Going to bed earlier to avoid being hungry/cravings?

Just wondering if it's just me, lol. I've been so hungry lately. It sucks. Every night I go to bed hungry, and seriously I've been going at 9pm at times just so that I stop thinking about food. I know it's the time of the month when it happens every time, but this is killing me. Is it just me?


  • She_Hulk
    No, it's not just you. I usually try to get to bed at a decent time pretty much so I don't overeat. It seems like if I stay up too late, I eat. Even if I'm not really hungry. Some nights I have great willpower and some nights I don't. I try to save my calories for when I know I'm going to be up late (like family movie night or something) and snack on something light. We eat a lot of air popped popcorn around here! :smile:
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    I'm very rarely hungry at night, so when I am, I satiate the beast. I find if I don't it grows and grows and grows until it devours half a loaf's worth of toast because I can't take it any more.

    And yeah, thinking about it, it is always right before my period!
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Nope, me too. I even upped my calories recently because for the moment a slower loss is worth it to have a bit more to eat. I wonder if it is the seasons changing affecting hormones (like with the squirrels storing up their winter fat :huh: )?

    Maybe you should change your avatar. Piiiiiizzzzzaaaaaa.... :laugh:
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Looking at your diary, I'd say one of 2 things:

    1. you've underestimated your daily exercise level. Are you consistently losing more weight per week than is on your goal?
    2. shift things around. Fiddle a bit, so that you have the cals left at the end of the night for something that will fill you up.
    3. have a big dinner and drink water during and after (not before)

    that or yes, go to bed. going to bed at 9:00pm never hurt anybody.
  • I always get hungry at night and have decided not to eat after 9.30pm and then slowly reduce it to 8pm.

    It is so difficult for me not to eat late at night - but i know its a major reason why i am overweight
  • I'm always in bed early if I can be anyway - the more sleep I get the less hungry I am - bonus! That being said, why don't you switch your calories up and maybe have a healthy snack a few hours after dinner/bedtime? Drink plenty aswell - I've found green tea to be a great appetite suppressor! Good luck and enjoy the extra sleep! ;p
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    One way to solve that problem would be to save some calories for a evening snack.... I save 400-500 calories and take a snack into bed with me every night.. No need in going to bed hungry... Meal frequency will have no bearing on weight loss........ Best of Luck
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Looking at your diary, I'd say one of 2 things:

    1. you've underestimated your daily exercise level. Are you consistently losing more weight per week than is on your goal?
    2. shift things around. Fiddle a bit, so that you have the cals left at the end of the night for something that will fill you up.
    3. have a big dinner and drink water during and after (not before)

    that or yes, go to bed. going to bed at 9:00pm never hurt anybody.

    I don't know my TDEE still. I only lose during and after my period, then nothing for 3 weeks until it comes again. Last couple months I was eating 1650 too but I was 6-10 lbs heavier (I lost 6 lbs last month somehow). So I increased to 1750 two weeks ago and ate that, then I got injured a few days ago and had to lay down the exercise for a bit (now I can walk, but still can't really do much lifting at all) so I decreased to 1650 again.

    Usually I had no problem with 1650 but the last few days have been extra hard, lol. I know I didn't make the best choices today either but we went hiking and had to take sandwiches but had nothing at home to make them, so I picked the 'least worst' at Subway. But it happens every month around this time in my cycle. And the hike didn't help but even with that, I don't think I'll have burned over 2000 calories today (I'm at 1847 according to my fitbit, it's 7.20pm). So it's still under a 20% deficit.

    About green tea - I love it but it gives me the opposite effect, it usually makes me hungry, lol.

    I'm just hoping it will be better in the next couple days... During those times before I changed what I eat, I would have to eat a whole box of pasta to feel full, it just sucks. There's no way I could have saved any calories for this evening, I was just too hungry all day...
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I avoid the problem by scheduling a snack just before bed. There's no reason you can't eat at night unless it causes indigestion, and for me it doesn't. I sleep a lot better when I'm not hungry, and also find that I'm less likely to lose control and give in to my after dinner cravings if I know I'll be having something "legal" a few hours later. "You're not allowed to eat" is not a good message for me, psychologically.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I am definitely a night eater. I'm never that hungry during the day, especially after I just wake up. That being said...
    (1) I almost always leave room for a snack. I love things like popcorn (pop it myself) because it's not heavy and I can eat a decent amount of it.
    (2) I will lie down and watch stuff on Netflix for similar reasons if I need to---but I need to be up at 5 AM for work so I tend to go to bed early nowadays.
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    I always get hungry to, so I add in a few snacks for bed time and always have a cup of hot green tea:heart: