


  • Fergie2154
    -Drink more than 5-6 glasses of water per day if you are exercising regularly.
    -Don't consume the "Extra" calories MFP says you have earned... you might be eat above what you need to have a 3500 calorie deficit each week to lose the weight. Stick to below the 1400 you are already eating.. don't skip meals. ...and continue your exercising.

    Ensure you are eating healthy Proteins/Carbs/Fats/Whole Grains with your meals.

    I know how you feel, sometimes I don't lose 1 pound after eating clean and exercise in a week... Nonetheless, as sad as it can be, I am continuing with this lifestyle. It took me so many years to become overweight and unhealthy. It's going to take more than a few weeks to see a change. I am feeling a lot better than I did so I know this healthy lifestyle is working. Sometimes i have to tell myself to stay away from the scale to avoid getting discouraged. My clothes getting looser lets me know I am on the right track.
  • Dispathio
    Dispathio Posts: 22 Member
    I had this problem. I was retaining all of the water that I was drinking. I have high blood pressure so I lowered the recommended sodium intake. I seem to be losing now.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Another thing I would recommend doing is checking out some of my favorite veteran MFP's.

    Those are two of my favorites! Shboss has AWESOME reads as far as calorie counting and TamTastic is incredibly inspirational! :o)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey there hunny!

    I completely understand. I am speaking from experience here. I started this journey with another girl thinking how amazing it would be to loose weight together. It wasn't. Instead, she lost weight and I didn't. I counted calories and exercised as much my body could handle (walking, yoga and cardio) but saw no change. Literally I wondered if my scale was broken.

    One thing that changed things around for me was cutting out any after dinner eating. No late night snacking. Its obviously different for each person but that did a lot for me. It wasn't the complete answer, but once I started that it started making the needle move...and in the right direction. After that I started examining more careful the choice of calories that I was putting in my mouth. Even if it was just a small amount of the wrong choice, I eliminated it.

    So there you have it. I remember how completely FRUSTRATING this was for me. I also have PCOS and several autoimmune issues so that made everything so much worse!


    Is this the reason you don't like that friend anymore? How awful of you.

    Loosing weight is very frustrating, especially when there isn't much movement on a scale. But everyone's body is different. Sometimes you need to measure inches. Sometimes you need to work a little harder, and sometimes you need to ease up. In any case, I wish you the best of luck.

    Weight loss has nothing to do with my friendships. I'm very proud of her and at no point was jealous of her success, though I was frustrated with my body. My only point was that for every person weight loss is different depending on their situation. Even though we started out at the same starting line, we both lost weight in two very different ways and in two very different time frames.