New! Any beer buddies?


I have just joined MFP, and have been on *this* diet (as opposed to all of the previous failed attempts!) since the start of the month.

I've set myself two goals - 30 BY 30 (30 kilos by my 30th birthday in June) with a stretch goal of 15 BY '15 (an additional 15 kilos before 2015).

I'm also a huge craft beer fan, pulling together a cider blog, and working in an industry with constant exposure to both beverages! Cutting out alcohol completely won't work for me, so I'm trying out 3-4 days a week booze free, and working in moderate drinking while keeping the calories in mind. :)

Would love to add some friends for support, and it would be great to hear from anyone with beer-inclusive success stories!



  • alanrev
    Hi, I'm alan from the uk. I also like beer, and include about 3 or 4 days of drinking some beer or wine. Sadly theres no easy way of doing that I've found. On the days were I'm going to drink more than a couple I just make sure I exercise enough to accomodate it and if I don't then I just have to cut back or go without. Feel free to add me my food diary is always open and you will see throughout the week Iusually have a few drink days. My bad day is Monday where I usually have 4or 5 pints which is about 1200 calories, however my target is 1000 calories under maintaining weight so even though i sometimes blow out by several 100 on a monday in real terms I still have had lest than what I need to maintain.
    My biggest argument for drinking though is that I,m trying to change my life for the long term so I,m not going to give up the things I love as sooner or later I would crash and burn, it's all about moderation for me.
  • dcoleman01
    dcoleman01 Posts: 10 Member
    I also enjoy drinking beer. Cheers!

    I get up at 3:45 in the morning and workout so I have spare calories for a few drinks in the evening.
  • Heatherdawn5410
    Love the user name..
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I love big beer.
    I love being able to say "Hey, look, you can drink beer AND lose weight."

    It isn't that the two can't coexist, folks just get all up in arms and try to stop what they think is "bad" for a while.. you know.. until they think they're going to lose weight and just start having good things again.

    Eat what you want, drink what you like, hit your macros... lose weight the happy way.

    Just had a weekend full of 9% locally brewed Scotch Ale, a 7% Belgian Stout, and 15% Bruery Bois.

    Anyone that tells you it can't be done is misinformed.
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member

    Just had a weekend full of 9% locally brewed Scotch Ale, a 7% Belgian Stout, and 15% Bruery Bois.


    And where can I find you next weekend? It's 1030 in the morning and you have me wanting that Scotch Ale NOW.
  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi, I'm 55 from the UK and a member of CAMRA - please feel free to add me.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It really is a matter of calories in vs. calories out and watching your macros. I love good beer, particularly IPAs, and bourbon, but I drink in moderation and fit it in. I've gone from around 250 at my heaviest, to around 176 currently, and I've enjoyed the process. Just commit to the things that really matter and ignore the rest.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You can drink beer and lose weight. You just need to be aware that beer has calories and adjust accordingly. What I did was switch to higher quality beer and just have one or two.