
lcolpo Posts: 57 Member
I have a question about sugar. My food diary says I am allowed 28g of sugar daily - but everyday I am way over! I'm not eating a lot of carbs, but everytime I eat a piece of fruit (bananas I love!), it sends my sugars skyrocketing! How can I avoid eating too much sugar when it's in the good stuff - like fruits?


  • psarah
    psarah Posts: 84
    Me I don't worry about the sugars because fruit always puts me over. I watch the sugar content in anything else I eat though.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    mentally subtract sugar from whole fresh fruits from your total. Just don't let the remaining number go over. No need to stop eating fruits!
    Or don't track sugar if you don't eat a lot of sweets. You know you are only taking in the better sugars, that's good enough.
    Use that slot to track something more useful to you, like fiber or sodium, or calcium or iron if you are low on those....whatever you need most help with....
  • groovylaura
    In response to your post about sugar: I don't pay attention to "healthy" sugar that's naturally in fruit. But, I usually stay COMPLETELY away from other sweets like candy, cookies, etc.! Those kinds of sweets usually make me feel like crap, and then I just crave them more and more!!! I never feel satisfied, so it's best that I just avoid them all together... I will probably have a bit of cake & ice cream tonight for our birthday party for our grown son, though. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to say no. That would be great (but quite unlikely)!!! I'll just make sure that we get rid of it all tonight, so it's not around the house any longer... I can't stand the temptation when it's in my face... Have a great day, and enjoy eating your fresh fruit!!! :)
  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm a diabetic so sugar is a big deal to me, but you need to realize there is the good sugar (like from fruits) and then there is refined processed sugar (candy), and then the stuff you get from carbohydrates (breaks down into sugar). Stay away from the last two. Natural sugars aren't really bad for you, but the other two are. If you're just having a piece of fruit and whatnot I wouldn't worry about it.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am glad someone asked this because I have the same issue. I don't add sugar to anything and I don't eat sweets, but I do eat a LOT of fruit (strawberries, blueberries, bananas are daily staples) and it always pushes me way over on sugars. I only have bread a few times a week (maybe 3-4) and it is whole wheat bread. I have a hard time getting enough calories sometimes so I will tend to eat another piece of fruit or make a fruit smoothie to round out my day (I am always under on fat and carbs, too and I eat a ton of veggies).
    If I am understanding the responses correctly, it's ok for me to keep eating lots of fruit, right?