Turbo Fire question!

Hey guys! I am looking into getting the Turbo Fire DVD's! I reeeeaaalllllyyyy want them! My question is, should I just get the regular Turbo Fire package, or "The Complete System"? I just don't know if the complete system is worth it or not?

Thanks! :tongue:


  • DigitalRain
    I started out with the basic program first, in case I wasn't crazy about it. I love it but to me the basic is really enough. 3 months of workouts is more than enough for me, and I'm sure once I'm done I'll want to change it up a bit anyway.

    I may get the advanced dvds for my self as a xmas gift.
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    Hey I'm a BB Coach and still agree with Digital. Wait to see if you like it first. It is an awesome workout and I'm sure you will but there are so many workouts in the basic package to start with. Good luck!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I'm a BB Coach as well and agree with everyone else! You can always go back and get the advanced DVDs later if you decide you love it - which I think you will, it's an amazing program! :)