I need someone to kick me in the A**!

UGH!!! I keep bingeing!! I do good for 2-3 days, and then I binge again!! I did good all day yesterday, and then went crazy last night!! I am not gaining doing this(other than water and food weight that I lose those "good days"), but I REALLY want to keep losing, and I know if I stuck to this I would!! Maybe I am someone who cannot do a cheat day, because I go crazy........................ I need to be accountable!! I really don't know what to do, I didn't have this problem last time I lost weight, so I am at a loss about what is wrong with me.

Someone, anyone, please help!! Even if you just chew me out, hahaha!!


  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Try to change your cheat "day" into your cheat "meal." I don't have an entire day where I give myself free reign to cheat because I know I would go waaaaaaay overboard. Instead, one cheat meal every 7-10 days for me is what I allow and the occassional small ice cream cone or something similar. I'm not going to yell at you because I don't think that would help. When I was a kid, my older sister would yell at me about food. She would make me feel so ashamed. Instead of not eating the junk, I would eat in secret. I remember eating bowls of ice cream in the garage just so she wouldn't find me. (The ironic thing is that she is just as overweight as I am--even back then. She has also done this to her two daughters.) To this day, I usually eat in secluded places. That is something I am trying to break. You just need to love yourself enough to say no to the binge. Tell yourself that you are stronger than any (insert binge food here!) You can do it, Kat!! :smile:
  • tina8884
    i think if you are craving certain foods to just eat it but be aware of the serving size and try not to do it too often if it's a really bad food. then just do an extra workout or something. diets never last with people when they forbid themselves from eating some foods they love. it's more of a lifestyle change, and i doubt anybody wants to live the rest of their life without a food they love lol. so eat it in moderation and work it off! if you do a cheat day you will wanna eat EVERYTHING bad, so just eat those foods here & there and i'm sure u will do fine.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Honestly, I've been going through the same thing the last month or so and finally the last couple weeks I've done better. The only thing that kicked me into gear was knowing when I step on the scale, the number is still going to be higher. I've still got a lot of water weight and am currently up 3 lbs from where I was permanently for a few weeks - and I know it's water weight, because I've counted the foods I've "binged" and it's not over 3500 lbs so it can't be fat.

    Keep organized and log EVERYTHING... you can see exactly what you're eating and when you weigh, you'll be able to know if it's water weight from sodium or if it's really fat.

    I was up 4 lbs and it's encouraging to know I've finally gone down 1 lb but I have to KEEP being good to get back to my regular weight. Keep doing what you can and just try to remind yourself everyday and whenever you go to grab something you know doesn't fit into your day or your new lifestyle, that it's NOT worth it...and if it IS worth it, move something around.
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    UGH!!! I keep bingeing!! I do good for 2-3 days, and then I binge again!! I did good all day yesterday, and then went crazy last night!! I am not gaining doing this(other than water and food weight that I lose those "good days"), but I REALLY want to keep losing, and I know if I stuck to this I would!! Maybe I am someone who cannot do a cheat day, because I go crazy........................ I need to be accountable!! I really don't know what to do, I didn't have this problem last time I lost weight, so I am at a loss about what is wrong with me.

    Someone, anyone, please help!! Even if you just chew me out, hahaha!!

    Remember you are not alone in this. Just a few days ago I had a night like you did but the problem was I rushed to work and did not take enough food so when I got home I went crazy and ate way too much food. Now in the past I would of just beat myself up over it and continue to binge eat but it really helps to get out your feelings here. We all have bad days and the best thing to do is to forgive yourself and move forward. Don't get too restrictive because then you'll likely binge again. I've heard that some people drink water to get rid of the cravings or brush their teeth if their having a craving at night so they won't eat anything else. See what works best for you and don't give up!!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Don't call it a cheat day. Call it what it is. It's a "bad" day for your food, do you know what I mean? And sometimes the only way to rid yourself of the obsession is to attend group meetings for it. Overeaters Anonymous. I attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and know first hand that the program works if you want it to. If you're truly concerned, research all your options. If it's an obsession, you can't always fall back on support. You'll need something more.
  • jojo0909
    jojo0909 Posts: 115 Member
    I am taking a 6-week class right now with a registered dietitican. It has been great. Her stongest message to us is to make small changes gradually, rather than jumping right into a restrictive diet. She advised that any quick weight loss is temporary - which has been proven by numerous scientific studies. Although no one wants to hear this, because most of us, especially me, want instant gratification, but slow steady weight loss is more likely to be long term. That is why I like journaling on mfp, because we are encouraged to stay within a 1 to 2 pound loss each week.

    My suggestion is to look at that food you really like, and make small adjustments to them to make them more healthy.

    All the best! :smile:
  • happykat007
    happykat007 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replys, I honestly do not know what to do........I feel lost, because everything I try backfires on me lately.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    run do not walk to the library or bookstore to get a copy of The End of Overeating by Kessler

    your need to have a 'cheat' anything is an effect of the sugar-salt-fat syndrome that is pervasive in the american menu, our restaurants and groceries are full of the worst addictive substances, I do not want to even call them foods, the once food has been pretenderized, salted, sugared and fatted to the extent that it is little more than adult baby food, eaten faster, less chewing, and highly reactive to the neural network of pleasure-addiction,

    you and most of us here are chemically compromised and are now chronic conditioned hypereaters,

    the way out of this starts here too, the logging down every meal and keeping tract,

    but you need to understand the sugar, fat and salt that is in your food, the binge is a result of the brain chemistry,

    stop eating like a pig, you are a beautiful young woman who deserves clean beautiful food
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    It may be the foods that you're eating that make you crave more of the same. Highly refined and processed foods tend to do that even if you eat them in moderation. The sugar in most snack foods becomes like a drug that makes you want more of it...it's not that you're not strong enough to resist, it's your body's natural response to the sugar. Trying to resist is impossible for most people..it comes down to your brain sending one signal (eat more) in response to what you've been eating, and you trying to force logical thoughts (no I shouldn't eat more) and ignore the initial signals. You don't control your brain, your brain controls you. So even logic will not work when your own body sends "eat more" signals. You need to prevent your body from being in a state that causes your brain to send those signals in the first place.

    I'd suggest trying to get the highly processed low nutrition foods out of the house if you can, out of sight = out of mind. Only buy them occasionally as treats. I'd also suggest you try to increase your protein, and reduce processed carbs. This will help regulate your blood sugar, and reduce the chances you will get cravings that often lead to binges.