What was your turning point?



  • A lot of things lead up to it, but the last straw was that I didn't want the weight on the scale to start with a 2.
  • bruma1345
    bruma1345 Posts: 21 Member
    When I was unable to fit in a roller coaster and my young son wasn't able to ride it alone because he was to short to do so.. so we had to leave after waiting in line forever and him crying.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    When I looked at pics of me from a few years ago, I look so much thinner than I am now. I'm at the heaviest weight I've ever been non pregnant. I've had 3 babies in the last 3 years so I've really packed on the pounds. Before I got pregnant with my 2nd son I was 50 lbs lighter than I am now. I'm sick of all this extra weight. I just want to get back to where I used to be!
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    It was a mix of:
    Seeing pictures of me and noticing I had transformed into this swollen blob of my former self.
    Trying to buy shorts but for me to get anything to fit around my *kitten* I would have had to go to the plus size section, and not even for the smallest sizes there.
    The final straw was going on the scale and seeing that I was 15 kg heavier than my biggest estimate. I was 95 kg, only 5 kg more left to reach the terrible 100 kg. It was then that I decided to do what I had always told myself I could do if I put my mind to it. I was going to lose the excess weight.

    Today, a year after I started I'm down to 75 kg. I'm so happy to have reached this milestone and that I'm so close to my goal weight. I didn't do anything extreme either, just walked a bit more and ate a bit healthier and a bit less. That doesn't mean that I've not had plenty of days where I've fallen off the wagon by drinking too much, eating too much and often both of them combined. But I get back on the horse and here I am, proud of myself :)

    I started at 95 kg too, now down to 74/75. Feels great, doesn't it?
  • Still sort of waiting I look fit but gotta give the beers and the smokes up on the days off.its hard if I can't see it
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    When I got out of the shower one day and said OMG what a flabby mess I am! Haha! I just didn't like what I saw anymore and decided to finally take action. 6 weeks into it and I'm already happier with myself at this point but plan on getting in much better shape over the next 6 months. And my clothes were all getting too tight around the stomach and waist, it just wasn't cool haha!
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    I had to by a size 16 in jeans because nothing fit
    I avoid pics because of how big I am
    I would be tired by 11am
    Kids wanting me to play with them but I was too tired
    Couldn't see my toes
    No self confidence
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member
    I started a new job. I had been there for about 9 months when I realized that after walking up the small 10 steps or so to get to my office, I was huffing and puffing like I had ran a marathon. I couldn’t breathe and needed a minute to catch my breath. It was when my co-worker almost had 911 on the phone because he thought I was dying, when I just couldn’t breathe because I couldn’t walk up steps.

    That was 53 lbs ago. Since then, other things have fallen into place. The cute little compliments my 9 year old gives me. Even his school friends are noticing that his Mommy “got skinny” (a direct quote from one of his classmates upon seeing me when I picked him up from school). I can now play with him and not want to just sit and stare at T.V.

    Another moment was when I realized, I didn’t want diabetes and wanted to live long enough to see my son grow.
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    Being diagnosed with diverticulosis and severe pain in my abdomen. At first I ignored it, but after reoccurring hours of severe stomach pain every other month did it for me. This pain lasts about 3 days each time and it is terrible! I finally decided to change my diet for better health mostly, but of course I need to lose some weight too.
  • I had a second stroke - and I am only 48. My doctor asked me to seriously consider if I wanted to see my 8 year old grow up. I have always used the excuse that I am too stressed and tired from work, so I did not have time to work out (a LIE to myself) and that, because I suffered from anorexic behaviors when I was younger - got below 100 lbs at 5'7" - that it was too dangerous for me to diet (another falsehood). ( really had no excuses - my partner is a trainer and we have a full gym at our house. Thinking about not being there to see my little girl grow up - was my real wake up call.
  • fedupfatty86
    fedupfatty86 Posts: 92 Member
    I just recently got back on the bandwagon on Oct. 11 and my turning point came when all my clothes (size 16) started feeling tighter. Plus my 28th birthday is coming up in January and I don't want to spend the rest of my 20's unhappy with how I look. Also, my partner and I want to have another baby and I don't want to start off a pregnancy 64 lbs overweight...definitely not healthy
  • blessybuva
    blessybuva Posts: 44 Member
    looking ridiculous in every piece of clothing I tried on in a shop. got sick of not being able to wear what I wanted. high heels were way out of my reach since my knees couldn't handle them AND the weight, but now I can walk miles in them. and buy all the beautiful dresses I try!
  • Ralthor125
    Ralthor125 Posts: 139 Member
    Main turning point was being told I had a head infection and that it would require removal of parts of my skull. At 205 and only 5'4", they were concerned about my out of shape body and the amount of time I would be under. Surgery pushed off till September and was told to lose about 25 pounds in that time if possible. This was around January 2012. Started looking up "general anesthesia" and realized that I really needed to push...I pushed hard, dropped close to 70 before the surgery and then decided I wanted to be built like never before. I've not gotten there yet and even if some tells me I have, I will just keep going anyways...this is a lifestyle now.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    When I finally got on a scale and it read 137 -
    one pound more than when I was pregnant!!!
  • I hated my bingo Wings!! I said to myself, "THAT HAS TO GO" I didn't want to wear any sleeveless tops, just in case they wobble!!

    I don't like the "muffin top"

    I wasn't happy with my body

    So, that was my turning point!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    When I was unable to fit in a roller coaster and my young son wasn't able to ride it alone because he was to short to do so.. so we had to leave after waiting in line forever and him crying.
    My turning point was a fair ride too. I was waiting in line with my husband to get on a Ferris Wheel at our local fair here in July of last year ('12) and the carnie said we had to wait until more people "our size" got in line so it would balance out. Humiliating! We walked away and went on the bumper cars instead. (And they were a tight squeeze too, believe me. :sick: I made my mind up right there. No more going on Ferris Wheels if they are that flimsy. :laugh: And not one more summer spent missing out on fun stuff because of my weight.
  • kgbsn80
    kgbsn80 Posts: 21
    When I kept losing the weight and then gained it back ! And then I seen my highest 246/250 I told myself I will never go back to that number again. Phentermine helped for a little and then my body became use to it and I also knew this was something I could not be on for the rest of my life. and so a year later I managed to maintain the weight by just doing it the natural old fashion way by working out and watching my calories and I also had to come to the realization that I have to be patient with my body in order to see a lot of changes ,and know that this is a lifestyle for me.my goal is to get below 200lbs I am now 212 or 215. but if I don't get there by the New Year, Guess What ? I am ok with that. because I know That my body is not just losing fat and water but it's also gaining muscle. It took me a while to learn my body but I'm learning. Something will give eventually!
  • YumemiruJin
    YumemiruJin Posts: 133 Member
    I went to the doctor and the scale read 198. No way in hell was I going to weigh 200 lbs, and at the rate I was going I was headed straight for it.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I had a few of them. Having to ask friends if we could stop walking as I couldn't catch my breath after climbing a hill. Almost falling into the water trying to pull myself up from a boat to the dock. My doctor not even saying hello to me at a physical but slamming my chart down and yelling "are you even exercising?"

    But I'd lose 10 lbs, stall and give up over and over. I was always hungry, it was kind of scary really.

    I was watching TV and an Atkins commercial came on. My husband said he had lost weight on it years ago I should try it. I reluctantly did, not believing it would work since I had failed on South Beach. It worked, I've lost 40 lbs and have been maintaining within a pound since May. I very recently decided to try and lose a few more pounds before the holidays.
  • My newish suit pants didn't really fit anymore. That was shock number one because I brought them less than a year ago when my super old previous suit didn't fit (it was so old that it was brought before I had fully finished growing).

    A couple months later I brought a scale because I was curious if I was 5 or 10 kg overweight.

    I was 20 kg. At my height that is the difference between being normal weight and being obese. Yes the thin but sedentary guy who never watched his eating (because I didn't have to) had become obese.

    That is a pound too far, so I figured I should do something and ended up here.