Trying to lose the baby weight....18 months later!

Hi everyone,

I've made many attempts in the last 18 months to lose the 25 lbs I put on with my pregnancy...and the 30 I gained afterwards. P.S....breastfeeding DOES NOT make every woman lose weight! But for whatever reason, I just couldn't stick with any plan consistently. I'm ready to now. So I'm hoping that this will be my final success story in the journey to lose weight and get stronger. I want to be a healthy role model for my son.

I would love support from anyone who can give it....especially mothers who have successfully lost the baby weight. I'd love to give support to you all, too.

On a personal note, my family and I live in Indianapolis but I'm one of four people living here who is NOT a Colts fan. Oh yeah, I love wine. Like ALOT.


  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Hi, I'm Lew... Married, dad of two soon to be three... At this for 15 months now and down 187.6 pounds and plan to log for 50 more years. Anyone is welcome to add me. My diary is open to friends and I comment all the time. Welcome everyone!
  • tweaver25
    tweaver25 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Kaufma22! I lost 85lbs with baby #1 and am in the midst of trying to lose the last of baby #2 weight (so far about 40lbs lost and 10 more to go;). Would love to help you out! Since having kids I have completely changed the way that I live for the same reason.... I want to be a better role model for them. I quit smoking, quit drinking (for the most part...I love red wine also), quit binging and am trying to be the best me that I can be for them and me! So what is your plan? Are you jogging? Lifting?
  • kaufma22
    kaufma22 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much for your message. I would love any help you can provide! I've been doing Couch to 5K (for about a year now, haha). It was really hard to stick with it and I usually would end up quitting after about week 3 or 4. But I'm making it a priority. I made and wrote down some goals for the month of October:

    1) Tracking everything I put in my mouth which is why I re-joined Myfitnesspal.
    2) Workout a minimum of 3 days a week, maximum of 5
    3) Drink a glass of water before every meal
    4) Only drink wine on the weekends (Haha...I really do love my wine), although I don't plan on drinking it EVERY weekend.

    Of course there are other goals I want to make for myself but I wanted to start with realistic goals at first and not overwhelm myself right off the bat. Any advice/tips you want to give me, I'd sure appreciate it.

    Thank you!
  • kaufma22
    kaufma22 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!
  • Heatherdawn5410
    I need to get down 25lb and my son is 6months. POWER TO THE MAMA'S! =)
  • YaelCeglio
    YaelCeglio Posts: 12 Member
    I hear you! I didn't lose my 2nd baby weight for more than a year after he was born. I love your October goals...they were actually what I was going to suggest you do :) My diary is open to friends if you'd ever like to take a peek...I try to eat as clean as I can. I realized today that I binged on processed snacks because I was thirsty, but I logged it. No cheat meals for me. Everything you put in your mouth is a choice :) Feel free to send me a friend request...I used to be a Weight Watchers leader and now I'm a Beachbody coach, so I'm thrilled to help people reach their health and fitness goals. It's the most important things we can do for ourselves, especially when we have families that depend on us.
  • murphey21
    murphey21 Posts: 126 Member
    I am always looking for new friends to give encouragement too and also people to keep me motivated. The people on MFP are amazing! Good luck! Adding you now!
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    22 months postpartum. Quit smoking when i found out i was pregnant and obviously quit drinking too! Still a non smoker, I drink maybe twice a year now. I gained 70lbs with my pregnancy, i didn't breast feed but i tried to, lost 30lbs right away, then another 20lb over a few months, then another 10lb over a few months. I've been trying to get the last 10lbs off what seems like forever! I lift heavy now using Strong Lifts 5*5 and i log all my food. I do all of this with diabetes and hypothyroid too. I play badminton once a week starting tonight! So excited! My 10lbs of baby fat is sticking to my hips, *kitten* and thighs the most probably. lol. Im really just focusing on controlling my diabetes better now and to reduce body fat % and ignor the scale. We can be friends if u like! Just ad me. Thanks
  • Knsclptr30
    So frustrating to see this. It's all about gaining muscle mass and losing fat but necessarily losing a particular amount of weight.
  • bettybunz
    I am starting 18 months after baby #3. I have to lose at least 60 lbs. I know how it is. I go to the gym 5 days a week and do mostly cardio with a day of weights. I have to squeeze it in during my lunch break. Its tough but we can do it!!
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    Been trying lose my baby weight for the last 20 years :bigsmile:
  • hpheath
    hpheath Posts: 41 Member
    Don't beat yourself over just starting now. I didn't loose the weight from my first till she was 18 months old. I am not waiting as long this time around. My baby is 4 months old and I am 20 pounds down. I have 7 more till get to pre-pregnancy weight and 20 more till my goal weight. We can do it! Feel free to add me as a friend. I am happy to offer advice and/or support (I like wine too but I also really like microbrews)

    PS I also agree with you on the breast feeding thing. It doesn't really help me loose weight either.
  • bettybunz
    :laugh: i hear ya