does colon cleansing really help jumpstart the weight loss?

has anyone tried colon cleansing? i am surious but don't want to put my body thorugh it if you don't feel any different. thanks for the help.


  • mfarwell10
    I have, I took a natural supplement and it did actually help. Just make sure you do it during a time period when you don't have to be running all over the place, being at home most of the time is a pretty good idea...
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    .. I started taking Pysillium Husk Powder (mixed it up with Crystal Lite) half way through my weight loss journey. I also took it with bentonite clay (i didn't like the clay that much) I still use the psyllium husk powder.. Basically it just ups my fiber (which most of us could use) I love it.. It keeps me regular. Its natural. I dropped 4 pounds from my colon in a couple of days when I first started.. And the weight stayed off..
  • Brat3073
    Brat3073 Posts: 160
    ive never tried it....well not yet....a bit fearful of it in a way. I was told that all it would do is make your poo oily. If you find out differently let me know.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I'm not sure it has any weight loss benefits, but I 'm sure it is good for you to "unclog the drain" occassionally.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You'll lose a lot of water weight and flush out a lot of healthy bacteria.

    Unless you need to do it for a medical procedure, there's no need and you could do more harm than good.

    Eat less and exercise and you'll lose weight.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    .. I started taking Pysillium Husk Powder (mixed it up with Crystal Lite) half way through my weight loss journey. I also took it with bentonite clay (i didn't like the clay that much) I still use the psyllium husk powder.. Basically it just ups my fiber (which most of us could use) I love it.. It keeps me regular. Its natural. I dropped 4 pounds from my colon in a couple of days when I first started.. And the weight stayed off..

    where can u buy the psysilium husk powder?
  • funnygirl0940
    A true colon cleanse is done with a colonic cleanse machine. It is not an enema which does not flush deep enough. I know a woman that went to a fasting retreat center to have a complete colon cleanse. Taking a laxative is NOT the same. Nor is a one day juice type fast. Research it through google. Losing weight and maintaining is a lifetime commitment. Some have said they lost 5 pounds from having a colon cleanse. I started a distilled water fast & scheduled a colonic cleanse. The woman, I spoke of earlier, scared me from completing my fast after a few days. When I showed up for my colonic cleanse, the clinic was closed! I gained the weight back quickly after I lost it from fasting. A cleanse, is healthy, but it's not going to jump start your weight loss. It's going to dump the toxins that are being held up in your body. Actually, I think eating lots of fresh fruits, veggies and staying hydrated w/water, in time, will keep your colon clean.

    Laxatives will ruin the lining of your stomach and introduce chemicals that God never intended to be introduced to your body. Let nature do it's course by eating what's good for you ;)

    here's a site about it...
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    .. I started taking Pysillium Husk Powder (mixed it up with Crystal Lite) half way through my weight loss journey. I also took it with bentonite clay (i didn't like the clay that much) I still use the psyllium husk powder.. Basically it just ups my fiber (which most of us could use) I love it.. It keeps me regular. Its natural. I dropped 4 pounds from my colon in a couple of days when I first started.. And the weight stayed off..

    where can u buy the psysilium husk powder?

    Wal-Mart sells Konsyl.. I think it's Orignal Konsyl. You can also buy it online from Yerba Prima.. I think i got it on or something.. :) love and light. xo
  • MystcDrmr
    MystcDrmr Posts: 36 Member
    i think so yes i have done few times and i find it helps so def yes from me:smile:
  • teracallaway
    wow thanks everyone.. what a response