Can't Stick To What I Started

I started trying to live healthier in March of this year but from about July I've lost and gained the same weight. I joined a gym and the inches came off slightly but then I eat something bad and I bloat out again. I feel unmotivated and lost. I want to live a healthier life and feel good when I look in the mirror but right now I hate myself for not sticking to things and that in turn makes me sink further. I tried exercising on the weekend and I nearly cried, I just watched my stomach move and felt appalled.

I haven't logged properly in weeks (what's in my diary is either blank or only part of what I ate) and I feel like I'm going to go back to my starting weight 191lbs. I'm now 175.5lbs now and am 5ft 3".

I need some advice, encouragement and motivation (I love reading success stories on here!)

I'm aware I eat junk but I don't know what to start. (I lost my weight using WeightWatchers and didn't really gain much knowledge other then portion control).

I'm the only person who can change me but I feel some of my "friends" on here aren't there to help spur me on any more.


  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    I also feel like I don't know what my calorie intake should be. I see a lot about BMR TDEE but I tried some sites and we'll honestly got very confused!
  • I understand how you're feeling as I've lost and now re-gained some of the weight. I too was on Weight Watchers, but quit when I had trouble with my thyroid. Now that my thyroid levels are evening out, I have extra pounds. I decided that although I took a couple of steps backward, losing weight is a journey. Like any journey, there is construction, detours and I decided to take a few steps in the right direction. I am just starting to record my food intake and am also trying to work out more. When I have mastered those steps, I can eat more fruits and veggies and so on. Good luck and remember all is not lost! You lost weight before and you can do it again!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Your TDEE is the total calories you need to MAINTAIN your current weight. Obviously, you want to lose so you need to eat less than that. A good place to start is -20%. Do that for 3 weeks and log honestly. Do you have a food scale? If not, get one. It's easy to over or underestimate things.
  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks. I do have a food scale. I guess I need to make some small steps and then continue from there instead of trying to plunge in head first.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    You are not alone. It happens to all of us. You are taking control! I am simplifying and taking it one meal at a time, by trying to make sure there is protein in every meal and upping my vegies. I think it works, as each meal is an achievement!
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Yes, small steps!! I would start by logging everything you eat for the next week...don't change your diet or worry about calorie goals, just log the good the bad and the ugly. In a weeks time, look at your diary, find out where you can make adjustments, then set up a calorie goal, I liked the TDEE method and find Scoobysworkshop has great information and calorie goals.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    good luck I really have no advice. it just takes wlll power and a strong desire. whatever you do, don't give up. and just breathe :) be gentle with yourself.
  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    I will defiantly try the logging without goals and then start to make adjustments, I think that would really help me see where I am "going wrong".

    I defiantly need to push myself to continue as I know I don't want to go back to where I was before.

    I've come this far so I can do it.
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    The best advice I can give when you're just starting out and overwhelmed, is to increase the healthy foods you're eating. Add a big salad somewhere into your day (lots of baby spinach, tomato, cucumber, capsicum ... maybe some lemon juice as a dressing). Your body will start getting good nutrients, and you'll be a bit fuller, so you'll want less unhealthy food.
  • judithaline
    judithaline Posts: 10 Member
    I can really identify with you. I start something then after consistently doing that for at least ... a day! I get bored or have a glass of wine and the diet goes out the window. As soon as I tell myself I'm on a diet or trying to watch what I eat - I'm hungry and go out and have a huge lunch. It seems like nothing lasts longer than a couple of days. I have the best of intentions, but I just love my food and far too much of it. I track my food for a week or so then forget or lose motivation, tried Weight Watchers, Lite'n Easy, diet foods, tracking. It's all up to me though I know. Guess I just don't want it enough to make the effort? My son is getting married in March, and I turn 60 in December, both events should be enough motivation, but I just can't seem to keep up the effort for more than a couple of days. I'm not liking myself very much at the moment. All help gratefully received.
  • I completely understand where you're coming from. I got pretty sick in June and ended up losing some weight, then became okay, gained some, got sick, lost it again. And I've been around that weight since August. I have a ton of reasons to get healthy but seriously sometimes I feel like I just don't care when I really do. So what I do is literally take it hour by hour. I get overwhelmed very easy. Start with incorporating better options for certain things. Swap sugary drinks for water. Drink lots and lots of water. One problem I have is I eat when I'm bored and I don't let myself realize I'm full before going back for more. So after every meal I drink a glass of water and chew a piece of gum. It's crazy how it kicks my cravings and binge feelings to the curb. Try different exercises. Even if it's just walking. Walking is awesome and a wonderful way for exercising. Maybe try dancing or swimming or something you enjoy. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Take it easy. :)
  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    These words of encouragement and stories of how I'm not alone in feeling like this really are fantastic. Everyone that's commented has given me a new reason to keep going :smile:

    I am even smiling on my way to work (amazing!) and thinking about how I will go the gym this evening - I know that plan may change as my work schedule can be an easy day or extremely hard but no matter what my day I think I am going to do something. Maybe eat a salad and take a walk, all this because people have been kind and made me think "yesterday's feelings don't have I be the ones I feel today"

    Thank you all so much!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    There are two main things that keep people from being (mentally) successful at weight loss: Trying to do too much too soon and having unrealistic expectations about what is possible in a short period of time.

    If you're not used to limiting calories, it's a lot to ask of yourself to completely change your diet overnight. Start with small changes. Try two new healthy habits a week. If you've never really exercised, trying to become a gym rat on the first week of your fitness/weightloss plan might be too much.

    Likewise, .5-2lbs loss a week is normal. It's normal to not lose for a week and then lose the next. If it was easy to drop 20lbs in a month, most of us probably wouldn't be here. It's really easy to get discouraged when you wish you were losing more than a standard healthy rate.

    You can absolutely do this. It's all in your grasp and in your control. But this isn't a quick fix and trying to do everything at once will burn you out and discourage you. Make sure you remind yourself why you're doing this and what your ultimate long term goal is. You've got this! One day, one week and one month at a time! Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes (don't dwell on them).

    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou: