be patient...but i need results!

Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am one of those people who needs results, and needs them now in order to stay motivated. Last Monday I started the million steps challenge and figured it would be a good opportunity to up my exercise, watch what I eat and whip my 5'3" pear shape into...well...shape. I aim to hit about 20000 steps a day (pedometer) and find that 40 mins of either walking or home elliptical clocks up about 5000 steps. So my diary shows long periods of exercise, but it is the sum of 40 minute chunks of exercise spread over the day. I realise my calories are not the healthiest sources, but enough people here say while doing that isn't great, it will still work.

So, nearly at the end of 2 weeks and I weigh exactly the same. I measure exactly the same. I am so demotivated its ridiculous. How long must I be patient before I see results? This is so frustrating. :(


  • 1197drps
    Ontop of being patient I would eat as clean as possible, lean protien and healthy veg for a week or two and I bet things change! then start adding things in ...I know for me breads and nuts make me gain even if I keep within the daily calories! also keep up the excercise and maybe ramp er up a bit by doing some weight training...muscle by its very exsistence burns fat
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    I find that for me the food choices I make have more to do with weight loss than exercise. Exercise is about 10% & diet about 90%. Don't get me wrong exercise is necessary for fitness & health, but to see weight loss diet choices are extremely important!
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