Man v Food

GrayJohn Posts: 74
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Makes me want to go and eat a whole lotta food!!! Anyone else fancy a 5lb Burrito? Or a 12 lnch Pizza perhaps?

Anyone else watch this crazy show or is it too much like torture?!


  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    I used to watch, but now it's like watching a guy commit very slow suicide. Just can't stomach it.
  • gelbell
    gelbell Posts: 24 Member
    I have the same problem! Everytime i watch that show i find myself eating whatever is in my fridge which insn't usually good. However i love watching the show but i try not to watch it at night.
  • My son loves to watch that show. It kinda grosses me out actually. Haha.
  • freightdiva
    freightdiva Posts: 55 Member
    I watch it sometimes almost makes me never want to eat again! (almost) Adam is getting bigger and when my son eews and ahhs over the food I remind him of this fact!
  • pinksgirlfriend
    pinksgirlfriend Posts: 32 Member
    my boyfriend said to tell you to watch " meat and potatoes" on food network... thats one crazy guy too!
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I watch it, somedays it grosses me out, but I still watch it :blushing:
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I watch that show religiously. Completely hilarious. Most of the oversized food is so gross looking it never makes me want to eat it. I do love ultra spicy foods though, and love when hits up sushi places and other low cal or low carb type foods. Find the good in the bad :wink:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Its a great show, that guy must have an insane metabolism or works out a lot to keep it off.
  • BreeZeeMomma
    BreeZeeMomma Posts: 9 Member
    it's one of my fave shows, i just love watching the host emjoy all the awesome food...but i agree with a PP who said it is like watching him slowly commit suicide. i always wonder how many calories are in what he's eating...
  • I don't think Adam cares about calories, he is getting bigger. All the food he eats was a normal sitting for me!! Scary thought.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I've not seen that show, mostly because I don't think I"d enjoy watching another person stuffing his face with the most obscene portions of food I've ever seen. The commercials alone make me ill.
  • omg i have watched it with amazement. I just keep saying to my husband - that can't be healthy. I mean that one particular meal is going to cause him to die on the spot. I wait for him to have a stroke on camera.

    But now that i'm eating so much less and have less tolerance for crap food, i get sick when i watch. I want to know his cholesterol count!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I LOVE that show when I can remember it is on. I haven't seen recent episodes I guess as I've seen him stay about the same weight.

    Scary though how many cals he packs in. I mean just for him to stay around that original weight he'd have to work out hours a day.

    Still love to watch though.
  • I have only ever seen one episode, and all he ate was 6 buffalo chicken wings. But they were "suicide" wings and incredibly spicy. I didn't know that he ate ridiculous portions so I thought it was just a show where he would eat things like "super spicy" or "strange" like... idk. Eyeballs or something :bigsmile:

    It must be awesome to get paid to eat food, but at the cost of his health that seems kinda bad :/
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    IMO "Man vs Food" = food porn :heart:

    I've seen the opinion that the show is just gross, but it makes me jealous and makes my mouth water
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I love that show! I seriously want to know how he’s not 500 pounds though, especially with all of the shows where he eats x amount of lbs of food. I think they need to do a “behind the scenes” with him that shows what his normal non-show day is with exercise and food.
  • For some crazy reason I like watching Man vs. Food, I must be a masikist (did I spell that right:). I have heard that Adam Richman works out loads, to keep from gaining to much weight, I think it is too keep from dying! Anyway has anybody noticed that he looks about 40 lbs heavier than last season? :drinker:
  • That show totally grosses me out!!:sick:

    But I can't look away!:laugh:

    It doesn't make me want to eat. It makes me feel full, lol! Its like an appetite suppresent for me. I once watched a marathon all day when it was rainy out. By bed time, I realized I hadn't even eaten anything all day.:tongue:
  • LOL I used to eat stuff like that on a regular basis during football. I would destroy a large pizza like no one's business. I still crush a burrito from Q'doba or Chipotle. The hardest thing I have struggled with is learning that I am not a football player anymore and eating an entire large pepperoni and sausage pizza is not normal LOL!!!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I love that show! It always makes me hungry though. I gotta have a snack while watching.

    And seriously! I expect that guy to pick up a terrible tropic disease or parasite onna these days if his arteries don't kill him first.

    He does do a lot of walking on the show. Maybe it's the walking that keeps him vertical instead of on a stretcher.

    He also eats eyeballs. I saw it on one episode in Texas where they buried a cow's head with hot coals in the backyard to slow cook it overnight. He pulled that sucker right out and said, "My favorite!" *chomp*
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