Damn cravings and working at a convenience store

So I'm working six days a week at a store where I am surrounded by chips, bars, candy, pop, pizza burgers, and ice cream and nothing else. It is all just staring at me, screaming "EAT ME" and as hard as I try I end up giving in then I hate myself after :(

Please! If anyone can give me some tips how not to cave into the cravings I will be forever grateful!

Also, I have a bet with a friend. Who ever can lose the most weight by Christmas gets 100 bucks


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Short of bringing your own snacks and not bringing any money, I'm not sure. Sorry. I worked in a bakery for a while and it was really hard.
  • bmskid
    bmskid Posts: 153 Member
    Worst job ever for someone trying to overcome eating those foods. The only advice I can think of is to make sure you plenty of wholesome foods often. I hear from a lot of people (and agree) that I go "off plan" the most when I have waited too long between meals. Could you bring a small cooler with plenty of wholesome "on-plan" foods for you to have throughout the day?
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    Don't go to work hungry, pack your own healthy snacks, and your gonna havta up your will power! Once you say no, it'll get easier each time!
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    The issue is in your mind, not the candy isle. Set your mind to the fact that it is not what you want anymore. That is in your past, not your future. I knew I had changed when I realized I had cooked bacon for my son 4 times, and never touched a piece. It is a weekend treat. I use to cook a pack of bacon, and the 4 of us would finish it off. My oldest son is in college, my wife is eating what I eat, so I only cook 8 or 10 pieces for my son. He is my size, 29w. Candy is not my issue, it is savories.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Mmmm bacon.... Erm I digress.. I would just budget for some goodies every now and again, other times just bring food from home. No biggie, it's just food.

    Eta- Pizza burger? Yes please.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Plan ahead and incorporate some treats into your plan. This is a lifestyle change, and it shouldn't be about depriving yourself.
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    I am a chef... pastry chef, I haven't figured it out yet. Want to be friends? Maybe we can figure it out together.
  • chewenvy
    chewenvy Posts: 7 Member
    I know how you feel! I work at a pizza shop!! Cutting delicious pizzas all night and I find it hard to resist. What I just try to remember is that a) its ok to feel hungry until you have time to have a break and eat your healthy snacks and: b) nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels.
    I try to keep busy as I find it's easier to indulge when its quiet or I'm bored. I have a big glass of water if I feel it creeping up on me and find something to keep me occupied, like scrubbing the floors or washing windows. Plus, your boss will LOVE you
    I take healthy snacks with me to work and then at meal times i remove myself from the shop (out the back or whatever) and eat it without all the treats staring at me. I don't let staff eat pizza in front of me on breaks now either coz otherwise I just can't hold back. Once I get a few good days under my belt it gets easier to resist because I don't want to ruin my good work.
    Keep it up!