Oh god scared.

New to this, so scared, I mean I need to loose as much as possible by march 14th. I hope I can do it but it just need help, and a good workout easy to do, aims to loose 2lb a week, which is like 8lb every 4 weeks, which will help me lose 40 lb in 5 months, this seems to hard, so il try minimum 800 cals a day, or 1.5 lb, which is idk how much calorie a day I need to burn (pls tell), and my diets good I think, I eat tuna mayo tomato lettuce and cucumber sammich for lunch and an orange caprison, for diner I eat a small salad with tuna mixed, and that's it, from then on, just water, dunno if good, but this is how I start it, any advvice would be great.

For workout, I do like walking for 3km and an average pace, dunno how much burnt, do that for 3 days, then like for 4 days - 5 I do between 400-700 calorie burn, so I don't exactly know how much lb's I'm actually loosing or burning a week, (someone pls tell would be great). And yeah, I'm like 5'7, around 230-210lb, not exactly sure how much, my scales broke.... Because my little bro threw down staires, don't have to believe it but it's true. So my dream goal would be 150lb, and my short term goal is 190-170 lb

What I need is a good amd firm workout which is easy and quick to do to burn at least 1.5lbs a week

Pppppppppllllssssss help , thanks so much, and I know it's a cruddy intro from my behalf, but I didn't know what to say


  • EliteCon
    I've just started the diet and wheight loss thing plan
  • karolinacorrea
    karolinacorrea Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, I saw you post

    I would suggest to take it easy. From my own personal experience I'll suggest not to plan you weight loss so strctly. When you start you will see you will loose a lot, but then it slows down. Be aware of that and don't let that discourage you.
    You don't need to tell people here what you eat. here Enter that info in the food diary, that's what is for. You will learn how good/bad your food is and about portion size. And I'll recommend not eating the same thing all the time, that will make you have unbearable cravings and cheat.

    Best of luck!
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hi and welcome

    Your profile is closed so I do not not where you live, so time zones may be a problem

    You will get a zillion responses about too low calories and "starvation mode" Ignore most of them

    But 800 really may be too low, but it does depend on your height & build

    If you are average bloke the losing 40lbs in 5 months is do able, just depends what your weight is at the start

    Fatter folk lose more quickly than thinner ones, plenty to spare IYSWIM

    I lost mine over 7 months
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    OMG.... I just burned a ton of calories just trying to read this post....
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    800 calories is too low. Do that, and you'll be cheating within a few days. Try 1200, exercise, and understand that losing weight slowly gives you a much better chance of sticking with your plan and achieving your long term goals.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Relax, take a deep breath... Don't worry about the end that you want consider what changes you are going to make this week... Make the one or two major changes and go from there... If you stress about the fifty things you think are necessary to drop weight you will fail before you start...
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Losing 30 lbs by then would be a better goal and you'd probably be a nicer looking but 10 lbs heavier person than if you managed the 40

    Reasonable deficit
    Weight lifting (not machines)

    That's it! Cardio once a week is fine but save your strength for the weights.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    dude...you're a dude...you need way more than 800 calories. I lost 40 Lbs in about 6 months with a reasonable calorie deficit of 1 Lb per week. With MFP, that gave me about 1,850 calories plus my exercise calories. I generally grossed around 2100 - 2200 calories per day after exercise and consistently lost 1 Lb per week on average. I'm 39 y.o. and 5'10"...

    MFP will give you a calorie goal for weight loss...it is without exercise...exercise is an extra activity. You don't need to kill yourself with exercise to lose weight. Use your diet for weight control and exercise for fitness. I recommend a solid weight lifting program (not machines) that does full body 3x-4x weekly and a reasonable cardio plan on non-lifting days for general fitness...you don't have to kill yourself with cardio.
  • JoSeeHep
    I have dieted on and off for years. I hit target with the Cambridge diet in December Witch I know is not everyone's thing. Since then I have gained 10 lbs while on hols so I am here to lose it.
    What I would say is if you are looking at editing for months then keep the calories up above 1000 from the sound of it you need to loose more than a stone so probably more than 1200. As your body needs nutrients and minerals including a little healthy fat, preferably unsaturated. Also you will get cravings and slip into bad habits and cutting corners. Be honest with yourself count everything that goes in your mouth follow a sensible varied edit and you will loose weight. But it won't be even and it will not always reflect the week you had, on the Cambridge diet I had weeks where I was eating only shakes and soups which came to 400 cals a day and still stayed the same. Go easy on yourself if you have had a good week then your still a winner. So there is no need to be scared.
  • karenh3585
    karenh3585 Posts: 27 Member
    OMG.... I just burned a ton of calories just trying to read this post....

    Too funny!
  • EliteCon
    Oh sorry, 800 is the amount of calories I burn, not eat, and you make it sound so easy, I'm I'm like 5foot 7 and like I'm hench, like well built but a bit overweight, if u know what I mean, oh and I'm from England, so yeah, my plan is to lose as much as possible, and I've tried this workout today and I feel dead right now but u make sound so easy I just wish I could get it over and done with
  • EliteCon
    You've seem to lost a lot, just seeing that big number lost makes it seem as if u lost it so easily, I've just tried a fitness blender workout, first time, and I gave up after 40mins and I feel dead. But I wish it was easy as the numbers say it to seem
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Oh sorry, 800 is the amount of calories I burn, not eat, and you make it sound so easy, I'm I'm like 5foot 7 and like I'm hench, like well built but a bit overweight, if u know what I mean, oh and I'm from England, so yeah, my plan is to lose as much as possible, and I've tried this workout today and I feel dead right now but u make sound so easy I just wish I could get it over and done with

    It sounds like you're looking to just lose weight as opposed to making lasting and sustainable lifestyle changes.

    If you want to do this in a healthy way and have results that last, then revaluate your situation. Calculate your TDEE and go from there to figure out what your calorie goal should be. Make a plan to work out x-amount of times a week and start meal-planning. It seems like you're going into this in a very unorganized, desperate, and haphazard way. Take a step back, breathe, and plan.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Don't eat that much tuna. Mercury is not good for you. Have some chicken or other protein sources.
  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Much information missing. starting weight for instance. It is hard to give advice without a starting point. I will say that losing 30 pounds is very possible, but I always had at least a 1600 calorie daily limit.
  • EliteCon
    Oh sorry, what I ment to say was, I burn around - or an trying to burn, utleast 800calories through workout, but what I eat is quite minimal-ish, but besides that, did u truly lose 40lb in 6 months by losing 1lb a week, because that actually sounds too good to be true, say it is true,,,(be honest lol), and if so, how intence were your work outs, also also, lifting weights- is it important cus I'm just trying to loose rather thn gin muscle but is it important?
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    at a 800 calorie deficit from your daily intake you should average about 1-1.5 lbs per week. however you need to be eating 3 meals a day, and cut out the caprisuns. They are empty calories and pure sugar. Drink water, or milk instead. Be sure to use low fat or non fat mayo for your spreads/tuna salads.

    Eating a healthy breakfast will help decrease any tendency to eat more later in the day, as well as kick start your metabolism for the day and help you to burn more. Start slow with exercise. If your used to no exercise start with 30 minutes at least 3 days a week. If you are already doing some exercise try to increase it by 30 minutes, with the ultimate goal of 150 minutes per week.

    the longer your bouts of exercise the more fat you will burn. when you do shorter exercise the first thing to burn is the glucose in your blood stream, then some stores, then we get to the fat. So 60-90 minutes at a time are ideal. But again start slow otherwise you run the risk of injury.
  • EliteCon
    Oh god I didn't know, thanks, il change that straight away
  • Caerful
    Caerful Posts: 12
    Ok, so you do sound frazzled. I'm a wholistic practitioner, so believe you need to take care of your whole self. I would recommend some meditation and some exercise that you really enjoy to nourish yourself in other ways. For me I do Zumba Gold as it combines dance and exercise. According to mfp I burn about 670 calories for 60 mins but there's calculators that will show you what you will burn according to your weight etc.

    Lots of self love, less worry and more kindness to your body. Eat to feel well.

    That's my advice.

    Best of luck on your journey.

  • EliteCon
    Starting point, 220' then first goal 200lb then 190lb, 170lb, Then 165lb, so it likes 55lb to rid off, but utleast 40lb in 6 months? Would be nice