1500 cal/day and still hungry :-(



  • Try to eat more protein at breakfast (egg whites with lots of veggies), I have found that to be satisfying for me. Also, it helps to do some form of physical activity in the morning, I have started doing some flexibility stretches and 10-15 minutes of light cardio. Not sure why that has an effect on appetite, but I have found that to be the case. Good luck. Different things work for different people, but one thing is for sure: Quitters never win. So don't give up!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    And to answer to OP's question …

    I just looked at a few days in your diary, and I think there are a few things you could change to help. A lot of people have already stated more protein, and I agree. Also, you can add in more vegetables. Raw veggies can help you feel satisfied and fuller (I say raw because I think the flavor is better, plus the chewing takes more time and seems, to me, to help satisfy more; but if you prefer them steamed or whatever, that's fine too). The fiber is good for your body in may ways, too. Cut out some of the empty starches; for example, one day you had pretzels and crackers with your lunch, for a total of over 200 calories. A slice of whole-grain bread instead will give you more nutrition for fewer calories, and probably help you feel satisfied for longer. Use real cheese instead of the processed sliced cheese. Ounce for ounce, the calories are almost the same (the processed ones have fewer calories because it's less) and real cheese is, again, more satisfying. I also agree with the poster who said that sometimes when you think you're hungry, it might be thirst. Try drinking a glass of water and see if it helps before going for a healthy snack.

    And finally, make sure your calorie goal isn't too aggressive. I may have missed it, but I haven't seen your height, current weight, or goal weight. Sometimes we feel hungry because we're trying to cut down too much, and we really need to eat more. If you aren't sure about what your goal should be, give us your stats and there are many people who can help you figure out what's appropriate. :drinking:
  • I Agree with the 3rd post here from Susie (tried to reply under her post, but not sure how... new here).
    OP - cook yourself 1/4 cup of egg beaters to eat with your oatmeal. I have a fruit and egg beaters in the morning. A small portion of lean beef, fish or chicken at lunch and dinner with veggies... and another fruit (usually an apple) an hour or two before bed. It works for me (on a 500 calorie a day diet). I do have to plan these meals at least a day in advance to stay on mark, but I have yet to have any overwhelming cravings or out of control hunger. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Yeah, I just hit "Ignore User". Troll.
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    a packet of oatmeal would never keep me full! to make it more filling, try adding protein powder after cooking, or even add egg whites halfway through cooking (sounds gross but it works- gives it a custardy texture, it's delicious!)

    Instant oatmeal isn't the best, even if it says "weight control." The oats are processed for quick cooking which makes them also "quick" to leave your body and leave you hungry. There's also a lot of added sugar. Making your own oatmeal only takes about a minute more cook time in the microwave, or google recipes for "overnight oats". I suggest using old-fashioned plain rolled oats, cooking and adding protein powder or egg whites like I said before. Then try sweetening it with a small amount of maple syrup, or stevia, sugar-free maple syrup, a little bit of jam, etc. Whatever you like! Then top with fresh fruit- I can't eat oatmeal without at least 1/2 banana on top, and my favorite is with blueberries too. Frozen works if you don't have fresh fruit! Can add a couple raisins too. Some people even mix greek yogurt into their cooked oatmeal for protein+creaminess.
    Another thing that will make you feel fuller much longer is adding some fat! Add a small portion of chopped nuts or my favorite, 1/2 tbsp of almond butter! My favorite brand is Justin's Maple Almond Butter. It is a little expensive at $10 a jar but a jar lasts me months because I measure out a little at a time.

    Eating more for breakfast is important. I find if I don't eat a minumum of 300 cals for breakfast (usually 300-375), I'm hungry and snacky and irritable all day. A slightly bigger breakfast with lots of protein, some filling fat and complex carbs (whole oats!) makes me much happier and makes me eat less all day! Try not to save tons of calories for dinner/nighttime snacks- I used to do that and it was much harder to stick to my diet.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Ok, he hijacked the thread. Let's get back to the topic at hand.

    You're right. Sorry I participated in the threadjack.

    One of my favorite hunger busters is an apple spread with a little peanut butter. Fiber, a little fat for satiation, and some protein. Also I try never to miss my 10:00am snack at work so I can make it to lunchtime without my stomach growling loud enough for my coworkers to hear! That's usually a KIND bar, a bit high in calories but really yummy and filling.
  • bridgew24
    bridgew24 Posts: 143 Member
    Sorry if someone has already said this; but I find having a VERY substantial breakfast helps me a lot! What's the saying? Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner? Something along those lines. ...With healthy snacks in between :wink:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member

    According to this article in 2012 Croatia was the 3rd fattest nation. :wink:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Protein at every meal,not huge amounts necessarily but protein keeps you full longer.

    Protein! Especially for breakfast, since you go 6-8 hours not eating while you sleep at night. Eat a good first meal, and you will be full until lunch time.

    I used to be one of those that was very frugal with my calories for breakfast and lunch, hoping that I could pig out and dinner and dessert if I had a ton of calories left over. Not only did I NOT lose weight that way, but I was pretty miserable at being hungry all morning and afternoon.
  • My father works at a meat packing facility... therefore I haz all the bacons.

    Seriously though, OP, you should look at the type of food you're eating more so than the number of 1500. Those pretzels you had on Monday? Probably not gonna do much for filling you up. Nothing wrong with eating them. I love pretzels.

    Eating is kind of like shopping... get the most bang for your buck and then splurge a little here and there. Try to get the most quantity of food for the number of calories per serving... and then have your pretzels or ice cream or whatever you want if you have the calories left for it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sorry if someone has already said this; but I find having a VERY substantial breakfast helps me a lot! What's the saying? Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner? Something along those lines. ...With healthy snacks in between :wink:

    I did that yesterday..big breakfast..beans, eggs, bread and pancakes with milk...wasn't hungry until 4pm....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Breakfast like a king
    Lunch like a prince
    Dinner like a pauper

    as the saying goes...

    try that and maybe it'll help.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I am curious, what is "weight control oatmeal"?

    regular oatmeal... lol

    lol... I was going to say just another "gimmick". So yes, just regular oatmeal.

    I googled...it has added whey protein, so it thinks that it helps with hunger - LOL...but it also has a lot of other "stuff" too...see below...

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I've seen a lot of Scott's posts in the past and I can say something is very wrong here.... Perhaps someone has gotten onto his account?

    My thoughts too....FWIW
  • http://weighing-success.com/NutritionalNeeds.html

    Okay, I definitely concur with the 5-6 meals a day. It helps boost metabolism. Also sometimes in the desire to lose quickly we set our calorie goals to low too quickly for our bodies. Above is a website that accounts for your height, weight and body fat percentage. And gives you a road map to lose weight in a healthy way. It may not come off as quickly as you desire but in the long run it is better for your body and easier to sustain so that you don't end up binging. My doctor recommeded this after I went to her with some stomach issues. I had been eating 1400 calories for a little over a month with NO cheating and I didn't lose a pound. She broke it down in this way. Not every body is the same so sites that help you track give you an average. That MAY not be right for you. I am currently eating 1704 calories a day. 55% carbs 25% fats and 20% protein. I also drink an average of 120 ounces (fourteen 8 ounce cups) of water every day. I lost 3 pounds my first week. Now I don't expect it to stay that high, according to the site I should average about a pound a week but, my goal is to healthy!!! Best of luck to you!!! And remember if you don't feel like working out do it anyway!!!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Also, here is a calculator to see how you fit in on the global fat scale.

    Just put age/sex/height/weight/location it is quite a fun calculator

  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member

    I know where you're coming from, OP! I felt this way when I'd eat a few large calorie meals a day, but the calorie count didn't really give me a good amount of food (pasta, cake, etc). I've found that eating natural foods are a GREAT filler for (usually) very few calories. Have a lot of little salads throughout the day with a low caloried dressing! Vegetables are great for filling. I heard on a few documentaries (not verbatim) that 400 calories of natural, raw foods will fill your stomach in the same way that 1,000 calories of processed foods will. I believe this! When I eat fast food I am starving! A salad? Eh...I'm good! lol, I hope this helps and if nothing else:

    enjoy life my man.
  • I need to up my protien then, too. The software has me at 1300 calories a day. I always go over but I'm still dropping pounds.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've seen a lot of Scott's posts in the past and I can say something is very wrong here.... Perhaps someone has gotten onto his account?

    My thoughts too....FWIW

    SAme exact thing in the Lotion thread...word for word....something is up
  • profosho
    profosho Posts: 17 Member
    This worley dude trolled you guys pretty hard