Shorties needing support!



  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    Shorty here too, 5'2. I weighed in at 219, a pound below my "scary" weight. Obviously, any extra weight isn't good but for some reason, the number 220 really scares me, even more than 200 did.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Try being short, at your goal weight, and older. Even at maintenance, that is not a lot of calories. I am creative with my food though and satisfied with my 1350 calories. Only on some days does this not seem fair.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I know how you feel I'm only 5'1. 202 at my heaviest, I never thought I would lose the weight but 17 months later I weigh 128.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Hi fellow shorties!! Remember, really spectacular things come in small packages!! :wink:

    I am 56, almost 5'1"
    SW: 212
    CW: 154
    Goal 130, as I think that is a number I can maintain?

    Good luck everyone and feel free to add me if you would like!! I am here just about every day!!!
  • Galloping4God
    Galloping4God Posts: 46 Member
    I totally understand being short! 5'1" right here! :)

    SW: 160

    Feel free to add me!
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member

    i'm 4' 11" goal 130 - 125 current 150 or so
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Another shortie.. I am 5'0. I started at 143 a little over a year ago and have been maintaining between 114-117 for the past couple months.
  • 5'1" and currently 137 lbs. Started at 165 and trying to get to 125. Add me if you like. I'm always looking for motivation and to help motivate others.
  • Not to be rude, but what's with the pic of you eating a pancake? You've got to see yourself differently if you want to succeed.

    Omg, seriously? She's in England and I believe that's a little scone. And most people post before photos. What kind of comment is that?

    Thanks for backing me up! :) Technically it is a Welsh cake and yes it is a before pic. But even if I weighed 110lbs (a girl can dream!) I'd be allowed to eat and photographed doing so! I thought the whole point of this site was to track what you eat and make sure it is less than you burn (if you're trying to lose weight, of course!). I think if you're starving yourself or never eating nice food you're going to quit very quickly!

    PS a welsh cake is only about 180 calories anyway!
  • In four weeks you have lost 33 lbs?? That is awesome but scary at the same time. I say scary as I was understanding the more weight one takes off in a short amount of time, the faster it goes back on.

    Hey Susanne, no I've lost 33lbs since joining MFP - only 7lbs since the start of September. Sometimes I wish it would come off that quickly but I know that's not healthy nor sustainable!
  • MelissaN719
    MelissaN719 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 4'11 and this is my first post ever. I'm just getting serious about weightloss and I'm a bit clueless :P

    SW: 140
    CW: 135
    GW: 115
  • Forever99lbs
    Forever99lbs Posts: 57 Member
    I'm a shortie with no motivation :indifferent:
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I'm 22 from southern California.
    Vegetarian college student. Open diary.
    5'2" with a SW of 200 and UGW of 140.

    Hellooooooo everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    we are in the same boat, I am 5'1 and have been here going on 3 years... at one point I had dropped 70lbs then put it back on.... I have lost half of that again.... for a few months I have been stuck where I am... I need to get my mind back where it needs to be before I put anything back on. I was doing so well going to the gym almost every day before work then when the kids started back to school I just cant find the time in my schedule. We will get there 1 lb at a time!
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 5ft 2. Toppled in at 224lbs, currently 208. Still really heavy and a very long way to go, but that's what this website is all about, right? Goal weight is 134lbs. Feel free to add :)
  • Yep, I'm short too at 5'1! I'm working hard on losing weight so I can join the National Guard in December. I'm actually sticking to this this time! I had a fairly significant weight gain since last winter. I gained 25lb which caused me to be too big for just about every single thing in my closet. Yesterday I reached a milestone where I can fit back into my size small t-shirts, and I went from XL to L in shorts! I can't fit back into my jeans (from when I was 140) just yet, but I'm really excited to be able.

    SW: 167
    CW: 153
    GW: 132

    My goal is to be 132 by Dec 15th.
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    Shortie here. 5'2, SW: 154, CW: 130, GW: 125ish. Feel free to add me for support!
  • theslimapple
    theslimapple Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there! 5'1.5. Been on MFP for almost 3 months now and lost 10 lbs. I have 20-25 to go. I am losing mainly with strength training and some cardio. Just came out of a 3 week long plateau but lost inches and the weight is going down again. Good luck!
  • CitronAtomique
    CitronAtomique Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Im 4.9

    My SW was 213 my CW is 204 and i would like to lose 70 pounds!! But its a really long term project you know!!

    Feel free to add me I like to have new friends!! :D
  • jenhipon
    jenhipon Posts: 2 Member
    I'm only 5' so I feel your pain! I want to lose 15-20 pounds!
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm a shortie too at 5'1..

    SW 202 (never going back!!!!!!!!!!)
    CW 172.8 (lol gotta get that point in!)
    GW 130 to 135

    I've been on MFP for 165 days and lose around a pound a week. I'm set at 1290 calories and do jillian michaels dvds. So far I've lost 29 pounds (and counting!!)

    I would love more short pals!! Anyone can add me!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    5 ft here....started at 164 now I am down to 127 and let me tell ya, that 127 is sticking and does not want to come off! I would LOVE to weigh 115 but not sure that is happening..anyone else in the same boat? Started doing heavy (well heavy for me) weights three times per week with cardio in between to help boost things...hasn't happened yet! Would love to have some other shorty friends...we got it tough ladies!!!! :)
  • Im 5'3 and wanting to get down to 108-112 lbs (48kgs - 51lg) dont think that will be achievable because im diabetic and have to constantly eat -_-
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm a "short woman," not a "shortie" (women are always using such silly labels for themselves). I've never been overweight, but around 30 I stopped being able to eat anything I wanted in any amount, and the older I get the worse it gets. Such is life.

    At 27, you're still young,and have decades to enjoy the benefits of weight loss and fitness. So get to it. It may take a few years if you take a gradual approach, but what's a few years when you may live another 60 years?

    Be single-minded. Be obsessed. You have to COMPLETELY internalize this information and these behaviors. You have to believe at your core that being trim and healthy are the most important things. You also can't expect to be perfect. You're going to slip up. Everyone does.

    I would research or talk to a professional about what kind of cardio exercise you should do other than brisk walking for the moment. You don't want to injure your joints by taking on activity that your body's not ready for.

    Good luck.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my hw was 265. Current weight is 207
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    I'm 5'3, started off close to 200 (around 190 somewhere) and currently at 143.

    Walking is a great place to start, but just remember that- it's a Starting point. Helped me lose my first 20lbs. Running is excellent, alternating jogging and strength based workouts (ie. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, kettlebells) helped me lose the next 30ish lbs. It's hard to start if you've never run before- I basically did my own modified version of couch to 5k and started with short bits of running at a very slow speed... people walking would pass me. But I found it's really that jogging motion that makes the difference in the beginning- doesn't matter how fast you walk, it's not the same effort as a jog at 3mph when you're just totally not a runner (as I was in the beginning). And it's amazing how quickly you can build off that :)
    Lately I've been super lazy and unmotivated so trying to get that under control and lose the last 20ish lbs (aiming for around 125).

    Sending a friend request- I'm not the best right now but I do generally try to be very supportive!
  • Hey! Im 5'1 and started at 253.3 eight months ago. I am down 78 lbs and would love to give support if needed!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm 5'0 and started out at 191 and am right around 140. I've gone up and down in the 130s and it's so frustrating. I work out about 5-6 days a week between the gym and JM DVDs. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • lejla2002
    lejla2002 Posts: 118 Member
    hello shorty, i'm 5'3" myself and it's hard work, but stay motivated and reward yourself, cardio is the way to go, get that heart pumping also do alot of streaching so you dont' hurt your muslces.

    give it time and don't rush, i learned that if I rushed i was setting myselft to fail, i wanted fast results but this takes time and for every few pounds I lose i reward myself with maybe a new lipstick shade, a shirt or new pair of shoes :) good luck and you need more moral support add me as a friend!!
  • lgumert
    lgumert Posts: 20
    I'm 5' 1" (really, about 5' and 3/4 inch). I started out at 150 and have lost 10 pounds so far. It is harder, being short, because you can only cut calories by so much. I've been doing a LOT of cardio because otherwise it would take over a week to lose just one pound! I'm frustrated now because I can't seem to firm up my abdomen (I've got the post-pregnancy droopy thing going on). I can't join a gym ($$) but I've been working with free weights and crunches. If anyone has good abdominal exercises to recommend, please let me know! I feel like my sag is even more noticeable since I've lost a few pounds! I'm aiming for 130 because that's the weight I was when I was most fit. I'm NOT delicate boned and I have always had very muscular legs, so when I go lower than that I start looking out of proportion. I'd love some friends, so please friend me if you'd like! Good luck!
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