College students losing did you do it??



  • deannon
    Not gonna lie - I lost weight in my freshman year of college by becoming so stressed that I just stopped eating entirely. I dropped to my lowest weight since puberty, but that was NOT a good lifestyle, and I gained about half of it back that summer when I moved back home and had a more structured meal schedule again.

    It's really all about food - if you have a way to cook food (and time to do it), then prepared healthy meals are your best friend. Know what your healthy options are on campus - I try to be pretty familiar with the nutrition of all the different food places on my (admittedly quite small) campus, so that when I'm starving and have 20 minutes to cram down some food before 4 more hours of classes, I can still make an informed decision.

    I exercise as much as possible, but 1) our rec center is NOT open 24/7 (god, you lucky people), and I frequently have activities/class until 9 pm, when it closes; 2) my roommate doesn't like me working out in the room, and I don't like working out in front of her, so I try to avoid that if at all possible; and 3) the phrase "you always have time to exercise" makes me laugh. I work two jobs on campus, am on the executive board for 3 orgs (including being vice-president for my sorority), on top of an overloaded credit schedule - it is not uncommon for me to not leave the academic buildings for 12-13 hours in a day, and then go home and do homework. I've managed to schedule in 3 hours of gym time a week that I treat like any other commitment (as in, "no, I can't do anything at 4 on Monday, I already have something scheduled then.")
    Okay, that just turned into a rant about how busy I am. But seriously - I really may NOT have time to exercise as much as would be ideal, but do what I can. I got into the habit of having my first thought when I found myself with a free hour be "I can do some quick 10-minute exercise circuits!" I got my sorority to make weekly gym days, which I'm in charge of. It's all the little things that add up!
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