How do I eat on a cruise?



  • cameronwheeler
    If you go on a cruise, its a given that your going to gain 10 lbs. Dont worry about your diet while on a cruise, pack on those extra lbs then when you get off of the cruise work it off. Enjoy the experience of a cruise
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    "How do I eat on a cruise?"

    1) Open mouth.
    2) Insert food.
    2a) Chew. This is optional.
    3) Swallow.

    You're not going to put 30 lbs of fat on while on vacation. If anything, just eat a little less than you would have before. Don't go for 2nds at the buffet (assuming there is one). Don't eat the huuuuuuge ice cream sundae for dessert. Simple things. Enjoy the vacation and don't get stressed.
  • Straitlover1965
    Straitlover1965 Posts: 39 Member
    I jsut went on a 5 night cruise the week of Labor Day, plus we spent 2 extra days in Ft Lauderdale pre-cuise. My rule was any time I was going to get food, I had to take the stairs (although we took the stairs 80% of the time anyway). I had bread and dessert every night plus a taste of dessert at most lunches. My plan was to have at least two "free" ice cream cones every day, but I think I only hit the machine 4-5 times total, plus I used the bowl instead of the cone. I had two strawberry/peach smoothies and one chocolate shake. I don't drink alcohol or sodas, so none of that. I believe we hit the pizza place 3 times.

    I weighed 2 days after we got back, and I was up 4 lbs, but 2 days later I was back to my original weight. So you cna cruise and not gain!

    Granted, I ahve only lost one lb since we got back, but that's because it's taking me awhile to get back to my pre-cruise eating habits. Also, I've been busy w/ family health issues, so I've been relying way too much on take out and frozen dinners. After the end of thsi week, things should calm down for a bit, so the weight should start coming off again.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Use a knife, fork, and your head.

    you stole what i was going to say!!

  • Skylermakinna
    that is good
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I went on a cruise back in April, ate whatever I wanted and drank a lot of water, got on the scale when I got home gained 7 pounds, 2 days later lost all of it!! :bigsmile:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just don't stuff your piehole nonstop. Eat sensible meals and sensible snacks. Try to be active. You should be fine.
  • 10BlueDoves
    10BlueDoves Posts: 33 Member
    It is Disney. So soda will be included. And they give out lots of candy for the kids on halloween. And the Mickey Bars from room service... That is probably one of my favorite parts, relaxing on the balcony eating a Mickey bar with the kids as we pull into or out of port.

    And I wasn't serious thinking I was really going to gain back all 30 lbs. I was thinking like 5.
  • aezaidan
    aezaidan Posts: 31 Member
    Eat whatever you'd like but then spend your time, walking, swimming and dancing the night away.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    I didn't really enjoy the food too much on the cruise itself so I guess I was ok. The food was very ordinary and the sitdown restaurants give you small portions.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    Lucky you! I love crusing! OK...when I cruise, I try to do the following--doesn't always happen tho:

    Eat a lighter breakfast (omlete from the omlete station and some fruit)
    Lunch: Cruises have an awesome salad / fruit bar! Or sometimes I grab a sandwich from the deli
    Dinner: Whatever I want--including dessert. You're on vacation for pete's sake.

    A couple of the cruise lines that I've sailed before offer lite options on their menu. I don't get them unless they sound good, but there is that option.

    I always take the stairs if the floor I'm going to is within a certain # of floors from where I'm at. Usually for me it's like 4 or 5 levels.

    On one cruise I took my workout clothes and worked out a few times in the gym--seems like early morning is the busiest time to go. Most ships also have a walking/running track outside too that you could use.

    Also, if you seriously want to watch your calories...beware of their drinks. I love all the fruity concoctions...but they are loaded with calories!

    If you end of gaining a few lbs. on your cruise don't sweat it....they'll come off when you get home.

    NOTE: Sorry if I repeated ideas...didn't read through the responses to see what others had wrote.
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    I was on a cruise 2 weeks ago, and survived the food land mines. I kept my breakfast and lunch very reasonable: oatmeal, boiled egg and fruit for breakfast, salad and fruit for lunch. I splurged at dinner time, but had fish and other seafood for every dinner. It was the unlimited ice cream that brought me down, but you can be healthy while on the open sea.
  • Healthy133
    I've been on cruises and I always make endless plans not to eat this or that...
    I always end up eating what I want on all 4 cruises I have been on. I gain about 5-7lbs but tend to lose it quickly after, mostly water weight!
    Take your time over the dinner menu, there are items on there that are on their every night but some like lobster on formal nights are just one night, no point missing that! You can have fruit for dessert and I know princess cruises, holland America and P&O have lighter meals on offer.
    At the buffet yon can get a bit overwhelmed so take your time and walk around the whole thing first, there are always eggs, bagels, toast, fruit, cereals and healthy items. Take a bit, sit down and enjoy it, if you need more you can always go back. Lunch there is always salad items and healthy hot meals. There is always the gym, exercise classes early morning, running track lots of sports during the day. Take the stairs! Loads of stairs haha! Your legs will thank you one day!
    Most of all, a cruise is an expensive holiday, enjoy it all and don't ruin it by worrying about your weight, I know people who take clothes one size bigger for the later part of the holiday!!
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    You wont gain back 30 lbs during a cruise. Just go and enjoy yourself.

    This. My husband and I took several one to two week trips this year. I ate what I wanted, but quit when I was satisfied. I figured I could get back to my normal diet (lifestyle) when we got home. I gained around 5 pounds each time, and lost it within a week or two. Much quicker than I normally lose. I think it was mainly the alcohol and sugar calories, plus the extra sodium restaurants use. As long as I got right back to my normal way of eating and exercise it didn't take that long to take if back off.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Just don't stuff your piehole nonstop. Eat sensible meals and sensible snacks. Try to be active. You should be fine.

    Yup. Eat whatever you want until you're full. You'll be fine.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eat until they tell you to stop, drink until they tell you to go to bed.. Then you won't regret spending $1000 on a cruise you didn't enjoy.
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    I just went on a cruise 3 weeks ago. I gained 4 pounds and have already worked off 3. I'm sure some of it was water weight as someone mentioned the food was probably high in sodium. I ate what I wanted to satisfaction but didnt stuff my face. You're on vacation. Have fun. You can work off any gained weight when you get back.