I'm new...ish, calling all binge-eaters!



  • junebay46
    junebay46 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I feel your shame. I and my twin are exactly the same as you. Only we are not over weight. I exercise enough to stay thin even though I feel huge and grose. I too will go thru phases where I do awesome then will have a day where I eat like I am not going to eat for days. I do great during the day but at night I stress eat. I feel the same, like I don't want to succeed. Hard for people to understand who don't have this issue I know. I would love to help each other. Sad thing, I know my triggers( tv is main one) but it is like something is missing in my life and I lood forward to crap food. I would rather snack than eat meals most of the time. I know what to do it is just doing it. commiting to it and loving myself.
  • I struggle a bit with binging too. Sometimes I'll go months without a problem, and sometimes it seems I can barely get through a day without eating something I feel like I shouldn't have eaten. And some days... lord, I give up on even trying to log it. I don't have a ton of weight to lose, but it seems like it's been the same 10-20lbs that have been bothering me my whole life. To top it all off, I'm getting married and turning 30 next summer, so I'm ready to get this under control once and for all - and to finally feel good about how my body looks and what it can do. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time.

    I've never used the social networking aspects of MFP before, but I decided to give it a try. I need some support and accountability, and I hope to be able to offer that to others. Add me if you like!
  • Hey,
    I know what you exactly what you mean.
    I stress eat as well. It's only been this month though, My first month back in school, and since I don't harm myself anymore I tried to find a new way of dealing with stress and things. I've been binge eating, I've gain about ten pounds, I'm not over weight (I was two years ago) but I need to get back in shape for my JROTC and my military career I want to do.
  • I was so glad to read your post and see there are other young people who struggle with emotional eating and binge eating. I recently began working full-time at a desk-type job and in the three months I've been working I realized I began gaining weight quicker than ever before. I am tall as well and "hide" my weight in the sense that it spreads all over as well but I feel awful because I weigh more now than ever before in my life. I know I need to get motivated and start making time for working out in addition to eating healthier or I am going to put myself at risk for other health issues. I It doesn't help that my friends and family aren't very encouraging because many of them feel I don't need to lose weight. However, I know losing 25-30 lbs would help me feel better about myself and feel more confident.
  • Hi, I too am a binge eater. :/

    Maybe this is inappropriate, I'm sorry, but can someone tell me how to post a question to the message board?! I can't figure it out. There is no 'create post' button or anything similar!

  • I wouldn't call myself an emotional eater, but I am MOST DEFINITELY a sugar addict! Please, feel free to add me!
  • martymid
    martymid Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. My name is Marty and I am a binge-eater. I have been eating clean for 56 days.
  • irelyn
    irelyn Posts: 9
    Love all the kind responses, keep them coming! Does anyone have AIM anymore? I was thinking it would be a HUGE help if anyone had IM and I could talk when I'm trying to get past cravings. This addiction is so bad. Even at work, or driving home I start thinking about it. It's insane. I feel like it's a monster inside of me. I would be really nice to speak with someone in real time if anyone is on. Let me know :)
  • Janae0221
    Janae0221 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't know that I am a binge eater per say but I am definitely an emotional/stress eater- no doubt about it. I just read your blog post and thank you for it. I could relate to so many things you said. I am just starting this journey too- feel free to add me.
  • HI my name is Arlita from Seattle. I tend to be a binge eater too. Not so much emotional but i love food. I find any excuse why i should be able to eat this and that in huge amounts. I wasnt always a binge eater. It was as if it became worse every couple of yrs until i was pass 200 lbs. Im only 5'2" so my body can only accommodate for so long. I decided a while ago I was ready to change. I began working out (cardio) with some strength training and half-portioned my food. I was going strong from April/May until sometime in July......then I dropped off completely. I ate what i wanted again and stopped working out. I paid for a gym membership I never used for a bout a mth to 2 mths. I have no idea even now what really made me STOP. Then a mth ago I saw my body in the mirror( because i had been hiding from any glimpses for a long time) and decided it was unhealthy what i was doing. I was over-eating, no exercise, and smoking my front porch down. I stopped caring so much about how big i was and focused on my goal of healthy. I have been AT LEAST working out at the gym 2x a wk., side exercising at home or work, no more elevators just stairs, counting calories in a good way(which helped me learn how many calories were in what), stopped worrying if anyone could tell i was smaller because i could tell, and I have been doing great!!!!! I even have one cheat day:) I think everybody should have a day off. So far since I started up again I have lost 7lbs and 3 inches off my waist. I love that I found this website and others struggling with eating habits/unwanted weight just like me. Im not alone and neither is anyone else. I want to say thanks to the people out there in need of support and reaching out, I realized I can reach out too