I need Friends and Competition!!


I have been using MFP for a while now and it seems a lot of the friends I had on here in the beginning have stopped using the site :(

I need new friends! I love the community aspect of MFP as it really encourages me and spurs me on as I have been known to get a little competetive in weight loss :blushing: (not a bad thing if it mean the pounds come off lol).

Feel free to add me :wink:

P.S You should note that I am particularly awesome and by just being my friend this also makes you doubly awesome. Everyones a winner!!

P.P.S I am definitely not implying that you werent awesome to begin with!


  • Sending you a friend request.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you :) you have an amazing figure!! x
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    Well alrighty then, doubly awesome I shall be !
    'sending you a friend request'
  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    I love competition! I am not looking to lose any more weight but am looking to gain strength and lift heavy. I would like to deadlift over 200#, I am currently lifting 135#.
  • Definitely adding you, cause I'm in the same boat!
  • rhia575
    rhia575 Posts: 212 Member
    added! and i'm very competitive too which always helps (:
  • Drdisney
    Drdisney Posts: 90 Member
    I am new to this, need all the help I can get... will take any awesomeness I can get
  • BlueAngelChar
    BlueAngelChar Posts: 1,364 Member

    I have changed my lifestyle so not dieting because I don't want it to be a fad I want it to last! I've lost 72llbs and its changed my life. I workout every day and love it! Turned into a complete fitness nut going from doing nothing to 7 days a week double spin, metafit, Insanity and a personal trainer twice a week! I am also very competitive and I'll whoop your *kitten* so bring it! :bigsmile:

    I also eat chicken kebabs and Big Macs and fry ups laugh and enjoy every bite of them ( its even got my *kitten* deleted because my open diary wasn't clean) get a life folks!! its food, we need it to survive and cutting things out makes me obsess about it more so I enjoy in moderation and if I have a particularly bad day i'll work it off at the gym :0) bigsmile

    I'm an active friend and daily logger who kinda talks a lot incase you gathered above so feel free to add me and that goes for any other active daily loggers who actually eat food!!

    Happy hump day!! drinker
  • betinafrantz
    betinafrantz Posts: 31 Member
    adding you! I also need new friendss
  • I am trying to get more active on here. Add me too!!
  • Count me in! I'm not particularly competitive, but I need a little awesome around..........
  • AllNewKim
    AllNewKim Posts: 4 Member
    Me too!!! I am relatively new to my fitness pal and think if friends might help keep me motivated.
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    In, Got 15lbs to lose.
  • Feel free to add me. I love friendly competition.
  • Buzz0213
    Buzz0213 Posts: 6 Member
    Same here! I'd love some fun competition!
  • rzrbckgrl82
    rzrbckgrl82 Posts: 2 Member
    We sound so similar, so together we'd be quadruply awesome!! :D

    I was down 139 when I got married in February, but gained 46 pounds back, so back to it! My husband bought me an elliptical and a fitbit and well...I love competition :)

    PLUS, if you accept me, you get to be my first friend, ha!
  • ejdutton
    ejdutton Posts: 329 Member
    Would also love some competition! Most of my friends on here have pretty much reached their targets so would love to be able to have some real competition!
    Please feel free to add me to your friends list :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jmartis21
    jmartis21 Posts: 39 Member
    Adding you :)
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    Sent a request! Looking for some more friends myself
  • Ottawa_Randy
    Ottawa_Randy Posts: 42 Member
    I find I lose best in a Challenge type situation and definitely better in a group.
    I use http://www.dietbetter.com helps keep the pressure on as well. You join a group (quite a few are MFP's) and lay your money down that you will lose 4% in your 30 day window. If you are serious, it is relatively easy and you can go in with others from here. I joined "Sarah's Fall Back Into Shape" yesterday for $25 and it has a few MFP's in it. You get your money back and an even share of the pot if you lose your 4%. A friend is on her 4th "Bet" and has won 3 and lost one but she is doing incredible.

    Also sent the Friend request.