200+ (Week 51) "Hot for Halloween"

Can we believe it's almost one year since our group was started?? Wow!

It's time to check in for the week.

I don't know how my weight will be in the morning, but I did my last long training run today. Proud of myself for getting it in. It's brutal to go for that long after a workday. Boo.

Did a little under 11 miles. Wanted to do a 11 or maybe a little more, but there was a distance discrepancy. While I did calibrate my nike+, I think I might have to do it again, this time on a track, because it was WAY off. It said I had run 12.3 (vs. the 10.7 dailymile/mapmyrun), so I stopped myself way sooner than I would have. Pissed me off like whoa.

But in reality, I was pretty burnt out by the end of the run anyways, and I'm just glad I got it in. Plan for tomorrow is a long walk, and hopefully will get a short run in on Saturday before I leave for up north. Parents are coming in tomorrow night. Yay!

Good luck everyone!


  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 217 - which puts me down for 0.2 pounds this week. I should be happy but there were a couple of days I was at 216 this week and then it somehow evaporated. Maybe it's sodium or something. It's irritating as hell.

    Kristina: good job on your run. It sounds like your Nike+ definitely needs to be recalibrated.

    Victoria: I've only ever walked past the first class seats on an airplane. Lucky you! Enjoy your trip.

    Kendal: WTG, getting you & Lexi to the park!

    Everyone have a good Friday!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy, if you were at 216 earlier this week, you'll get there again. As we all know, weight fluctuates daily.

    That's a nice segway into my weight. Yesterday I was at 181.. this morning? Weigh-in at 178.2 (down 1.0 from last week). Pretty elated with that. I don't expect a drop next week with the parents being in down all week, but I'll certainly take it today. If only I ran 11 miles before every weigh in... haha.

    Good luck everyone! Will check back in later.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Fantastic job on your weight drops!!!! Every ounce gets us there!!
    I had a pound loss myself...but I can't log it on my ticker because it is up from last month....so I just want to get back to where I started and it will all be good!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    217.6 today. Thats up .2 from last week. Probably has to do with the hamburger helper killer sodium. Hopefully it will show a drop next week.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    This week has been a serious disaster. Work has been Insane Crazy. All of us are overwhelmed for a number of reasons and its just crazy. And then the two days I could have gone to the gym I freaking forgot my gym bag, which just happens to be sitting next to my purse, with the handles of the bag on top of my purse and I still forgot it! TWICE!! Gaa!!

    Eating hasn't been that great, but not super bad either. And I got on the scale Tuesday at the gym and it said 213 and that was depressing, so I gained 5 lbs over summer, thats not too bad per se...but to top it off with not being able to get to the gym and life just being crazy its like Gaaa!! I am NEVER going to be able to do this am I?! I just cannot get it together.

    Now I do know that tomorrow is a new day, and the next, and the next, so it is wholy possibly for me to do it. I just have to get in there and get going. So I am trying to get over myself and keep telling myself that Sunday I can work out and the next week so far nothing is planned, work isn't going to be any different so deal, etc. etc. But now I also need to plan another trip to Ontario CA in November and there is that on top of it all.

    I'm going to go buy a new scale at Target tonight, put a piece of tape on the floor and set it there when I need to weigh each time and have something consistent.

    ok. Pity party for one over. Thanks for listening. Sunday I WILL go and work out. Dammit.

    Victoria - there is nothing WORSE than being delayed on the tarmac. We all have stories I am sure. At least you've got first class though, that is always nice!!

    Amy, Deb and Kristina - YEAY!

    Kendal - I do love me some hamburger helper with the potatos. I rarely rarely eat it anymore, but we grew up on it. Sodium is the debil.

    Tonight we are meeting up with a new family whose son goes to school with Gracie at a brewery for beers and dinner. Shuold be fun. Tomorrow is a birthday party for another of G's classmates and Sunday is the day I rest. LOL.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey guys, congrats on your losses.

    I'm pretty excited and can't been anything but happy with my weigh in since TOM is still here. I weighed 215 last week and this week I lost 1lb and am now 214. I only made it to the gym 2 times this week so far and am going again tonight so it was not the greatest week. I'm hoping I can kick butt next week because if I lose 2.5 lbs (i know a long shot) I will have hit my first mini goal of 50lbs lost! After that Onederland here I come! I'd like to hit that by year end. 4 more pounds and I will be the weight I was when I met my husband (it is our 10 year anniversary on Nov 29th). I am aiming to do better with dinner portions this week, drink more water and hit the gym at least 4 times.

    I have had an issue at the gym the last two days I have gone....normally i have a ton of energy but my muscles felt really weak and I was having trouble with them on the elliptical, not sure if I'm deficient in something or what. Gonna try to up my protien and maybe have a carb before I go to see if that give me a little kick.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats to all who lost this week. I'm having a blast in Phoenix. I have a new love - sushi - wowsa it's great!!! Last night was the first time I ever had it. Today is shopping, Michigan-Michigan state football, and bar hopping. I'm told eye candy will be there. Tomorrow we're going to watch the world series gay flag football tournament - the players will be out tonight. We saw a few when we went out for drinks before Sushi last night - serious drool ladies!!!

    We went to a brewpub for lunch yesterday and I got hit on - that was such a shock. My friend tells me it's because I was showing skin (shorts and scoop neck tee) in this 90 degree heat - everyone here thinks this is cold and is wearing long pants. My friend said I should have flirted back and gotten us each free beers (men - rolls eyes). I rarely "go out" without my husband - it was a different experience. I just ingored the guy. No fears of being hit on the rest of the weekend as we'll be in gay bars - hence the eye candy.

    All this cute dog talk - now I want one!!! DH and I are seriosly thinking of getting another kitty. Maybe next month when my travels are done.

    I did get my 8 mile run in yesterday and am planning 11 for tomorrow. I should get up and go for a walk or a bike ride. It feels so great to lay in bed with nothing to do.

    Kristina - have a great time with your family!! My mom is looking frorward to meeting your parents.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: You sound like you are having a super time. AND getting hit on...how awesome! :wink: Sushi is soooo yummy! I had it all the time when I lived in California but there isn't any here in Germany. I did get my fix back in August when I went to London but that's it.

    Kimm: Great job on your loss. Sometimes I feel a bit weak during my workouts but it usually has something to do with not drinking enough water. Hope you figure it out!

    Lacey: Put the week behind you and start out fresh. No need to stress about stuff you can't change, just keep moving forward (I TOTALLY got that from a Disney movie - 10 points if you know which one!!)

    Kendal: I bet that gain will be a loss once the sodium gets out of your system. I saw your comment on my video on Facebook. Thanks! I think my dog is hilarious, it's nice to know I'm not alone in that.

    Deb: you'll be back to where you want to be in no time (and moving down from there!)
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Hey everyone, great losses! Unfortunately, I am not in that group. I actually gained back a few. Am sitting at 285 again. But I know it's a combination of eating bad while camping last weekend and not exercising enough. I didn't do nearly the amount of hiking I thought I would last weekend. And both last week and this week I didn't get in my daily walks to/from work because of the weather. And no gym this week. For some reason I was really tired this week. Went to bed early and overslept just about everyday, which meant working late to make up for being late. then the whole cycle would repeat since I fell asleep as soon as I got home (7:30 to 8:00, late to get home, but still too early for bed). So really working on the exercise this week. Making it a priority to get to the gym after work.

    In the meantime, today the weather is beautiful and I went for a nice long walk on the Baltimore-Annapolis walking/biking trail and ended up buying a bike! I saw the shop from the trail and had been thinking about buying one, took one for a test spin and ended up taking it home. Hope the weather stays nice at least through Monday. It's Columbus day, so no work for me. :smile:

    Did a major closet shopping/reorganizing today. Despite having gained back a few errant pounds, I still had major success! Moved quite a few clothes from the too small side of the closet to the wear now side and moved some from the wear now side to the too large goodwill pile. For the first time in a long time, the wear now side has more clothes in it than the too small side. I've been hinting to my family that clothes or gift certificates for clothes would make a nice xmas present!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in quickly. I'm in Traverse City-- have great weather! Tasted a couple of wineries yesterday and we're going up to Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes today and exploring the city. It's great to have the parents in town.

    Before we left yesterday I did a 5 mile run. I might try and hit up the hotel's fitness center this evening. We're doing a fair bit of walking, which is helping.

    Victoria- sound like you're having a great time! Mmm eye candy! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

    Don't know how much I'll be able to check in over the next couple of days, but I hope everyone is doing well and I'm hoping to stay best on track as possible. Getting excited about the half this upcoming weekend!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sarah - congrats on the new bike!!! It sounds wonderful.

    Kristina - glad you're having fun. The dunes are awesome but quite a hike if you go all the way to the water.

    It's almost time to get out of bed and go for my 11 mike run. I had such a nice day yesterday - went to goodwill and got 3 neat shirts for $5. Then I spent $25 on lottery tickets and won $50. I borrowed a bike and spent over an hour in several trips exploring the city. My brag for yesterday was my friends taking pictures and I actually liked how I looked - still in shock that I didn't look fat. I made one my facebook profile. When I get home, I'll make the other my MFP profile pic.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Took lexi to the park yesterday and we went 5 miles. Thats the longest we've ever gone....it took an hour and 20 minutes. We were walking in the middle of the afternoon and it was a lot hotter than what we're used to....we walked 95% of it so I'm not worried about the slow pace. Distance was the purpose of that walk.
  • mbrunache
    I was doing so well with eating salads regularly, good lean protein on top and all. My daughter had a b day party and looks like the party lasted for a week with my eating habits. I was eating left overs and cake cookies, all the things I know I shouldn't touch. Now i totally feel so guilty and unmotivated. Any tips to get back in the grove ?? :(
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Mbrunache: Everybody sips up from time to time. What I do is start fresh No point in wallowing in guilt for something you can't do anything about. Just brush it off and get back on track. I know it's easier said than done but your body will feel better if you start putting healthy fuel into it. Too much processed carbs & fats make us feel sluggish and tired. You can get back in the groove!

    Kendal: Great job on your walk with Lexi! Sofie peters out if I try to get her to go farther than 4 miles (she's BIG and has a LOT of fur so I think she gets tired & hot despite the cool weather). You guys rock!!

    Victoria & Kristina: Great job getting your runs in - you guys are such an inspiration.

    Sarah: I LOVE going shopping in my closet!

    Well it's Columbus Day but life goes on as normal here. It's not a holiday for the Germans and we aren't taking the day off homeschooling so it's just business as usual for us. We took Sofie out for a walk in the forest for 40 minutes. She is LOVING walking mostly off her leash. She makes it more fun for us too since she's having such a good time. I gotta get my run in today (I've been seriously slacking on the running). Have a great day everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh my aching head - I think we celebrated too much last night. 3 nights of bar hopping has tired me out - the drag show was great and I now get why guys like to watch pole dancing (*blushes*). I guess I'm getting to old for all this partying. I'm just exhausted. 2 more hours until I leave for the airport. I love my friends scale which said I was 175 this morning after my run - I know it's way off but it felt great to see the number.

    Amy - I loved the video of your dog walking herself.

    Kendal - your pace is actually a good one. 20 min miles rock!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    New Monday, new problems (at work), looking forward, no moaning. LOL. Got my meals planned for breakfast, lunch and snacks and will be able to hit the gym Mon-Thurs this week. Friday I am driving to Portland so I can do some window shopping and hang with girlfriends. Very much looking forward to it. yeay! However, it means I've got to get five days worth of work done in four. So yeah...fun times.

    Victoria - there is this awesome club in Portland that has a drag queen show in the back and it is sooo funny! I haven't been in years but it was great. The dance room was also fun too. I would LOVE to enjoy some 90 degree weather right now too..

    Kendal - good job on the walking!

    Kristina - hope you are having fun with the parents.

    Sarah - we all slip up (I certainly have lately)...as Amy said, get back on the horse and keep moving forward, It is all you can do really.

    Amy - thanks for the words of encouragement...can't think of what movie that is from for some reason!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    mbrunache--if possible, start by throwing/giving away any temptation foods you still have left over. It's easier to be good when the bad stuff isn't there whispering "you know you want me...just one bite". Then do as amy suggested and start fresh and focus on what you can do today, not what you did yesterday.

    lacey--good luck with work this week. at least it's for a fun cause!

    I had an awesome weekend although the scale numbers haven't caught up yet. hopefully by friday :wink: good eating, walk/bike ride on saturday, long bike ride sunday and today. Haven't calculated the miles yet for today. I think 16 maybe 17. My butt is a bit sore. :blushing: I probably wouldn't have gone quite as far today except I wanted the bike shop to make a few adjustments and so that was my turnaround point. I will have a few days rest from it though since it currently gets dark too early to bike after work.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Chex Mix is dry and bland and I do not like it.

    that is all.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Fair Evening my Super Pals. So far my day has been a Monday... Flights exhaust me and airport waiting is rough. My last flight is delayed a half hour. I live an hour from the airport so it may be midnight before I get home. I'm supposed to run in the morning (only 2 miles) but have a feeling I skip it. I can see I'll have a long work day. I'm off for more airport walking.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    kendal--homemade chex mix is sooo much better than storebought. They used to print the recipes on the box, but I think they may have stopped now that they sell their prepackaged crap.

    Victoria--having been the victim of crappy air travel more than once, I feel your pain. Kudos to you for airport walking!