
It has been a week today that I started...again so I felt the need to weigh myself. Really wish I had not done that. I have lost nothing!! Not one ounce!! I knew that I wouldn't have lost 10lbs but I was hoping for at least a pound. I am very discouraged!! I refuse to give up. This means I just have to go at it harder!!! Right?? UGH!!!:sad:


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    What are you doing differently? If you just started exercising, it's common for your muscles to retain some water, which would make the scale say you didn't lose any weight. Stick with it, the scale will cooperate soon!!!
  • michellemae24
    michellemae24 Posts: 20 Member
    Are you feeling better? Focus on that. The scale doesn't show ALL of the positive signs of weight loss, only the numbers. Keep going and next week will be better.
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I have been there myself... it actually took me THREE weeks before I LOST weight. I was very frustrated/disappointed but decided to push forward, and the weight started coming off. In the very beginning I found I was not eating enough calories. You need to stick with it, and keep tweaking what you are doing until you find something that works. I had bought the Turbo Fire DVD program and that's when I really started seeing my results. Best of luck to you, and stay strong and don't give up!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Don't worry - I did not lose for the first two weeks then lost 4.5 the third week. I think our bodies are not use to exerecise and water - and hold water and gain in muscle (losing fat but muscle weighs more). Keep on it and you will lose!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Stick with it!! Don't give up. The scale can be a discouraging little *kitten* and your best friend the next day ( i named mine. LOL weird I know!) Keep going and you will see the results.
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    You can do it! Don't give up.
    I didn't lose anything in the first two months of working out. The scale is the devil! LOL. I did lose inches in the first two months though. I highly suggest measuring yourself. I did thighs, arms, neck, wrists, tummy, and chest. The inches were my motivation. Also, I just feel better. I look forward to a workout and am thankful that I can fit it in and that I am healthy enough to even do cardio. This process is miserably slow but it always pays off in the future. Money can't buy your health only hard work can.

    Good luck to you.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    It's great that you aren't giving up.. it took me literally 6 weeks before I saw the scale move with any real measure. In fact, I gained before I lost.. it can be very frustrating but ulitmately, if you stick with it, you will see sucess. Good luck ..
  • aalekova
    One reminder, you will be doing this for a while so pace yourself and dont get frustrated AT ALL. I have been at it for six months, and have had good days, bad days, very bad days, and super good days. :) When you get frustrated, eat an apple.
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    Thanks guys!!! I just started walking this weekend. I know it will take some time but it just sucks!! I'm not going to give up!! I can't afford to. My health literally depends on this and so does my son! I really appreciate all the support! I definetly need it because this is typically the point where I do give up. I usually last a week. (That is real embarrassing to admit) :blushing: I refuse to let this get me down!!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Sometimes our bodies take awhile to realize that we've made changes & that we're eating right. I stayed the same weight for 2 weeks (my first 2 weeks) and was SOO discouraged. I kept at it and 3 days later my body finally caught up & i dropped 6lbs. Give your body a little bit of time to recognize that things are changing & adapt to the changes. You'll see results. Do NOT get discouraged & do NOT give up!!! keep going, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  • OllieBarnett
    Dont forget if you're excerising and gaining muscle while losing fat that muscle is denser than fat and so a small amount of denser muscle may have replaced a larger amount of less dense fat. It will take a while to get over this and it then that you begin to see changes on the scales. It is possible to go from being overweight to being more toned without appearing to lose that much weight on the scales even though you have lost a substantial amount of fat. Have you thought checking the percentage of body fat you have and comparing this on a weekly basis to begin with?
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    I am also a week in and, despite daily exercise (a completely new concept for me) and a drastic change in my calories consumed, showed a gain of two pounds when I stepped on the scale this morning.

    However, despite that, I feel really good! I feel healthier and more energetic, and I'm not about to give up! I'm hoping to see an improvement when I weigh in next week. So stick with it, you can do it too! :smile:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Our society puts so much emphasis on "instant " results, it gets discouraging when things don't happen "now". Fitness is a life-style change, and big results take time. Keep after it! Do not give up! It is sometimes a long journey to where we want to be, set your goals and stay focused on them. Numbers on a scale are only temporary, they will change with consistant effort. You can do it!
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Um ... I would buy a food scale to make sure that you're only eating one serving of meat for a meal. I weigh my meats to ensure that I only eat 3ozs of meat per serving. In addition, I had a friend that ate a big bag of potato chips, and put in her food diary 150 calories when she ate something like 2,000 calories. She went out to eat almost every day during lunch, and couldn't understand her two double meat cheeseburgers with fries were over a thousand calories, and pretty much zapped all of her calories for the day. After I watched her eat a plus sized potato with a half a bucket of butter on it, I simply asked her, "Are you serious about losing weight?" She would lie to her journal, and then complain that she wasn't losing any weight.

    Anyway, I am sure you're not skipping diet entries or just quit entering your foods when the number is about to turn red. Until you have a complete understanding of what a portion size looks like, I would enter every calorie, and read every label to see the portion size. You have to retrain your thinking about food to make this work. So, if you're reading labels and eating the right portion sizes and doing all the right things, but not losing anything, I would take a visit to my doctor. Something else could be happening with your body.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Oh yeah. A week isn't enough time to correct the damage that took a lifetime.
  • tatiana_13
    I get being discouraged. I think that the advice to just keep at it is a good advice...its a marathon, not a sprint. It has, after all, only been a week. So yes, keep at it. But, I think the advice isn't complete.

    If you don't see results in a couple of weeks, you might also want to assess what you're doing. Not in an "oh my gosh, what am I doing wrong!!!" way, but in a reasonable, self-reflective way. Keep a diary of what you're doing, what kind of diet you're trying (diet as in way of eating, not as in fad diet). And if you are really only eating as much as you say think you're eating. When I first started loosing weight, I went on a low fat vegetarian diet (vegetarian, minus the cheese and fatty carbohydrates) and started doing moderate amounts of cardio. Well, after 2.5 months, after 5 days a week in the gym and very clean eating, i had lost a whopping 2 pounds, and although I felt better overall, I did not feel terribly energetic when I exercised. So yes, it was important that I stayed motivated and stick to my goals, but I also needed to evaluate whether this way of eating was working for me. Yes, it works for other people, but did it work for me? My answer was no. Yes my body is unique, but it isn't THAT different. I'm not an alien...I'm still human! And as I was starting out being very obese and out of shape, it was far too early for a plateau! So I experimented. I added more fat and animal protein...still watching calories, mind you...calories ALWAYS count. And I started seeing results. Not magic results, but reasonable ones.

    So, I'm not saying to do what I did in terms of what I ate. There are thin vegetarians, rice eaters, and hunters all over the world. But rather what I'm saying is that although you should stick to your motivations, you should also be reflective and learn from your experience. No sense in sticking to what *isn't* working. Use this as a time to learn about your body. What does it like? What does it respond to? What makes it tired? What gives it energy? As this is a marathon and not a sprint, experiment a little, but always with a healthy dose of good sense.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I have a bit more time to respond now, so I'll tell you some of the things I've learned in the last 6 weeks of my weight loss adventure...
    --You just started walking, so your muscles are probably retaining a bit of water and repairing themselves. If you were like me and not active in the least before starting, your body will hold on to water like nobody's business. Try drinking a glass of water before and two glasses after you exercise.
    --Scales are inherently evil. I never exercise (or lightly exercise) the day before my official weigh in, because the more I do in preparation for my face off with the scale, the worse the number is because I overdid it and am holding in water.
    --The day before your official weigh in, drink an extra 4-6 glasses of water to flush out fluid retention.
    --Throw the scale out the window for that one special week per month that being a girl really sucks. I gain 4-5 pounds in the days approaching and don't shed them until that time is over.
    --Anytime you eat in a restaurant/fast food/anywhere near your sodium allowance, drink an extra glass or two of water. Sodium is the most evil thing when it relates to scales, worse than girl-times and exercising.
    --Take measurements of yourself. When you start wondering if your scale is broken, take them again and notice any changes. I went through three weeks of losing and gaining the same two pounds but lost 9 inches!
    --Vary up your exercise routine every few weeks. Walking is great for now, but invest in a DVD or something else because after awhile, your body will adjust to the exercise and you'll need to change it up a bit for a few weeks.
    --Food scale! Important!!! What I thought was 4 oz of meat were actually closer to 8. What I thought was a cup of cereal was over 2 cups! It's insane the way you can misjudge and throw everything off.

    Best of luck to you, don't throw in the towel, we're all here for you!!
  • teracallaway
    i totally feel you. i just restarted on here cuz i gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks. soooo frusrating but we can do it. just up the exercise. i know easier said then done. you can do it though.
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Keep working at it! It will show soon. =) I noticed that if I eat a lot of salt the night before, my body retains a lot of water. We will do this together!
  • bandchick
    It takes a while for you body's metabolism to get back I'm gear