Need breakfast smoothie ideas with protein powders!

Hi all, I'm looking for some breakfast smoothie ideas, I have the Garden Of Life Raw Protein Powder. I have a great blender but last time I made a smoothie it was crappy. I use nut milk, as a base. I gotta remember to put bannanas... And stevia or honey. Any other ideas? :) Would really love to give it a shot


  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    Other than bananas - blueberries, mango, strawberries, kiwi fruit, papaya all taste fantastic in a blender with protein powder. Mix and match them anyway you like, but don't be put off by the resultant colour - eg. banana + blueberry = battleship grey
  • stitchvalkyrie
    Got it. But how much normally of each?

    what about... 1 scoup protein powder. 1 tablespoon stevia, 1 frozen bannana, 1 cup strawberries, and two cups almond milk. Would that be a good ratio to not make it so thick?
  • projectlife224
    I make one using Chocolate-Peanut butter protein by Body Fortress. 1-2 scoops of powder with 1 cup almond milk and 1 tablespoon of Low Sodium natural Jif peanut butter, with 4 or 5 large frozen strawberries. It's terrific and suprisingly low-cal, and filling too!
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    Why do you need to add stevia? Isn't fresh fruit sweet enough for you?

    With two cups of milk and one scoop of protein powder I'd usually add one banana and maybe half a cup of other fruits, so it's not too thick. If the milk is cold there's no real need to freeze the banana.
  • Parmcat
    Parmcat Posts: 268 Member
    I use 2 scoops of protien power, either 1/2 bottle of redimade protien shake and milk, or all milk,. Then I either use banada, and add in some cappichino powder to flavour or cinnamon

    I also made a chocolate one with nutella in it.
  • stitchvalkyrie
    Hmm just last time I made a smoothie it was thick and well... Chocolatly favour powdered taste... Lol. I added a few scoups of cacao powder and cinnamon I guess. So 2 cups almond milk, 1 scoup protein powder, 1 bannana, and half a cup strawberries. (can you add another half cup blueberries and raspberries, or would you need more milk)
  • projectlife224
    The one I make (and suggested) is not thick and is very tasty.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I make one every morning....

    140g fruit (frozen but not mango), 8 g of flax seed, 2 scoops of protien powder, 1c protien shake, 1c almond milk....sometimes add in almonds too when I can get them. I used to add yogurt but got the shakes instead for the extra protien...

    Saw one the other day as well that I want to try...

    1c cold coffee, 1c ice, protien powder...sounds yummy to me.


    1/2 frozen banana, chocolate almond milk, cocoa nibs and then add whatever....I sometimes put choclate icecream in it...
  • mlcastle
    if it's too thick, add some water.
  • stitchvalkyrie
    Thanks everyone :D Made my first smoothie with protein today. Had 2 cups almond milk, with some ice as I just bought it all warm, Half cup strawberries and blueberries, and one banana with a scoup of protein powder :D Tastes not too bad, its sweet, but would love it a hint more sweeter cause im such a sweet tooth hahaha