are just too many to choose from! I want to make sure i'm investing my money into a good device. Any thoughts or comments would be great!


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I don't like anything that is clearly visible when I wear it, so that quickly eliminates all of the bracelets and arm bands. They're ugly and can't be worn in all situations.

    I have been very happy with my Fitbit One. I've reached my goals using its guidance and it keeps me motivated to get out and keep moving.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I have a Fitbit One, it's good, but not as good as my Polar FT4 HRM, which is significantly cheaper that the Fitbit, and it gives me a far more accurate calorie burn reading.
  • wenle66
    wenle66 Posts: 2 Member
    I got the Reebok InShape fitness monitor watch. At first I thought it was awesome! When I compare the data it feeds back to data I already know to be true it is not accurate at all!! By data I mean running a particular distance at a particular pace should net a particular and constant result. This watch has been way off! I'm going to keep looking for a better one.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I have a Fitbit One, it's good, but not as good as my Polar FT4 HRM, which is significantly cheaper that the Fitbit, and it gives me a far more accurate calorie burn reading.

    I have an FT4 also. OP should know that the HRMs are not intended nor accurate for day to day calorie burn tracking. A HRM is only intended to be used for activities when your HR is significantly elevated. Devices like the Fitbit are best for all day tracking.
  • blueberrystreet
    Thanks for all the good info!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I have a FLEX (since July) and don't have any issues with it being on my wrist. It's off once a week to recharge and I do remove it when showering but you don't have to as it's water proof. I will never forget to wear it and I can't lose it or throw it into the washer. The downside of it is I usually would be wearing a watch on that wrist and if you have to see your steps it will only show a series of lites. It will do a happy dance on your wrist and light up when you hit your step goal. I'm a couch potato and since getting the Flex, I've logged nearly 300 miles since mid July. So for me it's motivating & they have great support (it also works with my cell)

    My HRM is a Polar FT7 and I'm happy with it.

    Also have an older OMRON pedometer (HJ 113) that shows steps/aerobic steps & minutes/calories & fat grams as well as the time and distance.
  • stepkatq
    stepkatq Posts: 10 Member
    fit bit one was my pick. I didn't want anything that was on display like the wrist bands as they aren't appropriate in my workplace and I didn't want it as a conversation starter. The fitbit one is unobtrusive, clips on my bra & I totally forget it it there. I also really like the ability to see my progress on the device itself and then of course when I want more complex data/graphs etc, the app and online dashboard are great. I have also started using the silent alarm function as I find it to be a nice way to wake up ( I still set my back up phone alarm for 15 minutes later) No reflection on the effectiveness of the fitbit alarm,as it is in fact very effective, I am just a bit neurotic about some things ;)
    At the moment I am looking for a heart rate monitor of some sort as well, which will be used just for exercise and I will keep using my fitbit for my general tracking.

    edit: forgot to say, it also syncs well (mostly) with mfp, runkeeper and a few other apps. Also, a charge it lasting 8/9 days for me and it charges quickly which is convenient since you want it on you, not attached to the computer! My only concerns (not big ones) are in regard to the case/clip breaking at some point, me losing the wireless sync thingy and my sleep wristband is getting worn and I can imagine will need replacing at some point. I do wonder how easy it will be to source these items or whether the devices are meant to be disposable and by the time you need new accessories you are supposed to have moved onto the next model.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    If you just want to see how active you are throughout the day, get a pedometer. If you want to monitor calories burned during a workout more accurately, get a HRM.

    I got a Pyle Sport HRM with chest strap a few months ago because I wanted to try out a HRM, but didn't want to spend a lot of money until I knew if I would like using it. It was under $30 and is quite accurate (within the same +/- as a Polar). It doesn't have all of the extras that a Polar has, it just monitors heartrate and you have to have the stopwatch running to calculate calories burned, but it does exactly what I wanted, so I don't plan to upgrade now until it needs replacing.
  • 50Mimmy
    I have had my FitBit One for one day, and so far very pleased. It is so fun to watch the statistics on the website :D. I chose One because it is discrete and has a display (unlike Flex). It has already motivated me to walk a lot :) I have successfully syncronized it with MyFitnessPal and Endomondo. Jawbone UP tempted because it can wake you up when you aren't in a deep sleep (or something), but it does not sync wirelessly and I do not want some ugly wristband on my arm everyday.
  • susieoj
    susieoj Posts: 181
    Up band wasn't worth it for me, not very accurate and doesn't give your total daily burn, I ended up giving mine away after a couple months and got the BodyMedia with Bluetooth and I love it. The BodyMedia is incredibly helpful and accurate with my HR monitor for all of my activity so far.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    save your money ...I have a body fit media and never even use it anymore..I found that the burns it was calculating were way off and I actually started gaining while using it...

    just figure out your maintenance, cut, and bulk levels by experimenting with a good old fashioned scale....
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    There are a lot of Polar and Garmin HRM's that are awesome. Suuzo is also a good brand.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I am saving my $ for a Basis. Looks like they are sold out at the moment, but still available on ebay.
  • Rkthach
    Rkthach Posts: 33 Member

    I have an FT4 also. OP should know that the HRMs are not intended nor accurate for day to day calorie burn tracking. A HRM is only intended to be used for activities when your HR is significantly elevated. Devices like the Fitbit are best for all day tracking.

    I LOVE my FT4, but yes, it's only for activities. I am saving up for a FitBit for daily tracking.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    The FT4 is extremely accurate in comparison to the Fitbit for calorie burns.

    I have both the Fitbit One and a Polar FT4 HRM, I have a treadmill at home and I use the gym and swimming pool 5 times a week. I used the Fitbit One whilst on the treadmill, and whilst it gives accurate steps taken, it grossly overestimates the calories burned for those steps, as it's not accurate on reading the intensity of how the steps were obtained. My Ft4 HRM, however, is never anymore than 20 calories different, to the expensive, high tech gym HRM's, I have done my own experiments with them, and they really are accurate, especially if you can figure out your VO2.

    If all you want to do is track steps, then get a Fitbit. In fact, just get a pedometer, because the calorie burn estimate on Fitbit's (IMO) are grossly overestimated. That said, some people swear by them. But for me, it's the HRM all the way. I use it in the gym, I use it at home when exercising, and I use it in the swimming pool, and it's workout results have always reflected in my weight loss.

    Also, the Polar FT4 is considerably cheaper than the Fitbit gadgets, which is something to take into account if on a tight budget!
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    I recommend the Fitbit Flex as well. Syncs with MFP, counts steps, estimates calories burned, tracks sleep. My network of friends motivate me. Actually about to go run right now to catch up with them.
  • lahan505
    lahan505 Posts: 10 Member
    I have the Fitbit One which I love! I use it all the time, it is not visible, and I have found that for the most part it is accurate. Some activities do not track on it, and because of that, I use a Polar FT60 for any and all focused exercising. Between the two, I have been kicking up my fitness and weight loss. The Polar gives me feedback at the end of each workout and the week that says fitness improving, fat burn improving or one of the many messages that lets me know how effective my workouts are. My fitbit is my encouragement to not just rely on my exercise only, but to keep moving. I have also found a wonderful device to use for lap swimming and that is a Finis swim watch. All but the Polar sync with MFP, so that is good. I never add my Polar numbers because I don't want to double dip the counts when the Fitbit does count the activity. ( I could go in and override the count in the activity log.)
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I love my FitBit, but I'm currently trying out the MisFit Shine. It can be worn on your wrist, as a necklace, or clipped somewhere to you. It looks elegant and futuristic, which is why I wanted to try it. I'm comparing the data to my FitBit this weekend. I'm actually waiting for the Amiigo to be released because it incorporates heart rate into the data.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    The November 2013 issue of Consumer Reports has an article about them on page 8. So you might want to check your local library. The article gives the pros & cons of each, what systems (MFP, Spark People, etc) they can link up to & if they work well. In order from best to worst...Fitbit One ($100), Nike+ Fuel Band ($150), and Up by Jawbone ($130), BodyMedia Fit Link Armband ($150), Fitbit Flex ($100), and iHealth Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker ($60).
  • LauraBalyk
    LauraBalyk Posts: 219 Member
    I originally bought a fit bit. I loved that it was super easy and tiny and could bring anywhere, but it wasn't really what I was looking for. It tracked my daily amount of calories burned, but I wanted something that I could see during a specific workout how many calories I was burning. The fitbit that I had was easy to use, small, and helpful if you are looking for your total daily amount of calories burned.

    A few weeks ago I bought a Polar f4t heart rate monitor and I love it and would not want to work out without it now. The chest strap is very comfortable and tiny and you don't even notice it is on. The watch itself is so easy to use and you only have to press a few buttons for it to start. You wear the chest strap when you are working out and all you do is press start on your watch and it will time yoru workout, your heart rate, and your calories burned. It also stores up to 10 workouts on the watch as well.

    I found the polar hrm so helpful !! the calories burned on machines or on mfp are all very different per person/height/weight/sex etc so it was nice to have my own hrm that is set to my own personal info and it gave me a more accurate reading of my calories !
    hope this helped :)