Zero Noodles- any good?



  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I've read over and over again why would people buy these... well because they are hungry people and probably like me and can't afford to eat all kinds of pasta and would like an alternative. I will say I have never tried them but I may one day. I would love something, even if it had no nutrional value, to just fill me up and not worry about calories. I have often said I would love a pill that I take that just fills up my stomach so I wouldn't be hungry. That is why people would buy these.
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    Have you checked out Chelle's blog here? She's eaten over 300lbs of these & lost a lot of weight - there are lots of recipes too :

    She also wrote a fab article on these noodles, & if you prepare them exactly as she says before cooking, they're really nice - I'll see if I can find it :smile:

    Here it is :
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone. Mainly negative reviews but some positive ones too. I'll get back to you with how they were!!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I use them in a stir fry or with a tomato sauce, not too keen but gets me through without any calories. No taste so need something to pep them up

    They have their place. I can't tolerate more than 10 g of carbs per meal without a substantial blood sugar spike, so these noodles are workable in stir fry for sure.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    My wife bought 5Kg.

    She tried them once, and apparently never will again.
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    My wife bought 5Kg.

    She tried them once, and apparently never will again.

    uh-oh.. got to be tried though hey?
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    If those are shiritaki noodles, I think they're one of the most vile things I've ever subjected myself to.

    Besides being absolutely disgusting, they have zero nutritional value, as someone else pointed out. I find I'm much happier and feel more full if I eat veggies in place of whatever pasta (I can't have gluten and am insulin resistant). This week I've had lots of zucchini, which I julienne slice and then lightly saute. I serve the zucchini "noodles" with meat and whatever sauce.
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!!!!!!!! If you like eating fishy smelling rubber bands, you'll love them! Me, not so much. One bite and down to garbage disposal they went!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Hope so because I've just bought a packet to try!...

    Any suggestions on the best way to eat them, what food they work well with etc..

    I have a feeling that I may as well just stick to wholemeal pasta.

    They are terrible, the best way to use them is throw them in the trash. Wholemeal pasta is meh in regards to taste, use regular pasta
    Yup. If you actually enjoy eating, you'll only need one mouthful for the decision process to confirm they are one of the nastiest diet food ever manipulated.:laugh:

  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    People are too quick to judge these.

    I have had them as a egg noodle/rice noodle substitute and found them fine with stir frys/veg/chicken with a soy sauce/stir fry sauce as they have a similar texture to rice noodles.
    However as a substitute for pasta I can not imagine them being nice (with a tomato sauce) they feel nothing like pasta.

    The zero calorie rice is also good though! :)
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    Totally agree.

    If they taste/smell fishy, they haven't been rinsed enough. And if they're rubbery they haven't been cooked properly.

    No problems with them here, and good to have noodle stir-fries & chow mein back on the menu :smile:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Why bother...they have zero nutritional value.

    Because I can't tolerate more than 10 grams of carbs per meal and it's nice to be able to have something other than meat and veggies. :drinker:

    Before I realized this was an issue for me, we used them in stir fry all the time. They have a similar texture to the rice noodles and cellophane noodles I grew up with so they aren't that foreign to me.
  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    i bought the eat water pasta from holland and barratt, omg it was horrible. i had it with passata and mixed veg, it tasted like chewing rubber and it smelt fishy, would not recommend to anyone
  • MintBerryCrunch21
    Can anybody post or provide any true evidence about the amount of calories/nutrition it has. I also found out that some companies, retailers or manufactures do not have to provide the actual accurate nutrition information. Is that true? I bought 5 packs and I hope that what it says about the calories & nutrition info are true.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    They will need to rinse them well! I used them once, never again.