Weight Watchers vs. My Fitness Pal

I just joined Weight Watchers, but to me, I think MFP might be more helpful. When I see I have 500 calories left to eat in a day in my daily "calorie budget," I have an idea of how much that is. But when it tells me I have X points left in the day to eat, I'm clueless. The points plus system is driving me crazy. The meetings I guess are helpful, but I'm more of a lone wolf in the weight loss stuff.

Anybody else have dealings Weight Watchers, and do you think WW or MFP is more helpful?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I've done both. I've been much more successful on MFP.
  • BrandNewFabulousMe
    Ive done both. Ive lost weight on both I just found mfp to be free but the ww meetings held me accountable.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I liked weight watchers, taught me a lot, spray butter, rice cakes and peanut butter and learned to eat fruit and vegetables. But I like MFP better. I like calories better than points. Everything list calories and it Is easier than figuring points. I went too extreme with weight watchers, taking skin off chicken, etc. I eat everything I want with mfp and count calories. It is simplier for me.
  • meggwtw
    meggwtw Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks, ladies!
  • samammay
    a point is roughly 50 calories, if that helps.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I too, have done both. I was successful in losing about 10kgs before they changed the plan to the point free fruit/veg & the weekly allowance....I did it for a while longer & wasn't going any where.

    So........I started MFP & I've been very successful with it. I lost a further 15kgs. I'm now back into it after having a bubs. MFP is free, has a great on-line support you can see the macros (sugar, sodium etc.).

    I used to feel accountable a bit more with WW because I was paying for it but in the end, that didn't help any more.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I've done both. I met my goal on WW but couldn't maintain it. I liked the old method of logging food into a diary in portions rather than points. I HATE the points system. MFP rocks compared to WW. But WW does have the meetings which help some people stay accountable. And with MFP when I do falter and not lose, or gain a pound or two, I don't lose heart and quit. I just keep logging and wait till my mojo kicks back in. I'm not paying weekly dues to await that mojo :grumble:
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I have done WW 4 times and obviously I am here now! I prefer MFP over any weight loss system.:drinker: :happy:
  • higgi7
    higgi7 Posts: 13 Member
    They are both good programs that teach a healthy lifestyle you can adopt for the long haul. Similar in terms of making you realize nutrition is important. I found the forums and support on MFP more helpful than WW, but found the WW weigh in in person held me very accountable. Both great programs - MFP is free though and WW is not. Good luck to you.
  • Grammie4VT
    Grammie4VT Posts: 35 Member
    I count points and calories. It is a pain sometimes, but it works for me. Good luck!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    MFP is way better,
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    I just joined Weight Watchers, but to me, I think MFP might be more helpful. When I see I have 500 calories left to eat in a day in my daily "calorie budget," I have an idea of how much that is. But when it tells me I have X points left in the day to eat, I'm clueless. The points plus system is driving me crazy. The meetings I guess are helpful, but I'm more of a lone wolf in the weight loss stuff.

    Anybody else have dealings Weight Watchers, and do you think WW or MFP is more helpful?

    Perhaps you're feeling clueless because, its new to you. Certainly, with time, you'll have a better idea what food you can have with X number of calories available, just as you now do with calories.
    Not advocating WW over MFP, just offering a little perspective. If you've decided WW isn't for you, and you'd rather count calories this way, then go for it. But don't bail on it because its not yet second nature. That will take some time.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    MFP is free. I like free. *shrug*
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    I'm not sure about the new propoints system, but I used WW when they had the old points and while I lost weight, I couldn't maintain it and nor, looking back, do I feel it was healthy.

    I prefer whole or full-fat foods, and the old WW hugely penalised saturated fats. Like the equivalent calories of skim and whole milk, the whole milk would be 5-6 points (roughly 1/3 of your daily allocated points) more. When I look back now, i was probably eating 7-800 calories a day because I ate whole milk, cheese, butter etc. The rough calculation was 70 calories per point plus 1/4 point for each gram of saturated fat. It was so easy to lose points, and thus calories, on saturated fat. Of course I didn't know any better at the time.
  • candoquilts
    candoquilts Posts: 6 Member
    I was a walking point guide while I was doing WW! It is a good program, but I have had to cut expenses and MFP is free! My nutritionist even suggested this program.
    The key is to journal no matter which program you do, knowing what you have consumed makes a huge difference.
  • Duggers2490
    I have done both, and i find MFP a lot better for me and my personal needs you can keep track of your calories, carbs, fats and proteins as well as exercise etc
  • exercise2day2
    exercise2day2 Posts: 46 Member
    I have done both, and am on the fence too. I am currently paying for WW but using MFP as my fitness instructor recommended it. I was used to the points plus system, so I am actually way more comfortable with that than counting calories. I am trying to add in more whole foods rather than just sticking to low fat, which seemed to work best on WW. What I do prefer about MFP is that it tracks certain vitamins and gives you a target for fibre, sodium, fat etc, which I find is useful. Best of luck with whichever plan you go with :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I've done both. I've been much more successful on MFP.

    Me too. I did WW and lost weight, and maintained that weight loss for about 6 years. But then emotional eating got me back to square one.

    I have learnt MUCH more about food calories, exercise calories and macros on MFP and it didn't cost me a cent. Plus made some amazing virtual friends.
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    MFP is free. I like free. *shrug*

    ^^^ This plus it works....
  • dayhadley
    I've done both and I can't knock WW because it taught me a lot about eating healthy and I was successful at times on the plan, but the older I get, the more I want to see what is going in my body, which is what MFP is all about. I want to cut down on carbs; I can see my carbs. I want to cut down on sodium, I can see my intake You learn as you go with both WW and MFP, but my doctor agrees - with points you can eat a package of Oreo cookies and stay within your points for the day, but was it good for you? Not so much.

    I liked the meetings for group support and the accountability. But, if you need the accountability and for people who can't afford WW, here are a couple ideas: have someone in your family weigh you once a week (for accountability). And for the group support, find co-workers and/or friends who are on the same path as you... of eating healthier and losing weight and share your pounds lost or other achievements at least once a week. I also check the message boards at MFP daily and find a lot of inspiration here (and of course, some are just plain hilarious).

    Of course, MFP is wonderful because it's free. And it works. Both are good plans, but I'm sticking to MFP. Stick to W.W. and you will do well, and you'll probably get used to the point system. Either way, best of luck!!