Advice on cutting!



  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I thought you were asking about the OTHER kind of cutting. Sorry !

    I was waiting for someone to write this :laugh:

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    I recommend intermittent fasting(16/8) and do interval training especially if you have stuborn belly fat.

    Calorie deficit looks about right if not cut it by 150cals a day lbs=g of protein

    How does IF help increase fat loss, if calories are the same. I have never understood this; I though meal timing was a preference thing.

    (I know that I cannot do IF, even 16/8, if I want my family to survive! :laugh:)
  • udt123
    udt123 Posts: 22 Member
    Intermittent Fasting worked for me <3=). Try it out!
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi - I'm just marking this thread as I'm having the same issue. I have upped the weights recently but I also feel like there is now this extra layer of fat above the muscle that I want to get rid of. : / I train w/ kettlebells and a trainer and we have increased the weights so maybe part of it is my body adjusting. I have dabbled in IF and HIIT and am going to add more of that, plus have started running again.
  • 2spamagnet
    2spamagnet Posts: 60 Member
    The following quote is from someone on another forum I am part of, in a thread on "Dieting for fat loss" (colorful language edited). The way he put it finally made IF make sense for me. Remember, about 3500 extra calories = 1 lb of fat, and a deficit of 3500 calories = 1 lb of fat loss:

    "So how do we fix this? First, only use your BMR, don't add activity factors into it. Second, err on the side of lower calories. Just round all of your calorie counts up: So 22 calories is 30 to me. Realize you could sustain about a pound of fat loss a week, more if you are pretty overweight, less if your lean. I'm good with .5 pounds a week at my bodyfat. Now, what if I eat a maintainance, say 2200 calories every day. I don't gain fat, I don't lose fat. That's 733 calories a MEAL (assuming you eat 3 meals a day and don't snack). So for breakfast that would be: 4 eggs scrambled, 2 slices of bacon, 1 slice of toast, and butter! That's a pretty satisfying breakfast and should get you comfortably to lunch!!! Now 2 days a week only eat one meal per day. So for lunch and breakfast you don't eat and have a 700 calorie dinner. So, you will be in a 2800 calorie deficit per week; 11,200 calorie deficit per month (3.2 pounds a month fat loss), and a 134,400 calorie deficit per year. That would add up to 38 pounds in one year. That ain't too bad by any stretch of the imagination.

    And this is worst case, just plug away, day in, day out.

    You are smart though and realize you are going to overindulge on Saturday night so you eat a few 500 calorie meals the week prior (saving 400 calories), skip breakfast Saturday morning (700 calories), and eat a light lunch of 400 calories (saving 300 calories) for dinner Saturday night you have 2100 calories to eat and drink SATURDAY NIGHT and still be on track to lose weight that week. You could frigging eat and drink like a viking and still lose weight. You could scare little children and still lose weight. We're talking 5 wings, a porterhouse steak, a baked potato, a slice of apple pie, 2 martini's, 6 beers, an a Snickers bar when you get home (if you get home and assuming you don't vomit the contents of your stomach).

    This stuff isn't straight up math, but it's close enough. That's why I like not eating Vs. eating special foods, or combination of foods, or eliminating macro-nutrients, etc. Not eating = 0 calories."
  • wareje
    Love it 2spamagnet!