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Has anyone GAINED weight/fat doing intermittent fasting?



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    @Chris I was eating 2500-3300 everyday while doing my LG bulk on workout days, non workout days 1700, refeed days 5000+ hehehe, those were fun days, so if you were lifting super heavy and hard, I would have made base calories a bit higher I think, seeing as my BMR is close to 2300 for my activity level, I would say 2700 for a man trying to put on mass is too low of a calorie intake.

    Yep, found that out :smile: I was upping it by 100/cals every 2 weeks if I wasn't gaining enough but as a former fat boy it's still hard mentally sometimes. My body media fit has me at around 2700 maintenance so I was at maintenance off days and +500 on days. When I type that out I realise that that probably wasn't enough. Oh well, gained strength anyway. I had to put the bulk on hold for a bit while injured. I was definitely lifting heavy. Full body, big compound lifts, progressive overload.

    I have seen some people do the big swing between on/off days but I can't seem to do it well. I have hit 4000cals once and that was a serious effort! The lower days are no fun though :tongue: Body seems to handle it better being somewhat consistent.

    emmab0902: there is an official leangains fb page now.

    Be prepared to learn how to eat big if you check it out :tongue:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Ebbykins: Was at about 3200 on days and 2700 off for the majority.

    swhitney2: so much wrong with what you just said. You do know what is required to lose fat as opposed to weight right?

    You should probably have a read of PB67's post.

    This is only my opinion based on what I read from the Leangains website. But what I understoood was that this program was for weight training.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Yeppers Martin Berkhan, I have him on my friends list and so excited about the new LG page. Good luck you Chris and I hope your injury heals nicely so you can do et! :D I actually have learned to love the swing in calories, mostly because I find it a great tool when retaining water weight from training heavy and hard days prior, I also use the rest days as my lower carb days, and that makes for happy. Cyclical eating and IF combined has really helped me. :D
  • Finally a nice, knowledgeable thread. :) Love reading positive experiences!
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Ebbykins: Was at about 3200 on days and 2700 off for the majority.

    swhitney2: so much wrong with what you just said. You do know what is required to lose fat as opposed to weight right?

    You should probably have a read of PB67's post.

    This is only my opinion based on what I read from the Leangains website. But what I understoood was that this program was for weight training.

    IF is touted for weight loss, but is isn't just for weight loss, cutting or only lifting weight. IF comes in many forms, like "Fast 5 (you only eat 5 hours of the day)" "Lean Gains" "Eat stop Eat" etc. They are all slightly different, I actually use all of them depending on my routine. But I'm kind of a nutter for IF, I've delved into the depths of it and came back even more assured that it's great for other things rather than just for losing weight but also retraining your mind/body, learning how to focus yourself and how to work in a fasted state. There is some science in the LG sense which is why he advocates fasted heavy lifting, but you have to read it to understand it, as well as have some background on nutrition and metabolism to really see the benefits of it. I use it to manage my IBS-C (believe it or not, bigger meals are actually better for IBS-C dominate people, because it creates a bigger "bulk" to pass which might be TMI). But I used to eat like a figure competitor for many years, it was part of my job before I had babies, grazing all day long, my IBS was horrible, I was always kind of hungry and I really enjoyed big meals. I also noticed my skin has cleared up, which I believe is partly due to less stress with meal planning, cleaning, cooking, but also my body not working to digest food all the time, personally I believe your system deserves a nice long break everyday. :)

    In essence, fasting, in itself (so many people think that it leads to bingeing, so not true, at least in the majority of cases with most people) in fact, IF and fasting, actually reteaches your body and mind into knowing TRUE hunger, will power and the ability to regulate your eating. Right now I have an 8 hour window, 11-7, and that suits me great, it's all adjustable for you, and the idea is you are never SO low in calories (if your responsible about your health) that you are in danger of harming yourself, because for the eating window of say 5, 8, or 4 hours, you still take in your maintenance for your activity level or weight loss goals, or having a seriously lazy rest day you can go 500 under your maintenance a bit without it affecting your goals.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    IF is touted for weight loss, but is isn't just for weight loss, cutting or only lifting weight. IF comes in many forms, like "Fast 5 (you only eat 5 hours of the day)" "Lean Gains" "Eat stop Eat" etc. They are all slightly different, I actually use all of them depending on my routine. But I'm kind of a nutter for IF, I've delved into the depths of it and came back even more assured that it's great for other things rather than just for losing weight but also retraining your mind/body, learning how to focus yourself and how to work in a fasted state. There is some science in the LG sense which is why he advocates fasted heavy lifting, but you have to read it to understand it, as well as have some background on nutrition and metabolism to really see the benefits of it. I use it to manage my IBS-C (believe it or not, bigger meals are actually better for IBS-C dominate people, because it creates a bigger "bulk" to pass which might be TMI). But I used to eat like a figure competitor for many years, it was part of my job before I had babies, grazing all day long, my IBS was horrible, I was always kind of hungry and I really enjoyed big meals. I also noticed my skin has cleared up, which I believe is partly due to less stress with meal planning, cleaning, cooking, but also my body not working to digest food all the time, personally I believe your system deserves a nice long break everyday. :)

    In essence, fasting, in itself (so many people think that it leads to bingeing, so not true, at least in the majority of cases with most people) in fact, IF and fasting, actually reteaches your body and mind into knowing TRUE hunger, will power and the ability to regulate your eating. Right now I have an 8 hour window, 11-7, and that suits me great, it's all adjustable for you, and the idea is you are never SO low in calories (if your responsible about your health) that you are in danger of harming yourself, because for the eating window of say 5, 8, or 4 hours, you still take in your maintenance for your activity level or weight loss goals, or having a seriously lazy rest day you can go 500 under your maintenance a bit without it affecting your goals.

    Thanks. I'll admit I am only just learning about the subject. I have always had an interest in fasting. Not for losing weight but for religious reasons (hope that statement doesn't violate the rules). Anyway, I might not yet be mentally ready to explore this. I have been on the 6 meal a day regimen for awhile now. It's not that I think that it doesn't work. I just haven't found a program that seems appropriate for me. I'll look into the one you were suggesting.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    I'll admit some people probably won't enjoy the process in the beginning, the first 3 days of training myself to eat my first meal at 1 pm was hard, in the habit sense, not so much the caloric sense. I don't think you break the rules saying thats the reason it interests you, whatever you find peace in your life with and helps you meet your goals is a wonderful tool indeed, and beliefs, WOE's (way of eating) or exercise regimes are all part of it. Even if it is "Hush hush". :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    It worked great for me. I do cheat by having milk and sugar in my coffee during the day but I don't eat most days until after 6. And no I don't feel the need to eat everything in sight when I do get to dinner time..
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I'll admit some people probably won't enjoy the process in the beginning, the first 3 days of training myself to eat my first meal at 1 pm was hard, in the habit sense, not so much the caloric sense. I don't think you break the rules saying thats the reason it interests you, whatever you find peace in your life with and helps you meet your goals is a wonderful tool indeed, and beliefs, WOE's (way of eating) or exercise regimes are all part of it. Even if it is "Hush hush". :)

    LOL! I like you. I'm sending you an FR.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    i've been researching IF the past couple of days, and am currently trying the 16/8.
    no problems so far, and i really like the fact that i am in a sense reteaching my body when i actually am hungry.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    i've been researching IF the past couple of days, and am currently trying the 16/8.
    no problems so far, and i really like the fact that i am in a sense reteaching my body when i actually am hungry.

    Yay!! Good stuff. :D
  • I love IF so far. Down 15 total from my high of 260 and I find that this is is the first eating pattern I can actually stick to. Eating 6 meals a day like may plans teach was actually leading me to consistently over eat. Now that I have been fasting I have to make myself eat more just to hit proper nutrition levels. That is truly exciting for someone like me who has struggled for so long.
  • Hi, well my overall goal isn't to lose weight since I am 6'1" with a 34 inch waist. I wanted to get more lean, which actually does involve losing weight, but I wanted to replace that weight with muscle. I read that proper IF can up natural HGH levels up to 2000%.

    In the gym or during my workouts I feel more aggressive and I do have more energy. In the first 10 days I lost 3 KG (6.5 lbs) and then I gained back 1. I have only been doing this for 3 weeks.

    I eat about 1200 calories daily and much of those are carbs, mostly pastas.

    So, I am wondering why are my fat loss results much slower than what others are experiencing...
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    why are you only eating 1200 cals?

    On those cals, the majority should be from protein.
  • why are you only eating 1200 cals?

    On those cals, the majority should be from protein.

    The goal of this is to keep some muscle. If I were to do low carbs, wouldn't I just lack energy and I'd lose a lot of strength and muscle mass? The reason I ask this is because I did this before and I felt significantly weaker and I had less energy.

    The 1200 calories is to create a large caloric deficit. I am not trying to bulk up now, just maintain as much muscle as I can while losing a little bit of body fat.
  • why are you only eating 1200 cals?

    On those cals, the majority should be from protein.

    The goal of this is to keep some muscle. If I were to do low carbs, wouldn't I just lack energy and I'd lose a lot of strength and muscle mass? The reason I ask this is because I did this before and I felt significantly weaker and I had less energy.

    The 1200 calories is to create a large caloric deficit. I am not trying to bulk up now, just maintain as much muscle as I can while losing a little bit of body fat.

    You are a 25 year old male. You don't appear to have a large amount of fat to lose. There is no reason whatsoever that you should be eating 1200. With a caloric intake that low there is absolutely no way you can get enough protein in your intake to spare muscle loss and there is no way you will hit your fat minimums.

    The leaner you are the smaller your caloric deficit should be. It doesn't work the way you think it does.

    What do you mean, "the way I think it does"? If you take a significantly less amount of calories in, you will lose weight. That is the point I am trying to make. That does work. And, I think that applying 1 set of rules to people who have various genetic backgrounds doesn't make sense.

    Anyway, I said I lost 3kg and gained 1kg. I can't even tell for sure if I gained 1 kg in fat. What I know for sure is that I am 2kg less than I was 3 weeks ago and I am stronger. I can tell I am stronger since I hit heavier weight and/or more reps when I'm in the gym. So, whatever I am doing is working. I honestly think that a portion of that 1kg, even though it may be a small portion, is muscle weight. In any case, I just started so it is too early to tell for sure and 1 kg isn't much anyway.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Watch the bad science in this thread, a lot of people obviously don't know the difference between intermittent fasting and normal fasting.

    The answer is... almost any diet if followed correctly will result in you LOSING weight. That said, is intermittent fasting something you're planning on doing forever? If not you may wish to look for a better solution. Don't look at something and go "I can do that for a few months to lose xyz weight" because after that loss you will just gain it back when you stop doing that thing. Find something you can do day in and day out indefinitely. Some people do well with IF, some do well with Atkins, some do well eating clean, paleo, vegan, raw, fast food, etc.. find your method and you'll make the life change necessary to lose weight and keep it off long term.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    What do you mean, "the way I think it does"? If you take a significantly less amount of calories in, you will lose weight. That is the point I am trying to make. That does work. And, I think that applying 1 set of rules to people who have various genetic backgrounds doesn't make sense.

    Does not work exactly that way. If you have a lot of weight to lose then yes, I huge deficit is in order. As you get leaner so needs to be your deficit. Simply because your body has less fat stores to draw from. Typically you take your body fat% and multiply by 30. If you don't know your body fat multiply the amount of weight left to lose by 30. This will give you an appropriate deficit. The reason you multiply by 30 is because the body can only access 30 calories per pound of fat. I have a paper somewhere on this computer, I will try to dig it up.

    200 lbs male @ 20% body fat = 40 lbs fat
    40 lbs x 30 calories per lbs fat = 1200 calorie deficit

    200lbs male @ 10% body fat = 20 lbs fat
    20 lbs x 30 calories per lbs fat = 600 calorie deficit

    Reduce that deficit the leaner you get or the body will most likely look to other sources for it's energy needs...

    Mike, how much weight are you looking to lose?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I have been experimenting with the 16/8 fasting approach. (about 3 days a week), I write a blog and like to be the guinea pig (so to speak) hehe....and then write about my results. I do like it. I have a long day...my work day isn't usually until about 10..but being a single mother, I'm obviously up and at em pretty early. So I tend to start my caloric intake around 6:30 (usually a little cream in my coffee).and eat a good breakfast. Lately it's been grapefruit and organic oatmeal. Sometimes banana. Later on I will have snacks. Like nuts or seeds. Then lunch is usually a good salad with spinach, veggies, etc. and a nice bowl of soup. I usually have a piece of chocolate or something. And then by 2:30 PM I am done for the day. I drink a ton of water too. (Have been for years) and green tea. But I work from 10-6 some days, and 11-7 on Fridays. So it's pretty easy for me to not eat dinner. By the time I get home and settled I just don't want a lot on my stomach before bed.

    So I continue to drink all my water and when I go to bed I feel really good. And I have zero heartburn or stomach problems. I don't feel as bloated. I am a healthy eater in general but sodium is in everything and bloats us up! I sometimes feel a little hungry but not unbearable....and I wake up feeling awesome. Not starving at all. And my stomach feels good.

    I haven't experienced gain with it at all. I do work out well and eat healthy. I tend to follow the 80/20 rule with foods. 80% being healthy and 20% being cheat or fun foods. I find my cravings for the bad stuff greatly diminished.

    I think it's a great tool for weight loss and/or management if done the right way. I lost 135 lbs without doing IF...but I can see it being beneficial for it. Mainly because knowing your "Window" is closed can be helpful to keep the snacking at bay. The picking at foods, snacking etc...can be a downfall for many of us! :)
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    BigMIke, I too would recommend a higher protein diet, especially if there is going to be a large caloric deficit.

    I once was much larger (300lbs plus)and went on caloric restriction. I'm a carb junky by nature. when I restricted my calories I neglected following protein counts. As a result I ate too little protein, (and also did too much cardio, another subject BTW). I can tell you I did lose a lot of muscle over my early period of weight loss.

    In times of severe caloric restriction your body will use some ingested protein as a fuel source. That means there will be even less available for muscle repair& growth. There is research online you can find that supports this.

    Bottom line, don't skimp on protein, I would also not go low fat for too long a period, due to dietary fat playing a role in proper hormone function.

    To stay on topic, I have tried IF for a few weeks. One of the things I didn't like about intermittent fasting was trying to cram that much protein (200 gs plus)in the 8 hr eating window.