Hi everyone!! I started my weight loss journey 9 months ago on January 13th and now here in September I am completely ready to give up! I not sure why; I have lost ALL motivation and can't get back on track!! I still have 107 LBS to lose and at 19 years old I should be able to do it but I can't!!! I need any tips you guys/gals have

Check my diary if you want; I can't figure out my eating
I exercise 1.5 hours a day
I drink 4 L of water a day

How can I get remotivated and back on track??


  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    You've already lost 53 pounds. Thats a heck of a lot. If thats not motivation enough to keep you going then I don't know what is.
    Do you want to undo all of that hard work? Just think of how far you've come and how much you've accomplished and keep going.
    I looked at your food diary and have to say you're eating healthier than I am lately. I would just suggest watching the salt. Most days you do really really well. Today you did get in quite a lot of salt. I didn't really check out your other stats so can't comment on the rest of it.

    Keep up the good work. I think you're doing great!!
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    Do you know what your triggers are that make you want to give up?

    What's stressing you out? What makes it seem hopeless? What makes you want to just forgive yourself and go eat something?

    Aside from that, I highly recommend or some similar tracker, where you weigh yourself every day and see the weight relative to a moving average. I find my weight on the scale jumps all over and it's hard to feel the progress - but with a trendline, it's magically much better - because suddenly, as long as the weight diamond is below the line I know it was a good day yesterday; and when I've had a bad day the diamond is above the line. Suddenly the scale shifts from being random and totally demotivating to really predictable and motivating - I know what I've done wrong when I get a bad weight, and I can see my progress every single day otherwise.

    [image src=""]

  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Motivation is a choice!

    Strip naked and look at yourself in the mirror.

    Now repeat after me:

    It's my f***ing fault!
    It's my f***ing choice!
    It's my f***ing life!

    Take control and do it. Do it just for the moment and than he next and so on. You are powerful and only you are stopping you!
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks! I will check it out:) What's stressing me is the fact Ihave never been healthy is freaking me out a little bit, college is another problem and I have issues with family/friend support
    Do you know what your triggers are that make you want to give up?

    What's stressing you out? What makes it seem hopeless? What makes you want to just forgive yourself and go eat something?

    Aside from that, I highly recommend or some similar tracker, where you weigh yourself every day and see the weight relative to a moving average. I find my weight on the scale jumps all over and it's hard to feel the progress - but with a trendline, it's magically much better - because suddenly, as long as the weight diamond is below the line I know it was a good day yesterday; and when I've had a bad day the diamond is above the line. Suddenly the scale shifts from being random and totally demotivating to really predictable and motivating - I know what I've done wrong when I get a bad weight, and I can see my progress every single day otherwise.

  • Rkthach
    Rkthach Posts: 33 Member
    I use the LIBRA app. Only available on Android but it has you weigh in everyday and you get to see this little line of your average. It's pretty great.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Gosh, you are so young and have done such a GREAT job so far! Things can be very emotionally challenging at your age - lots of changes going on. I think you are doing great, and keep up the good work. You will get there. YOU GOT THIS! :drinker:
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks everyone! Yes I am young but I was so unhealthy that I was informed that if I kept on that track I would die by 30 but now that I am getting smaller I not sure what to think. I want to get healthy so I can live long, and have a future!!! But I can't get motivated and I thought I was eating the wrong foods but maybe not
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    Yes, I love libra too, I use it on my Android and trendweight on the web. They have almost exactly the same methodology but Libra is more configurable.

    @megan - certainly health is a big concern, and hopefully part of your motivation for losing. But you said also that you don't think you have family/friend support - what sorts of things? For example, I think it's really typical for family or friends to not really believe you can do it; hard to deal with that one other than ignoring it. Living on your own ought to be really helpful because you can control what food is in your house ... I didn't suggest this before because of your age but now that I've read your profile I see it is possible. One method I like for this is to calculate calories/gram of food when you buy it. You'll quickly discover that anything with more than about 3 calories per gram is a recipe for weight gain! If you can buy food that is 4 calories / gram or less, that should help because the food fills you up more but doesn't cost as much on the scale.

    Another tactic I really like is the lean cuisine or other calorie controlled frozen dinners. I know frozen dinners don't sound glamorous, but:

    - you get what it says on the box; there's no second helping or measuring or whatever;
    - if you read the labels you can make your main meals all < 400 kcals per meal and this makes a huge impact
    - you can allow yourself as much fruit and vegetables as you want along with the frozen food and you'll still lose weight.

    Without knowing more about the support challenges, it's hard to provide real advice, but you can do this, with or without family and friend support!


    P.S. The image I was trying to post before:

  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    WOWZER Megan, you have lost 51lbs already, how amazing is that.

    It is really easy to slip back into bad habits, slowly, but really you have come such a long way and you are keeping your diary. So you are good to go.

    Is there anyone at college that you can team up with to set challenges and to inspire each other?

    Don`t give up x
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks everyone! Yes I am young but I was so unhealthy that I was informed that if I kept on that track I would die by 30 but now that I am getting smaller I not sure what to think. I want to get healthy so I can live long, and have a future!!! But I can't get motivated and I thought I was eating the wrong foods but maybe not

    First, may I say, you've lost over 50lbs and that is NO small feat! You should be proud of yourself!
    If your menus for the last few days are an example of how you've been eating, you're doing fine with your food! Keep your sodium down (which it seems has been okay) and get in your water. If you find something isn't filling enough, add veggies by the lot.
    This isn't going to happen overnight (I know, its a bummer!LOL) but keep it up! What you're doing IS working!
    I agree with another post that said 'motivation is a choice'! It IS a choice and one you have to make if you want to live a long healthy life. Others can push you, inspire you, nag you or what ever they can from a 'distance' but its up to YOU to put in the actual work logging, making the right menu choices, and working out.
    You CAN do this! don't give up after coming SO far!!!

    *edited for spelling
  • bkelley32148
    bkelley32148 Posts: 279 Member
    This is a journey... look at it as no final destination... sometimes reframing this thought process allows us to accept our present position while still moving forward. Yes do you still have more to go sure but look at what you have done. Be proud of yourself. that is a great accomplishment. I am very proud of you for reaching out when you felt low. That is the great thing about having this support system in place. We are here to boost you when you need that little boost.
  • icmytoes
    icmytoes Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Megan! What an inspiration you are to me. Fifty-one pounds of documented weight-loss is simply amazing. I understand how easily it is to become discouraged and/or lose motivation. This is only a phase. If you stick with it, this phase will pass and you will find yourself so happy that you did not quit or give up. Try to do what others have already suggested by re-framing your attitude toward your healthy lifestyle and recommitting to your life to being in the best shape possible. I want you to know that I gave up after just 35 pounds of weight-loss. I regained most of what I had lost and am at a point where I am disappointed in myself for giving up. Please save yourself this kind of personal pain and stick with it!

    Poor health is unfortunate indeed, however with a healthy lifestyle, you can turn poor health into good health if you choose to stick with it. Please keep in touch.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Are you measuring and logging all your food?? I went back just a week and seen several days that said you had anywhere from 1500 to over 2000 calories remaining??? Why is this??
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Are you measuring and logging all your food?? I went back just a week and seen several days that said you had anywhere from 1500 to over 2000 calories remaining??? Why is this??

    Yes I log everything but I dont eat exercise calories back!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Are you measuring and logging all your food?? I went back just a week and seen several days that said you had anywhere from 1500 to over 2000 calories remaining??? Why is this??

    Yes I log everything but I dont eat exercise calories back!

    How are you figuring your calorie burns?? by the machine, a calculator, heart rate monitor.... You need to fuel your body for the workouts you are asking of it to do... To large of a caloric deficit can be counterproductive in my opinion...
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    HUGE congrats to you for your weight loss. This is a major accomplishment and the fact that you've reached out for support tells me you don't really want to give up.

    There are some awesome posts on this subject here on MFP and some of the success stories move me to tears. Many folks will often say motivation has little to do with the long haul and I completely agree. I'm never motivated to exercise. Never. But, I've learned to do it anyhow because I know it's good for me, and I feel good after the fact. Check out

    for an easy read and you'll realize that others are in the same boat. You're not alone and you CAN change your life.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I use a HRM
    Are you measuring and logging all your food?? I went back just a week and seen several days that said you had anywhere from 1500 to over 2000 calories remaining??? Why is this??

    Yes I log everything but I dont eat exercise calories back!

    How are you figuring your calorie burns?? by the machine, a calculator, heart rate monitor.... You need to fuel your body for the workouts you are asking of it to do... To large of a caloric deficit can be counterproductive in my opinion...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I use a HRM
    Are you measuring and logging all your food?? I went back just a week and seen several days that said you had anywhere from 1500 to over 2000 calories remaining??? Why is this??

    Yes I log everything but I dont eat exercise calories back!

    How are you figuring your calorie burns?? by the machine, a calculator, heart rate monitor.... You need to fuel your body for the workouts you are asking of it to do... To large of a caloric deficit can be counterproductive in my opinion...

    Then if it was me I would try to clean up the large deficits by either cutting back on your exercise or you need to eat more... even at 100 lbs. to lose setting a goal of 2 lbs. a week loss is a good goal. It is where I set my goals from day 1 and that never changed... Weight loss can be done without exercise that is the first thing you need to remember. The exercise is more for fitness and because of that is the reason you want to fuel your workouts.... That would be where I would start.... Best of Luck.....