Overwhelmed newbie

nzcate Posts: 6 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone,
I've just discovered this site via an i-phone app, and am really keen to get going. Any advice will be gratefully received :-)


  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, I started with the iPhone app, too! It is easier for posting what you eat because you don't have any ad servers to wait for.

    Here's my advice:

    1. Make sure you measure/weigh your food each time. Eventually you will get a feel for how big a portion size is and you won't have to do it anymore. Make sure you have a set of dry measure cups. If you use a liquid measuring cup for food, you will get way too much food.

    2. Log everything you eat and drink. If you have to estimate the calories, estimate high.

    3. Drink water. Your body needs water to cleave the fat molecules.

    4. Log in here when you need some emotional support instead of going for the food.

    5. Add me as a friend.:flowerforyou:
  • I was in your position not too long ago.
    Here's what I have to offer,
    -Log EVERYTHING. Even stuff you take a bite of. And log on the bad days, too.
    -MFP seems to overestimate the calories burned during exercise. You might want to invest in a HRM.
    -Fruit is awesome for sweet tooth's, and it fills you up. If you want a little extra sweet, eat some chocolate chips (low cal!)
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Welcome to the site!

    You'll find a lot of good information, good support and good people on this site.

    Remember to be patient with yourself. None of us put on our extra weight overnight, so it's not going to come off overnight.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • nzcate
    nzcate Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much guys. Have just tried out the logging tool now - can see that will take a bit of getting used to.
    Off to work out how to add friends next :-)
  • Pick a calender day in the future and start entering meal plans. It is very educational. Especially if you try to hit all of the RDA requirements on the home screen. I also like to set my goal to maintain my weight and try to save calories. I had a bad day yesterday but still only ate the amount that would maintain my weight. i needed a day of excess and am excited to be back in the fight....Also give yourself a break. 40 percent of Americans are OBESE and the majority of the rest is overweight. The food supply is bad. Even teenagers are struggling. To many growth hormones ETC. Also plan 1 treat a day. Try to simplify your food and life...
  • ITA with the measuring cups. When I first started watching what I eat, I was amazed by what I thought was a serving a what a serving really was.

    I also estimate low when it comes to exercise as far as calories (if I think I've burned off 275, I round it down to 250 to be safe) and up for food (if I think something is around 80 calories, I call it 100). But thats only if I dont have exact numbers.

    Your going to love it here :) And feel free to add me as a friend
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there! Add friends, log everything, drink water and mostly enjoy , this is a great site
  • nzcate
    nzcate Posts: 6 Member
    Again, thanks so much everybody for taking the time to welcome me! I've started the logging business, and once I am past my birthday celebrations (tomorrow) - the journey begins in earnest!
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