Fighting Genetics and Hypothyroidism

I am 38 old mom married to an incredible man who loves me for me. Unfortunately, I have Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism which makes it difficult to lose weight. I was diagnosed in 1999 after more than a year and 1/2 of feeling like crud. I finally had my thyroid taken out in 2002, but only after I had gained 125 pounds. Since then I have only lost 35 pounds due to not being able to exercise on a regular basis. Anyone in the same boat?


  • sbusarah
    sbusarah Posts: 163 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism along with fibromyalgia and bipolar. The meds I take for bipolar cause weight gain. The fibromyalgia makes it painful to exercise and I can only do low impact exercise for short periods. And of course as you know the hypothyroid makes it difficult to lose weight. I hope you find success. This year I have gained about 40 pounds and I exercise and eat relatively well. I am hoping the online tools here will help. Good luck to you!
  • MissE425
    Hi! I'm new to the website and I, too, have hypothyrodism. It will be a year in November for me finding out that I have hypothyrodism. It seems like I've been exercising a lot and have yet to see any results. I truly hope we can help each other to stay motivatied. I hope the tools on here will help too. Plus I'm starting the Community Shape Up program with the YMCA tomorrow. I can't wait to see how this works out. Good luck to both of you!
  • BrisVegas1
    BrisVegas1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Danielle,

    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis at the end of 1999. I had been tested a year early & my thyroid was fine. 1999 was a very stressful year for me and I believe this was the trigger that started my autoimmunity.

    I started taking Thyroxine (T4) in early 2000. Later that year I convinced my endocrinologist to let me try triiodothyronine (T3) in addition to the T4. After three months of combining both I felt no added benefit so I continued only with the T4. For the past ten years I have taken 100mcg Mon to Fri; and 200mcg Sat to Sun.

    In 2006 I lost 6kg (approx 12 pounds) by exercising between 30 to 90 mins most days and counting calories via the Calorie King website (which was very good however they do not have an android app so I am now using this website).

    2008 and 2009 were difficult years. My mother passed away at the same time I was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease (autoimmunity issues with the inner ear & balance). So my exercise regime came to a complete halt.

    In late 2009 the doctor's clinic I had been going to was sold and my medical records taken with the previous owner. Even though my regular doctor stayed with the clinic, she had no access to my files. I had to sign a request to get a copy to her. During this time my regular doctor accidentally prescribed me 50mcg tablets instead of 100mcg tablets, so for at least three months I was unwitingly taking half the dosage I was meant to take.

    A regular blood test for my T4 levels picked up the low levels and it was only then that I realised that I'd been taking 50mcg tablets instead of 100mcg. The error happened over the Christmas holiday period so 4 kilos (8 pounds) crept on followed by an additional 4 kilos. Because of the period of under-medication I now take 150mcg Mon to Fri; and 300mcg Sat to Sun.

    I know from past experience that I CAN lose weight with an underactive thyroid.

    I read once that an underactive thyroid can make it 30 to 40% more difficult to lose weight than a person with a healthy thyroid. That said it is STILL POSSIBLE, just harder.

    If you make the commitment to eat healthly (small amounts every few hours) & exercise regularly over a long period of time (minimum 3 to 6 months) you WILL see results.

    Best of luck,

    Bea :happy:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 10 years ago.

    My thyroid went out of whack this week and I gained 6 lbs in 3 days, I'm waiting for my bloodwork results from my Dr.

    It is a constant battle and for me eating clean and lots of exercise help me.

    You are not alone.
