
fayemal Posts: 20 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
So for the past week or so I've been slacking and completely ignoring the fact that I've been eating extremely poorly and not logging anything properly. I think it was because I was a little disappointed when I weighed myself and I'd not lost as much as I'd hoped to :(

Don't want to ignore this because then all my hard work will go to waste, but severely lacking in motivation - help?


  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Don't give up! Sometimes your body needs a week or two to readjust before it can get with the program. Just stock your fridge with healthy options and stick to it! You can do it!
  • dont be too hard on yourself. make that a motivation to work a little harder. dont give up bc one weigh in didnt go as planned. i have tons of those and i just use that as an ill show you scale. from what it sounds like you lost weight it just wasnt what you wanted to lose,so be proud of what you have accomplished. this is not a fast journey,maybe you were retaining water? dont give up. jump back on and try again. good luck and remember you are worth it!
  • When I need motivation I like to remember that I want to go hiking with my kids before they are all grown up and I don't have them anymore. Just hang in there, you can do it. If you need anything just send me a message, I'll do what I can!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I know the feeling and I've been there before. Keep pushing, you'll make a breakthrough! Sometimes the scales and/or the measurements can't truly capture the rewards of making healthier choices. I know I haven't really gotten into the heart of my goals just yet, but I'm already feeling better each and every day that I ovecome a challenge - even if it's just turning down a food that I like (but know isn't good for me). Have you ever explored Her recipe swaps are great!!

    Your fellow MyFitnessPals are here for you!
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Smarten up and stop slacking off! If you expect to lose weight you have to eat better and exercise more. Do you expect the weight to come off with no effort? Sorry, there is no miracle cure! You know what you have to do. Now get busy doing it!
  • fayemal
    fayemal Posts: 20 Member
    now that has definitely given me some motivation!
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