Cooking Challenge

inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
If you're one of my friends you know I love to cook. I am wondering if there's other people on here that are the same way!

I think it would be fun to have some cooking challenges, with themes, requirements, etc.

Anyone in?


  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I think that a cooking challenge would be fun! I try to cook as much as I can, but it's not as often as I would like. Maybe this will help me cook a little more often. I've been trying to diversify what I cook too - usually just do some variation of chicken breasts (buy a lot, then freeze and thaw as needed).

    I'm in!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I do enjoy cooking and wonder if you could be a little more specific on exactly what your challenge might entail.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I do enjoy cooking and wonder if you could be a little more specific on exactly what your challenge might entail.

    I'm not sure yet. I was hoping other people brainstorming could help lead us to something that's fun and inclusive!

    Any ideas of a challenge you'd like to participate in?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I love to cook and try new things! Such a foodie :D Bring it on - I love a good challenge! heheh
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I love to cook, but I don't know how well I'd do at a cooking challenge. I'm very new to cooking. :)
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I love to cook, but I don't know how well I'd do at a cooking challenge. I'm very new to cooking. :)

    It'd all be in fun of course!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I like cooking! This should be interesting! I'm in :)
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I will announce tomorrow a challenge :)
  • jenesaisquoi
    Speaking as someone who does NOT cook much (my mother hates cooking, therefore, I never learned): How about the best, easiest most effective weight-loss recipes (this last one measured by those who have used it and seen measurable results)? Rules are, they must not have more than 8-10 ingredients (so we won't have to buy more types of ingredients than we can use pretty often), take longer than 30-45 minutes to prepare & make (obviously, we are ALL rushed at times in our crazy lives) and can include bkfst., lunch, dinner, snacks, dessert, drinks, smoothies (in other words, ANYTHING). I didn't mean to butt in here, BTW. I'm brand new to this! Just thought inskydiamonds had a good idea and I would love some recipe ideas for myself since I'm a crappy cook and not very imaginative. If that doesn't work for anybody I still welcome the results brought about by another person's challenge ideas. Can't wait! ;-)
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Speaking as someone who does NOT cook much (my mother hates cooking, therefore, I never learned): How about the best, easiest most effective weight-loss recipes (this last one measured by those who have used it and seen measurable results)? Rules are, they must not have more than 8-10 ingredients (so we won't have to buy more types of ingredients than we can use pretty often), take longer than 30-45 minutes to prepare & make (obviously, we are ALL rushed at times in our crazy lives) and can include bkfst., lunch, dinner, snacks, dessert, drinks, smoothies (in other words, ANYTHING). I didn't mean to butt in here, BTW. I'm brand new to this! Just thought inskydiamonds had a good idea and I would love some recipe ideas for myself since I'm a crappy cook and not very imaginative. If that doesn't work for anybody I still welcome the results brought about by another person's challenge ideas. Can't wait! ;-)

    You're not butting in at all! This would be a great idea!! I'll update the post tomorrow with details about the challenge, dates, guidelines, etc etc.

    This would be a great idea though for the first one!

    Anyone else have any ideas??
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    You're not butting in at all! This would be a great idea!! I'll update the post tomorrow with details about the challenge, dates, guidelines, etc etc.

    This would be a great idea though for the first one!

    Anyone else have any ideas??

    How about picking a healthy food of the week, and challenging ourselves to cook with it?
  • shannon428
    I would definitely be interested. I am a foodie, and cook most nights of the week. Can't wait to see what the first challenge is!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I cook everyday and very RARELY eat out! I love to cook and have been in the kitchen since I was able to stand up! I would be excited to be a part of a cooking challenge.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Speaking as someone who does NOT cook much (my mother hates cooking, therefore, I never learned): How about the best, easiest most effective weight-loss recipes (this last one measured by those who have used it and seen measurable results)? Rules are, they must not have more than 8-10 ingredients (so we won't have to buy more types of ingredients than we can use pretty often), take longer than 30-45 minutes to prepare & make (obviously, we are ALL rushed at times in our crazy lives) and can include bkfst., lunch, dinner, snacks, dessert, drinks, smoothies (in other words, ANYTHING). I didn't mean to butt in here, BTW. I'm brand new to this! Just thought inskydiamonds had a good idea and I would love some recipe ideas for myself since I'm a crappy cook and not very imaginative. If that doesn't work for anybody I still welcome the results brought about by another person's challenge ideas. Can't wait! ;-)

    You're not butting in at all! This would be a great idea!! I'll update the post tomorrow with details about the challenge, dates, guidelines, etc etc.

    This would be a great idea though for the first one!

    Anyone else have any ideas??

    I really like this idea and I think it's going to be the first challenge! I will set up the challenge and link it here. :)
    I'll leave this post open for ideas.
  • Sparklewolfie
    I love to cook too! I hate eating out because the sodium in restaurant food makes me thirsty for hours. I had hotpot yesterday for lunch and I woke up at 3:30AM craving water despite drinking a lot yesterday :(

    Only thing is, it is a lot harder for me to cook now that I moved to my grandparents' house because they do not cook at all and the common cooking ingredients in Taiwan is different than in USA :indifferent: Also there are a lot less grocery stores:sad: But I am up for a challenge!!:heart:
  • ginastnly
    Hi I am new to the message boards and I love to cook. Unfortunately cooking for one is not always fun so try to cook things that will keep or freeze. The challenge sounds interesting I'm in.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Count me -- for whatever the challenge is....
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Challenge One Is Up:

    Cook a dish using chickpeas!

    You can suggest the next ingredient/theme on this post and I'll pick one of the suggestions for next week. :)
  • jenesaisquoi
    Stuartme123---> Great idea, that's so 'Iron Chef America' of you! ;) The only thing I know about chickpeas is that they go into hummus. My mom served plain ones when I was in high school & I thought they were horrid w/ no flavor, But I have taught myself to love hummus with baked chips or raw veggies since it is one of the healthiest coniments/dips, so I definitely want to hear other ideas.............
  • Sparklewolfie
    Stuartme123---> Great idea, that's so 'Iron Chef America' of you! ;) The only thing I know about chickpeas is that they go into hummus. My mom served plain ones when I was in high school & I thought they were horrid w/ no flavor, But I have taught myself to love hummus with baked chips or raw veggies since it is one of the healthiest coniments/dips, so I definitely want to hear other ideas.............

    I love hummus too! But have never dared to try making it, so I want to try now! Or spicy chickpeas....