Frustrated :/

Hi all!! I'm no stranger to MFP, been on here for a year or so...I went from 173 to 145.5 for my wedding last November. In the past year I've taken on a per diem job on top of my 40 hours a week full time job, bought a house two months ago and obviously have had a relapse on weight... I've slowly gained about 10 pounds back. I've been pretty good about keeping my diet in check and have logged and kept my calorie goal. Haven't been as committed about workouts up until almost three weeks ago I've been consistent with both. However, the scale has moved up another 5. I don't understand why what worked before for me, isn't working now. I guess I should give it more time...I'm just very frustrated. I see a friend who lost about the same amount of weight as I did originally and she managed to keep it all off, but she's done it by barely eating and not working out at all. Sorry, for the rant, just frustrated that I seem to be doing everything right and the weight keeps coming back. :( A little support and some suggestions are all I need today...please don't pick on me, I already feel low enough.


  • Pixilox
    Pixilox Posts: 51 Member
    You'll lose it, just keep logging and moving :).
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    I know how frustrating it can be. I use to be that yo yo dieter. Id lose 20 gain 30, and it happened several times until I hit a point and said enough is enough. That was about two years ago. I found the best way to do it was the support from people around me and in the groups online I joined. I actually have a ladies only support group on FB if you'd like to join. Send me a message and ill send you the link.
  • Just keep doing what you know worked for you last time - your body will catch up. :) You'll get there!
  • Have you considered maybe finding a dietitian that specializes in weight loss/ weight management? Registered Dietitians study and pass a big RD exam and know how food effects the body up to a molecular level. It may be worth the time and money if what you are doing doesn't seem to be working. Make sure they are registered and have scientific evidence to back up their advice. :) Good luck! :)
  • RavenNevermore15
    RavenNevermore15 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks all!! Your words are all very kind! I'm sticking with it and determined to get back to my pre-wedding weight, the right way!! No starvation or yo-yo diets like some of my friends. I'd rather earn my results ;)
  • Thanks all!! Your words are all very kind! I'm sticking with it and determined to get back to my pre-wedding weight, the right way!! No starvation or yo-yo diets like some of my friends. I'd rather earn my results ;)

    Good! That's the way to do it - earn it! :)
  • lippy12477
    lippy12477 Posts: 23 Member
    I would love a link to your ladie's support group. I've been struggling with the same 4 lbs for a month now...up down up down...sigh! Did so good for the first two months..kinda stuck right now.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I would love a link to your ladie's support group. I've been struggling with the same 4 lbs for a month now...up down up down...sigh! Did so good for the first two months..kinda stuck right now.
    I hate to be the fly in the ointment here, but in most cases, when people have Facebook support groups it's because they're up to shenanigans like selling Shakeology which isn't allowed on here.

    As for your weight gain, this link might help explain it. 5lbs of it was probably just replacement of glycogen stores. Perfectly natural.
  • Hi all!! I'm no stranger to MFP, been on here for a year or so...I went from 173 to 145.5 for my wedding last November. In the past year I've taken on a per diem job on top of my 40 hours a week full time job, bought a house two months ago and obviously have had a relapse on weight... I've slowly gained about 10 pounds back. I've been pretty good about keeping my diet in check and have logged and kept my calorie goal. Haven't been as committed about workouts up until almost three weeks ago I've been consistent with both. However, the scale has moved up another 5. I don't understand why what worked before for me, isn't working now. I guess I should give it more time...I'm just very frustrated. I see a friend who lost about the same amount of weight as I did originally and she managed to keep it all off, but she's done it by barely eating and not working out at all. Sorry, for the rant, just frustrated that I seem to be doing everything right and the weight keeps coming back. :( A little support and some suggestions are all I need today...please don't pick on me, I already feel low enough.

    If you increased your workouts you're likely retaining water. Keep at it, hydrate, rest when necessary and be patient. It will all happen in due time.